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Manual §6 Vim Mode

Koichi Murase edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 20 revisions

[ 日本語 | English ] ≫ Manual [§1 Intro | §2 Color | §3 Bind | §4 Edit | §5 Emacs | §6 Vim | §7 Comp | §8 Misc]

6. Vim editing mode

In Vim editing mode, the base keymap is insert mode vi_imap, and other modes such as normal mode vi_nmap, operator-pending mode vi_omap, visual mode vi_xmap, select mode vi_smap and command-line mode vi_cmap can be entered through various key operations. Most of the operations available in vi_imap are described in §4 Edit.

6.1 Common commands

6.1.1 Count

In vi_nmap, vi_omap and vi_xmap, an integer argument called count can be specified for the succeeding command.

Key combination Widget
0 vi-command/append-arg
1 vi-command/append-arg
2 vi-command/append-arg
3 vi-command/append-arg
4 vi-command/append-arg
5 vi-command/append-arg
6 vi-command/append-arg
7 vi-command/append-arg
8 vi-command/append-arg
9 vi-command/append-arg

When no count has been specified, 0 behaves as a motion to the beginning of the line. The key from 1 to 9 specifies a new count. When count is specified, the key from 0 to 9 adds a new digit to the existing count. The interpretation of count depends on the succeeding command.

6.1.2 Register

In vi_nmap and vi_xmap, a register for the succeeding command can be set.

Key combination Widget Description
" {char} vi-command/register Set register

6.1.3 Operator

In vi_nmap, vi_omap and vi_xmap, various operators are available. When the operator is called in vi_nmap, it enters vi_omap after recording the operator. When the operator is called in vi_xmap, the operator is applied to the selected region. When the operator is called in vi_omap, the operator is applied to the current line if the operator matches with the recorded one.

Key combination Widget Description
y vi-command/operator y Copy
x, delete (vi_xmap)
vi-command/operator d Cut
s (vi_xmap)
vi-command/operator c Cut and enter insert mode
< vi-command/operator indent-left Increase indentation
> vi-command/operator indent-right Decrease indentation
! vi-command/operator filter Filter by specified command
g ~
~ (vi_omap/vi_xmap)
vi-command/operator toggle_case Toggle cases
g u
u (vi_omap/vi_xmap)
vi-command/operator u Convert to lowercase
g U
U (vi_omap/vi_xmap)
vi-command/operator U Convert to uppercase
g ?
? (vi_omap)
vi-command/operator rot13 Encrypt by rot13
g q
q (vi_omap)
vi-command/operator fold Fold lines to fit into some width
g w vi-command/operator fold-preserve-point Fold lines to fit into some width and go to the original position in the text
g @ vi-command/operator map See bleopt keymap_vi_operatorfunc

6.1.4 Motion

Motion is a type of command that moves the cursor position which may be combined with operators. Motion can be used in vi_nmap, vi_omap and vi_xmap. When a motion is called in vi_nmap and vi_xmap, the cursor is moved to the corresponding position. When a motion is called in vi_omap, the recorded operator is applied to the region between the current position and the target position, and then it turns back to vi_nmap.

Motion to the beginning or end of the line

Key combination Widget type
home vi-command/beginning-of-line exclusive
$, end vi-command/forward-eol inclusive
^ vi-command/first-non-space exclusive
_ vi-command/first-non-space-forward linewise
+, C-m, RET vi-command/forward-first-non-space linewise
- vi-command/backward-first-non-space linewise
g 0, g home vi-command/beginning-of-graphical-line exclusive
g ^ vi-command/graphical-first-non-space exclusive
g $, g end vi-command/graphical-forward-eol inclusive
g m vi-command/middle-of-graphical-line exclusive
g _ vi-command/last-non-space inclusive

Characterwise motion

Key combination Widget type
h, left vi-command/backward-char exclusive
l, right vi-command/forward-char exclusive
C-?, DEL, C-h, BS vi-command/backward-char wrap exclusive
SP vi-command/forward-char wrap exclusive

Linewise motion

Key combination Widget type
j, down, C-n, C-j vi-command/forward-line linewise
k, up, C-p vi-command/backward-line linewise
g j, g down vi-command/graphical-forward-line exclusive
g k, g up vi-command/graphical-backward-line exclusive

