All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Route link for saturday social shorter group
- Change "Meeitng point" label to "Meet at" (for space)
- A user can set notes for a ride
- User table can store preferences. First one allows choice of units (km|miles)
- Header is white-on-blue for mobile
- Going button label changed to "leave"
- Hide join button for rides in the past.
- Leaders can now copy any ride to pre-populate a new ride form.
- Rides in the past cannot be edited or deleted, but can be copied
- All signed-in users can see the calendar
- Historic calendar days show greyed out ride tags and counts
- Clicking outside menu when open closes it. Pressing Escape button does the same.
- Updated baseline for Wednesday social and Friday ladies rides.
- Title of Profile page
- Rider mobile and emergency contact numbers are now callable links
- After deleting a ride, user is redirected back to last page. This is helpful when deleting multiple rides on teh same day from a calendar view.
- Back button on ride details screen takes returns you to the position you left in the 'all rides' screen.
- Toggle to show rider or emergency contact number
- Rides do not expire until end of day
- Paceline starts at 08:40 in winter
- Show full group name for Sunday rides
- Replace "ride not ready" warning icon with red left border on card
- Only leaders can see contact info for riders
- Redirect user to complete their profile after initial sign up
- Mobile and emergency contact details are mandatory
- Added info alert on anonymous join page
- Store anonymous rider details in their browser (localStorage)
- Use this to show whether they are going to rides and to auto-fill join form
- Capture emergency contact number for users in profile
- Leaders can see emergency contact info in ride details view
- Allow anonymous users to join rides
- Create full month of rides on schedule
- Added midweek rides (Tue, Wed ride and hills, Ladies Friday)
- Default view is two weeks of rides ahead
- Get last/next month fixed for calendar planner view
- Removed 'add all rides' paceline button from planner/{day} view. These rides will be added from a controlled cron job.
- Prevent adding a ride for an historic date
- Validation for minimum ride distance
- Added notes and meeting point to rides
- Group is no longer mandatory
- Show notes section on ride details
- Replaced long press on cards with faster swipe detection; speeds up navigation to ride details page
- Added notes and meeting point to Paceline rides
- /ride/planner/[date] view shows rides on a given day, and a button to add a new ride (populated with that date)
- Add Paceline rides in bulk from planner (if day is in future, is a Saturday and has no pre-existing PL rides)
- Use NextJS font optimization strategy for Google Font
- Husky pre-commit setup
Planner (calendar) API and view updated with working navigation and visual indication of rides on each day.
- /api/rides accepts a query string with
dates to return rides within the range - Calendar navigation (next and last month) mutates rides queries, to refetch data if not cached
- Display rounded badge with ride counts on mobile and list of ride badges on larger screens
- Added styling for 'today' in calendar
Created the project baseline in NextJS, using the T3 Stack (TypeScript, Prisma ORM, TailwindCSS and Next-auth) and connecting to a SQL database, hosted on PlanetScale. Added database authentiction using Auth0 and SWR for client-side queries and mutations.
Setup a core Layout with Header and Main content areas, with public APIs and pages for users as follows:
Route | Page |
/ | List of upcoming rides |
/ride/{id} | Ride details, view of riders going ability to join/leave (if signed in) |
..and guarded APIs and pages for leaders as follows:
Route | Page |
/ride/new | Form to create a ride |
/ride/{id}/edit | Form to change a ride |
/planner | Calendar view |