A no-nonsense helper to fetch Singapore lottery results and details of the next draw.
You will need:
- Create a bot or get a bot token through the BotFather
- Docker
- ngrok
- Postman or other REST API client
go get
Copy .dbenv_example
into .dbenv
. Change the credentials as necessary.
Copy .env_example
into .env
Put the token you have gotten in Getting started (1) as BOT_TOKEN
should have the credentials listed in your .dbenv
can be any int64 value.
can be any string value.
Run docker-compose up -d
This will start create a postgres db using docker.
docker run -v /absolute/path/to/migrations:/migrations --network host migrate/migrate -path=/migrations/ -database postgres://{POSTGRES_HOST}:{POSTGRES_PASSWORD}@localhost:5432/{POSTGRES_DB}\?sslmode=disable up
go build main.go bot.go
This will make the app serve on 8080
ngrok http 8080
This would output several URL but we are only interested in this.
Web Interface
Forwarding https://xxxxx-xxxx-xxx.ap.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:8080
Copy the https
Open up your web browser or your favorite REST API client key in this and make this request.
GET https://api.telegram.org/bot{token}/setWebhook?url={https://xxxxx-xxxx-xxx.ap.ngrok.io}
You should see: {"ok":true,"result":true,"description":"Webhook was set"}
And you are good to go.
To start off, go talk to your bot and send /start
to it.