This is the main project, which while building provides a single jar, that can be used to run the rest API. This is just a router and uses as the main core java API
By Default uses port "1010"
To run integration tests "mvn clean verify -P integration-test"
To run unit tests "mvn clean test -P dev"
On maven installs creates a jar named "MoneyTransferSpark--jar-with-dependencies.jar", which can run as a standalone jar.
Account CRUD
To create Account POST /account {"name":John Doe,mobileNumber: "89898080"} TODO: check duplicate name and mobileNumber
To get latest account status GET /account/accountId
To fetch all the accounts GET /account (TODO: Limit number of results)
To edit an account use PUT /account/accountId (WIP)
To delete an account use DELETE /account/accountId
Transfer FUNDS
To Transfer funds use POST /account/accountId/transact
To get transactions of an account GET /account/accountId/transact TODO: Limit number of results
To get status of a transaction GET /account/accountId/transact/transctionid