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235 lines (169 loc) · 7.16 KB

File metadata and controls

235 lines (169 loc) · 7.16 KB


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Quick validation of files with EditorConfig.


The easiest way to use ECHint to check your code is to install it globally as a Node command line program. To do so, simply run the following command in your terminal (flag -g installs echint globally on your system, omit it if you want to install in the current working directory):

npm install --only=production --save --global echint

After you've done that you should be able to use the echint CLI. The simplest use case would be checking all files in the current working directory:

$ echint
Error: some files did not pass EditorConfig validation:
  src/index.js:97 Expected a newline at the end of the file.
  src/path/data.json:2 Unexpected tabs found.

You can optionally pass one or more paths using the glob pattern:

$ echint *.js docs/**/*.md

How do I ignore files?

The path node_modules/** and hidden files/folders (beginning with .) are automatically excluded when looking for files to check.

Sometimes you need to ignore additional folders or specific minified files. To do that, add a echint.ignore property to package.json:

"echint": {
  "ignore": [

Can I use a sharable configuration?

Yes, you may prefer to check your code against a centralized .editorconfig. To do that, add a echint.extends property to package.json:

"echint": {
  "extends": "echint-config-some-config"

echint will use the main property or .editorconfig file from that package as the configuration. The echint-config- prefix will be added automatically if it is not already present.

use your ENV

echint uses dotenv to load the following environment config values:

name type description
ECHINT_CONFIG string path to .editorconfig file
ECHINT_IGNORE string pattern of files to ignore
ECHINT_PATTERN string pattern of file to process
ECHINT_READ_PACKAGE string read additional options from package.json ("true", "false")

you can create a local .env or .env.[NODE_ENV] file to modify echint's default behavior (where NODE_ENV is the name of your environment), or you can test this directly from the shell:

$ ECHINT_CONFIG=**/* echint *.js docs/**/*.md

include in your tests

  1. Add it to package.json
  "name": "my-cool-package",
  "devDependencies": {
    "echint": "^1.0.0"
  "scripts": {
    "test": "echint && node my-tests.js"
  1. Validate all files automatically when you run npm test
$ npm test
Error: some files did not pass EditorConfig validation:
  src/index.js:97 Expected a newline at the end of the file.
  src/path/data.json:2 Unexpected tabs found.
  1. Never deal with inconsistencies in a pull request again!


  Usage: echint [options] <file ...>


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --version        output the version number
    -c, --config [path]  specify path for config file (defaults to ./.editorconfig)
    -i, --ignore [file]  files to ignore
    -p, --skip-package   whether to skip reading config info from package.json
    -q, --quiet          shhh
    -v, --verbose        detailed errors

# run with defaults
$ echint

# run on a subset of files
$ echint *.js *.md --verbose

# ignore some files
$ echint * --ignore *.md  --verbose

# use custom config file path
$ echint --config ~/.editorconfig  --verbose



validate everything in current directory

echint(files, [, options [, callback]]])

returns true | false


name type description required default
files mixed manually defined list of files to process no **/*
options mixed see options no
callback mixed see callback no undefined


name type description required default
config string path to .editorconfig file no **/*
ignore array array of files & patterns to ignore no ['coverage/**', 'node_modules/**', 'bower_components/**', '**[.jpg,.png,.gif,.ico]
pattern string pattern of file to process no **/*
readPackage boolean read additional options from package.json no true


pass a callback with the following signature:

function (errors, result) {
  /* typeof errors === 'object' */
  /* typeof result === 'boolean' */

    errors = {
      fileName: {
        lineNumber: [
          error details
import echint from 'echint'

const files = [

const options = {
  config: 'path/to/.editorconfig'

function done (errors, valid) {
  if (!valid) {

// with defaults

// with file list

// with options

// with callback

// all together!
echint(files, done)
echint(files, options)
echint(files, options, done)
echint(options, done)

©️  ·  License: ISC  ·  Github: @ahmadnassri  ·  Twitter: @ahmadnassri