The project aims to solve API optimization with objectives as mentioned below.
API Call Reduction API Resposne Time Optimization Cache Control and Predictability Feature Flags (Granularity) Lazy Loading controls Engineering Implementation Time Reduction (Swift Rollout)
A sample schema for when static APIs get called could look like:
- verbose and terse mode
- verbose mode will have updated_on, version etc info in the list
- terse mode will have expires_on only
"expires_on": "",
"updated_on": "",
"scheme": "master",
"namespaces": {
"dashboard": ["profile", "wallet_balance", "notice"],
"quiz": ["profile", "/api/quiz/questions"],
"defaults": {
"timeout": 60000,
"expires_on": "2024-03-20 00:50:19.208527"
"flags": {
"url": "",
"expires_on": ""
"nodes": {
"/api/quiz/questions": {
"expires_on": "2024-03-20 00:50:19.208527",
"updated_on": "2024-03-20 00:49:59.208529", # to be discussed
"url": "/api/quiz/questions/v5.6.69/",
"ver": "v5.6.69" # to be discussed,
"timeout": "v5.6.69" # to be discussed,
"notice": {
"expires_on": "2024-03-20 00:50:19.208507",
"updated_on": "2024-03-20 00:49:59.208511",
"url": "/url/for/notice",
"version": "v7.6.89"
"expires_on": "",
"scheme": "master",
"namespaces": {
"dashboard": ["profile", "wallet_balance", "notice"],
"quiz": ["profile", "/api/quiz/questions"],
"nodes": {
"/api/quiz/questions": {
"expires_on": "2024-03-20 00:50:19.208527",
"url": "/api/quiz/questions/v5.6.69/",
"notice": {
"expires_on": "2024-03-20 00:50:19.208507",
"url": "/url/for/notice"