A node module for amqp consumers and producers
Provide a config in the following format. The queues object must contain at least 1 queue for a producer, and at least 2 queues for a consumer. This is because, for each queue that a consumer is bound to, must also have a failure queue for retries.
const config = {
rabbitMqUrl: 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672',
topicExchanges: {
'data.test': {
options: {
durable: true
queues: {
defaultWorkQueue: {
options: {
durable: true
bindToTopic: {
exchange: 'data.test',
key: '*'
defaultFailQueue: {
options: {
durable: true
const client = new AmqpClient(config);
.then(() => {
return client.publish('data.test', 'someKey', messageText);
const client = new AmqpClient(config);
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const messageHandler = (msg) => {
// must return a promise to resolve or reject message!
return Promise.resolve();
.then(() => {
return client.consume('defaultWorkQueue', 'defaultFailQueue', messageHandler);
npm test