This is the list of people that have helped making SwiftMoment with pull requests, bug submissions, etc:
- 박현재
- akihiro0228
- Aaron Brager
- Adriano Goncalves
- Anders Klenke
- Andrew Barba
- Andrew Branch
- Burak Akkaş
- Chris Sloey
- Daniel Cestari
- David Harris
- Eric Fang
- Fabio Felici
- Florent Pillet
- Hadar Landao
- Jake Johnson
- karupanenura
- Ken Goldfarb
- Laurin Brandner
- Madhava Jay
- Masaya Yashiro
- Mihyaeru
- Narayan Sainaney
- Nate Armstrong
- Neil
- PG Herveou
- Pine Mizune
- Robert La Ferla
- Ryan Maxwell
- Ryo Yamada
- Tatiana Magdalena
- Tomáš Slíž
A big shoutout to Dave Verwer who kindly featured SwiftMoment in iOS Dev Weekly issue 186, to Natasha Murashev who also featured SwiftMoment in her newsletter, and to Swift Sandbox who featured SwiftMoment in issue 36! Please make sure to subscribe to all of these newsletters!
Also thanks to Matteo Crippa and dkhamsing for featuring SwiftMoment in the awesome swift list!