Wordwise motion

Key combination Widget type
w vi-command/forward-vword exclusive
W vi-command/forward-uword exclusive
b vi-command/backward-vword exclusive
B vi-command/backward-uword exclusive
e vi-command/forward-vword-end inclusive
E vi-command/forward-uword-end inclusive
g e vi-command/backward-vword-end inclusive
g E vi-command/backward-uword-end inclusive
C-right vi-command/forward-vword exclusive
S-right vi-command/forward-vword exclusive
C-left vi-command/backward-vword exclusive
S-left vi-command/backward-vword exclusive

Other motion

Key combination Widget Type Description
g o vi-command/nth-byte exclusive Move before the character that includes N[1]th byte
| vi-command/nth-column exclusive Move to the N[1]th column
H vi-command/nth-line linewise/jump Go to the non-space beginning of the N[1]th line counting from the top
L vi-command/nth-last-line linewise/jump Go to the non-space beginning of the N[1]th line counting from the bottom
g g vi-command/history-beginning linewise Load the N[1]th history entry (nmap) / Operate until the non-space beginning of the N[1]th line (omap)
G vi-command/history-end linewise Load the Nth[last] history entry (nmap) / Operate until the non-space beginning of the Nth[last] line (omap)
C-home vi-command/first-nol linewise Go to the non-space beginning of the N[1]th line
C-end vi-command/last-eol inclusive Go to the end of the Nth[last] line

Motion to corresponding brackets

Key combination Widget Type
% vi-command/search-matchpair-or vi-command/percentage-line inclusive or linewise

When count is not specified, it moves to the corresponding bracket. When count is specified, it moves to the line at the position in the document specified by count as percentile.

Character search

Key combination Widget Type
f vi-command/search-forward-char inclusive
F vi-command/search-backward-char exclusive
t vi-command/search-forward-char-prev inclusive
T vi-command/search-backward-char-prev exclusive
; vi-command/search-char-repeat exclusive
, vi-command/search-char-reverse-repeat exclusive

String search

Key combination Widget Type
/ vi-command/search-forward exclusive
? vi-command/search-backward exclusive
n vi-command/search-repeat exclusive
N vi-command/search-reverse-repeat exclusive
* vi-command/search-word-forward exclusive
# vi-command/search-word-backward exclusive

Motion to marks

Key combination Widget Type
` {char} vi-command/goto-mark exclusive
' {char} vi-command/goto-mark line exclusive

6.1.5 Text objects (txtobj)

The text objects are available in vi_omap and vi_xmap. When text objects are used in vi_omap, the recorded operator is applied to the specified target. When text objects are used in vi_xmap, the selection is extended to include the specified target.

Key combination Widget
i {char} vi-command/text-object
a {char} vi-command/text-object
{char} Description
w Word (characters of the same kind)
W Word (non-space characters)
" Range enclosed by double quotations
' Range enclosed by single quotations
` Range enclosed by back quotations
(, ), b Range enclosed by parentheses (..)
{, }, B Range enclosed by braces {..}
<, > Range enclosed by angle brackets <..>
[, ] Range enclosed by brackets [..]
t Range enclosed by HTML tags
s Sentence (separated by periods)
p Paragraph (separated by double new lines)

6.1.6 Miscellaneous commands

The following commands are available in vi_nmap, vi_omap and vi_xmap.

Key combination Widget Description
: vi-command/commandline Enter command-line mode

The following commands are available in any of vi_nmap, vi_omap, vi_xmap and vi_smap.

Key combination Widget Description
C-z (shell command) fg Run fg command
paste_begin vi-command/bracketed-paste (Internal use)

6.2 Commands specific to each mode

6.2.1 Insert mode (vi_imap)

Insert mode can be categorized into three minor modes, (usual) insert mode, replace mode and virtual replace mode. The key bindings of insert mode is the same as the one described in §4 Edit except for the following ones.

