⚠ Colorpick now lives at qtilities/colorpick!
Thanks to redtide for taking it over.
Colorpick is a color picker, which makes it easy to check text readability by letting you pick a background and foreground color and computing the contrast between them.
It lets you know if contrast is good enough according to http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20/#visual-audio-contrast.
It also comes with a handy magnified-picker, which you can control with the cursor keys, for precise picking.
Finally, it lets you adjust colors and copy them to the clipboard as different formats.
Colorpick is managed using the lightweight project management policy.
- CMake
- Qt 5
- KF5GuiAddons
- KF5WidgetsAddons
Create a build directory and change to it:
mkdir build
cd build
Run CMake and build:
cmake path/to/colorpick
Install (must be run as root if installing to /usr or /usr/local):
make install
Aurélien Gâteau