NOTICE: I am no longer contributing major features to this project. If you're interested in becoming a collabtorator or taking over the project, please comment on this issue: #25
node-ironio is a Node.js client for IronMQ, IronWorker, and IronCache. See for more details. node-ironio is inspired by seebees' ironmq module:
npm install node-ironio
var ironio = require('node-ironio')('OAuth token')
, project = ironio.projects('Project ID');
// IronMQ
var q = project.queues('myqueue');
// Get a message
q.get(function(err, message) {
// do something with the message
// then delete it
message.del(function(err) {
// need more time?
// touch the message
message.touch(function(err) {
// can't process the message
// release the message
message.release(function(err) {
// Enqueue a message'message', function(err, res) {
// IronCache
var c = project.caches('mycache');
// Add an item to the cache
c.put('key', 'value', function(err) {
// Get an item from the cache
c.get('key', function(err, val) {
// do something with the val
// IronWorker
// Enqueue a task
code_name: 'code name',
payload: 'payload',
priority: 0,
delay: 0,
label: 'label name',
cluster: 'default'
function(err, res) {
See the test directory for more examples.
- IronWorker code package endpoints
- CI for uploading IronWorker modules
- Better configuration handling
- More documentation and examples