Switch mode

Key combination Widget Description
insert vi_imap/overwrite-mode Switch to replace mode
ESC, C-[ vi_imap/normal-mode Switch to normal mode
C-c vi_imap/normal-mode-without-insert-leave Switch to normal mode (without special operation)
C-o vi_imap/single-command-mode Enter to insert-normal mode


Key combination Widget Description
C-w vi_imap/delete-backward-word Remove a word
SP magic-space Perform expansions and insert a space
/ magic-slash Perform named directory expansions (sabbrev expansions starting with ~) and insert a slash

Shell operations

Key combination Widget Description
C-j, C-RET accept-line Run command
C-m, RET accept-single-line-or-newline Run command or insert a new line
C-g, C-\, C-^ bell Ring bell and cancel the current operation
C-l clear-screen Clear screen and redraw the line
f1 command-help Show help of the current command
C-x C-v display-shell-version Show the shell version
C-x C-e edit-and-execute-command Edit command in the editor and run

Internal use

Key combination Widget
__attach__ vi_imap/__attach__
__default__ vi_imap/__default__
__before_widget__ vi_imap/__before_widget__

6.2.2 Normal mode (vi_nmap)

Normal mode can be categorized into two modes, (usual) normal mode and insert-normal mode. In insert-normal mode, the mode switches to insert mode after one command is applied.


Key combination Widget Description
ESC, C-[ vi-command/bell Ring bell and cancel
C-c vi-command/cancel Cancel

Switch mode

Key combination Widget Description
C-\ C-n nop vi_nmap (Do nothing)
a vi_nmap/append-mode vi_imap Enter insert mode after the current character
A vi_nmap/append-mode-at-end-of-line vi_imap Enter insert mode at the end of the line
i, insert vi_nmap/insert-mode vi_imap Enter insert mode before the current character
I vi_nmap/insert-mode-at-first-non-space vi_imap Enter insert mode at the non-space beginning of the line
g I vi_nmap/insert-mode-at-beginning-of-line vi_imap Enter insert mode at the beginning of the line
o vi_nmap/insert-mode-at-forward-line vi_imap Enter insert mode at a new line after the current line
O vi_nmap/insert-mode-at-backward-line vi_imap Enter insert mode at a new line before the current line
R vi_nmap/replace-mode vi_imap Enter replace mode
g R vi_nmap/virtual-replace-mode vi_imap Enter virtual replace mode
g i vi_nmap/insert-mode-at-previous-point vi_imap Enter insert mode at the previous position
v vi_nmap/charwise-visual-mode vi_xmap Enter characterwise visual mode
V vi_nmap/linewise-visual-mode vi_xmap Enter linewise visual mode
C-v, C-q vi_nmap/blockwise-visual-mode vi_xmap Enter blockwise visual mode
g v vi-command/previous-visual-area vi_xmap Enter previous visual mode with the previous range
g h vi_nmap/charwise-select-mode vi_smap Enter characterwise select mode
g H vi_nmap/linewise-select-mode vi_smap Enter linewise select mode
g C-h vi_nmap/blockwise-select-mode vi_smap Enter blockwise select mode

Linewise operation

Key combination Widget Description
Y vi_nmap/copy-current-line Copy current line
S vi_nmap/kill-current-line-and-insert Cut current line and enter insert mode
D vi_nmap/kill-forward-line Cut the range between current position and the end of line
C vi_nmap/kill-forward-line-and-insert Cut the range between current position and the end of line and enter insert mode
J vi_nmap/connect-line-with-space Join lines by spaces
g J vi_nmap/connect-line Join lines


Key combination Widget Description
C-d vi-command/forward-line-scroll Move N lines [a half page] forward and scroll
C-e vi-command/forward-scroll Scroll forward by N lines [a half page]
C-u vi-command/backward-line-scroll Move N lines [a half page] backward and scroll
C-y vi-command/backward-scroll Scroll backward by N lines [a half page]
C-f, next vi-command/pagedown Move N[1] pages forward and scroll
C-b, prior vi-command/pageup Move N[1] pages backward and scroll

Characterwise operation

Key combination Widget Description
~ vi_nmap/forward-char-toggle-case Move N[1] characters forward toggling the cases
x, delete vi_nmap/kill-forward-char Delete the current character
s vi_nmap/kill-forward-char-and-insert Delete the current character and enter insert mode
X vi_nmap/kill-backward-char Delete the previous character
r vi_nmap/replace-char Replace the current character
g r vi_nmap/virtual-replace-char Replace the current character considering visual width

Operation to numbers

Key combination Widget Description
C-a vi_nmap/increment Increase the number by N[1]
C-x vi_nmap/decrement Decrease the number by N[1]

