SlideR: An R package for Sliding Windows using dplyr, purrr and tidyr. The package creates a nested data.frame with the columns; key, w_size and data.
The package is in development and can be downloaded with devtools
# install.packages("devtools")
The package requires the following packages:
You can also install all these packages (and more) with one package:
To load the package:
x <- 1:100
slide_window(x, w_size=10)
When using data.frames, a key needs to specified. The key defines which column is used as key to the different windows.
df <- data.frame(x = 1:100, y=c("a", "b"))
slide_window(df, key="x", w_size=10)
It is often useful to apply multiple sliding windows to the same data, while varying the size of the window.
This can be achieved using slide_windows
x <- 1:100
slide_windows(x, w_sizes=c(5, 10, 15))
In most cases the sliding window is used to apply a function to segments of the data. The function apply_slide_window
and apply_slide_windows
provide this functionality:
x <- 1:100
apply_slide_window(x, mean, w_size=10)
# or
apply_slide_windows(x, mean, w_sizes=c(5, 10, 15))
For data.frames it is a bit more complicated, as one needs to specify the column name within the window.
df <- data.frame(x = 1:100, y=c("a", "b"))
apply_slide_windows(df, ~mean(.$x), key="x", w_sizes=10)