Paste/Record/Replay registers

Key combination Widget Description
p vi_nmap/paste-after Paste after the current character
P vi_nmap/paste-before Paste before the current character
q {char} vi_nmap/record-register Start/End recording a macro
@ {char} vi_nmap/play-register Replay a macro

Undo and redo

Key combination Widget Description
. vi_nmap/repeat Repeat the previous command
u vi_nmap/undo Undo
C-r vi_nmap/redo Redo
U vi_nmap/revert Undo all


Key combination Widget Description
m {char} vi-command/set-mark Mark the current position

Redraw and show information

Key combination Widget
z t vi_nmap/scroll-to-top-and-redraw
z z vi_nmap/scroll-to-center-and-redraw
z b vi_nmap/scroll-to-bottom-and-redraw
z RET, z C-m vi_nmap/scroll-to-top-non-space-and-redraw
z + vi_nmap/scroll-or-pagedown-and-redraw
z - vi_nmap/scroll-to-bottom-non-space-and-redraw
z . vi_nmap/scroll-to-center-non-space-and-redraw
C-g vi-command/show-line-info

Shell operations

Key combination Widget Description
C-j, C-RET accept-line Run the command
C-m, RET accept-single-line-or vi-command/forward-first-non-space Run the command or insert a new line
C-l clear-screen Clear screen and redraw the line
C-d vi-command/exit-on-empty-line Exit the shell for empty line, or the same as C-e
K, f1 vi_nmap/command-help Show help of the current command
Z Z, Z Q vi-command:q Exit the shell

Internal use

Key combination Widget
__default__ vi-command/decompose-meta
auto_complete_enter auto-complete-enter

6.2.3 Operator-pending mode (vi_omap)

Key combination Widget Description
C-\ C-n nop (Do nothing)
ESC, C-[, C-c vi_omap/cancel Cancel
v vi_omap/switch-to-charwise Force operand to be characterwise and toggle inclusive/exclusive
V vi_omap/switch-to-linewise Force operand to be linewise
C-v, C-q vi_omap/switch-to-blockwise Force operand to be blockwise
__default__ vi_omap/__default__ (Internal use)

6.2.4 Visual mode (vi_xmap)

Visual mode can be categorized into three minor modes, characterwise visual mode, linewise visual mode and blockwise visual mode.

Switch mode

Key combination Widget Description
ESC, C-[ vi_xmap/exit Exit visual mode
C-c, C-\ C-n, C-\ C-g vi_xmap/cancel Cancel visual mode
v vi_xmap/switch-to-charwise Switch to characterwise visual mode
V vi_xmap/switch-to-linewise Switch to linewise visual mode
C-v, C-q vi_xmap/switch-to-blockwise Switch to blockwise visual mode
g v vi-command/previous-visual-area Restore the state of the previous visual mode
C-g vi_xmap/switch-to-select Switch to select mode


Key combination Widget Description
o vi_xmap/exchange-points Exchange the current position and the starting position
O vi_xmap/exchange-boundaries Exchange the left and right boundaries in blockwise mode, or otherwise the same with above

Copy, Paste, Insert block

Key combination Widget Description
C vi_xmap/replace-block-lines Delete the forward text until the end of line and insert (characterwise mode is treated as linewise)
D, X vi_xmap/delete-block-lines Delete the forward text until the end of line (characterwise mode is treated as linewise)
S, R vi_xmap/delete-lines Delete linewise
Y vi_xmap/copy-block-or-lines Copy the forward text until the end of line (characterwise mode is treated as linewise)
I vi_xmap/insert-mode Insert before the selection
A vi_xmap/append-mode Insert after the selection
p vi_xmap/paste-after Insert after the selection and cut the content of the selection
P vi_xmap/paste-before Insert before the selection and cut the content of the selection


Key combination Widget Description
r {char} vi_xmap/visual-replace-char Replace characters in the selection
J vi_xmap/connect-line-with-space Connect lines with spaces
g J vi_xmap/connect-line Connect lines
C-a vi_xmap/increment Increase numbers in the selection by N[1]
C-x vi_xmap/decrement Decrease numbers in the selection by N[1]
g C-a vi_xmap/progressive-increment Increase k'th number in the selection by N[1]*k
g C-x vi_xmap/progressive-decrement Decrease k'th number in the selection by N[1]*k

Shell operation

Key combination Widget Description
f1, K vi_xmap/command-help Show help of the current command

Internal use

Key combination Widget
__default__ vi-command/decompose-meta

6.2.5 Select mode (vi_smap)

Select mode has three minor modes, characterwise select mode, linewise select mode and blockwise select mode.

Switch mode

Key combination Widget Description
ESC, C-[ vi_xmap/exit Exit select mode
C-c, C-\ C-n, C-\ C-g vi_xmap/cancel Cancel select mode
C-\ C-n nop (Do nothing)
C-v, C-q vi_xmap/switch-to-visual-blockwise Switch to blockwise visual mode
C-g vi_xmap/switch-to-visual Switch to character wise visual mode

Characterwise motion

Key combination Widget
left vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/backward-char
right vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-char
C-?, DEL, C-h, BS vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/backward-char wrap
SP vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-char wrap
S-left vi-command/backward-char
S-right vi-command/forward-char
S-C-?, S-DEL, S-C-h, S-BS vi-command/backward-char wrap
S-SP vi-command/forward-char wrap

Wordwise motion

Key combination Widget
C-right vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-vword
C-left vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/backward-vword
S-C-right vi-command/forward-vword
S-C-left vi-command/backward-vword

Motion to beginning/end of line

Key combination Widget
home vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/beginning-of-line
end vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-eol
C-m, RET vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-first-non-space
S-home vi-command/beginning-of-line
S-end vi-command/forward-eol
S-C-m, S-RET vi-command/forward-first-non-space

Linewise motion

Key combination Widget
down, C-n, C-j vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/forward-line
up, C-p vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/backward-line
C-home vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/nth-line
C-end vi_smap/@nomarked vi-command/last-line
S-down, S-C-n, S-C-j vi-command/forward-line
S-up, S-C-p vi-command/backward-line
S-C-home vi-command/nth-line
S-C-end vi-command/last-line


Key combination Widget Description
__defchar__ vi_smap/self-insert Delete the selection and insert the character
delete, C-?, DEL, C-h, BS vi-command/operator d Delete the selection
C-a vi_xmap/increment Increment number in the selection
C-x vi_xmap/decrement Decrement number in the selection

Shell operation

Key combination Widget Description
f1 vi_xmap/command-help Show help of the current command

Internal use

Key combination Widget
__default__ vi-command/decompose-meta

6.3 Setting Vim editing mode

The settings for Vim editing mode can be performed through the hook keymap_vi_load.

# blerc (Example)

function my/vim-load-hook {
  bleopt keymap_vi_mode_string_nmap=$'\e[1m-- NORMAL --\e[m'
  source "$_ble_base/lib/"

blehook/eval-after-load keymap_vi my/vim-load-hook
# ble-0.3 and before
# ble/array#push _ble_keymap_vi_load_hook my/vim-load-hook

6.3.1 Setting ble-bind -m vi_?map --cursor VALUE (Empty/Integer) (v0.2)

These options control the cursor shapes for the corresponding modes. The value has the same meaning with the bleopt variable term_cursor_external.

The options keymap_vi_?map_cursor have been taken over by the setting ble-bind -m KEYMAP --cursor CODE. Please also check ble-bind.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
ble-bind -m vi_cmap --cursor ''
ble-bind -m vi_imap --cursor ''
ble-bind -m vi_nmap --cursor ''
ble-bind -m vi_omap --cursor ''
ble-bind -m vi_smap --cursor ''
ble-bind -m vi_xmap --cursor ''
# Until ble-0.3
bleopt keymap_vi_cmap_cursor=
bleopt keymap_vi_imap_cursor=
bleopt keymap_vi_nmap_cursor=
bleopt keymap_vi_omap_cursor=
bleopt keymap_vi_smap_cursor=
bleopt keymap_vi_xmap_cursor=

# Example
ble-bind -m vi_cmap --cursor 0
ble-bind -m vi_imap --cursor 5
ble-bind -m vi_nmap --cursor 2
ble-bind -m vi_omap --cursor 4
ble-bind -m vi_smap --cursor 2
ble-bind -m vi_xmap --cursor 2

6.3.2 Bleopt term_vi_?map (v0.2)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt term_vi_cmap=
bleopt term_vi_imap=
bleopt term_vi_nmap=
bleopt term_vi_omap=
bleopt term_vi_smap=
bleopt term_vi_xmap=

These options specify the escape sequences which should be sent to the terminal when enters the corresponding mode

6.3.3 Bleopt keymap_vi_keymodel (v0.2)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_keymodel=

This option controls the behavior of motion in select mode. The value is a list of words separated by commas. When the word stopsel is contained in this option, exits the select mode with a motion in select mode.

6.3.4 Bleopt keymap_vi_macro_depth (v0.2)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_macro_depth=64

This option sets the upper limit of the maximal depth of recurrence of replaying keyboard macros.

6.3.5 Bleopt keymap_vi_mode_update_prompt (Empty/Non-empty) (v0.4)

This option specifies that the prompt should be recalculated on the mode change. When this option has a non-empty value, the prompt will be recalculated.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_update_prompt=

6.3.6 Bleopt prompt_vi_mode_indicator (Prompt string) (v0.4)

This option specifies the content of the mode indicator shown in the information line as a prompt sequence.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt prompt_vi_mode_indicator='\q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator}'

6.3.7 Prompt sequence \q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator} (v0.4)

This is expanded to the Vim mode names.

\q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator}  # Example result: -- INSERT --

6.3.8 Bleopt keymap_vi_mode_show (Empty/Non-empty) (v0.4)

This option controls if the mode indicator is shown by \q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator}. When this option has a non-empty value, \q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator} is expanded to an empty string.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_show=1

6.3.9 Bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_* (v0.4)

These options sets the name of modes used by \q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator}.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_insert='INSERT'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_replace='REPLACE'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_vreplace='VREPLACE'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_visual='VISUAL'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_select='SELECT'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_linewise='LINE'
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_blockwise='BLOCK'

# example (Japanese mode names)
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_{insert=挿入,replace=置換,vreplace=仮想置換}
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_{visual=ビジュアル,select=選択}
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_name_{linewise=行,blockwise=矩形}

6.3.10 Bleopt keymap_vi_mode_string_nmap (v0.2)

This option specifies the string used by \q{keymap:vi/mode-indicator} in the normal mode.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_mode_string_nmap=$'\e[1m~\e[m' # ble-0.4
bleopt keymap_vi_nmap_name=$'\e[1m~\e[m'        # ble-0.2 (obsolete)

For example, if you want to show an explicit name of the mode like in other modes, please use the following setting:

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

bleopt keymap_vi_mode_string_nmap=$'\e[1m-- NORMAL --\e[m'

If you do not want to show anything in normal mode, please use the following setting:

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

bleopt keymap_vi_mode_string_nmap=

6.3.11 Bleopt keymap_vi_operatorfunc (v0.2)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_operatorfunc=

This option specifies the operator name when the user input g@ in normal mode. The function ble/keymap:vi/operator:$value, where $value is the value of this setting, is used as the implementation of the operator.

6.3.12 Bleopt keymap_vi_search_match_current (Empty/Non-empty) (v0.2)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_search_match_current=

When this option has a non-empty value, /, ?, n, N search the word on the current position. When this option has the empty value, these keys follows the behavior of vim.

6.3.13 Bleopt keymap_vi_imap_undo (v0.3)

This option controls the frequency of recording undo. When the value more is specified, undo will be recorded for various operations in vi_imap.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

# default
bleopt keymap_vi_imap_undo=

# Example
bleopt keymap_vi_imap_undo=more

6.4 Module lib/vim-surround

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

ble-import lib/vim-surround

6.4.1 Bleopt vim_surround_omap_bind (Empty/Non-empty)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-surround"

# default
bleopt vim_surround_omap_bind=1

When this option has the empty value, it registers bindings for vim-surround directly to vi_nmap. When this option has a non-empty value, first it enters operator-pending mode by y, d and c, and s and S in operator-pending mode perform vim-surround operations.

6.4.2 Bleopt vim_surround_$INTEGER, vim_surround_? (v0.2)

This option sets up the enclosing strings corresponding to the specified character. The form vim_surround_$INTEGER sets up the enclosing strings for the character specified by Unicode $INTEGER. The other form vim_surround_? sets up the enclosing strings for the character ? directly. When the value contains CR ($'\r'), the left hand side of the first CR is regarded as the left enclosing string, and the right hand side is regarded as the right enclosing string. When the value does not contain CR, the value is used as a common string for the left and right enclosing string.

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-surround"

# default
bleopt vim_surround_45:=$'$(\r)'
bleopt vim_surround_61:=$'$((\r))'
bleopt vim_surround_Q:=\"
bleopt vim_surround_q:=\'

6.5 Module lib/vim-arpeggio

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

ble-import lib/vim-arpeggio

6.5.1 Bleopt vim_arpeggio_timeoutlen (Integer)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-arpeggio"

# default
bleopt vim_arpeggio_timeoutlen=40

This option specifies the timeout which are used for ble/lib/ in the unit of millisecond.

6.5.2 Function ble/lib/

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-arpeggio"

# Usage
ble/lib/ [-m KEYMAP] -[fxcs@] KEYS COMMAND

KEYS specifies the key combination: two characters followed by zero or modifiers such as C-S-M-A-s-H-. For example, when jk is specified for KEYS, it sets up the binding for the keys j and k pressed simultaneously. For another example, when C-df is specified for KEYS, it sets up the binding for the keys C-d and C-f pressed simultaneously.

6.6 Module lib/vim-airline (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load

ble-import lib/vim-airline

6.6.1 Bleopt vim_airline_theme (Enumerate) (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-airline"

# default
bleopt vim_airline_theme=dark

This option specifies the theme for the airline. Please find the files contrib/airline/*.bash for the available theme names.

6.6.2 Bleopt vim_airline_section_? (Prompt string) (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-airline"

# default
bleopt vim_airline_section_a='\e[1m\q{lib/vim-airline/mode}'
bleopt vim_airline_section_b='\q{lib/vim-airline/gitstatus}'
bleopt vim_airline_section_c='\w'
bleopt vim_airline_section_x='bash'
bleopt vim_airline_section_y='$_ble_util_locale_encoding[unix]'
bleopt vim_airline_section_z=' \q{history-percentile} \e[1m!\q{history-index}/\!\e[22m \q{position}'

These options specify the contents of corresponding sections in the airline. Sections are named a, b, c, x, y, and z from left to right.

6.6.3 Bleopt vim_airline_{left,right}{,_alt}_sep (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-airline"

# default
bleopt vim_airline_left_sep=$'\uE0B0'
bleopt vim_airline_left_alt_sep=$'\uE0B1'
bleopt vim_airline_right_sep=$'\uE0B2'
bleopt vim_airline_right_alt_sep=$'\uE0B3'

These options specify the separater characters on the section boundaries. The options whose name contain left and right specify the separaters between the sections a-c and sections c-z, respectively. If the sections around the boundary have the same background colors, the separaters specified by the option whose name contains sep is used. Otherwise, the option whose name does not contain sep is used.

6.6.4 Bleopt vim_airline_symbol_branch (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-airline"

# default
bleopt vim_airline_symbol_branch=$'\uE0A0'

This option specifies the character placed before the branch name.

6.6.5 Bleopt vim_airline_symbol_dirty (v0.4)

[ Note: Please specify the following settings through the hook keymap_vi_load. See the code example at the section beginning. ]

# hook:keymap_vi_load after importing "lib/vim-airline"

# default
bleopt vim_airline_symbol_dirty=$'\u26A1'

This option specifies the character placed after the branch name when the repository is in a dirty state.

6.6.6 Face vim_airline_{a,b,c,x,y,z,error,term,warning}{,_normal,_insert,_replace,_visual,_commandline,_inactive}{,_modified} (v0.4)

# default
ble-face -s vim_airline_a       fg=17,bg=45
ble-face -s vim_airline_b       fg=231,bg=27
ble-face -s vim_airline_c       fg=231,bg=18
ble-face -s vim_airline_x       ref:vim_airline_c
ble-face -s vim_airline_y       ref:vim_airline_b
ble-face -s vim_airline_z       ref:vim_airline_a
ble-face -s vim_airline_error   fg=16,bg=88
ble-face -s vim_airline_term    fg=158,bg=234
ble-face -s vim_airline_warning fg=16,bg=166

These faces specify the graphics settings for different states of sections.

[ 日本語 | English ] ≫ Manual [§1 Intro | §2 Color | §3 Bind | §4 Edit | §5 Emacs | §6 Vim | §7 Comp | §8 Misc]