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Generate Audio from Text

  • At the OpenAI developer site, sign up for an account and create an API key. Currently the link to your API keys is at . OpenAI now recommends project API keys. See this page for more information.
  • Add the API key to an environment variable called OPENAI_API_KEY.
  • Create a new Java project called aijavalabs in your favorite IDE with either Gradle or Maven as your build tool.
  • Review the documentation for the Open AI Text-to-speech API.
  • Create a new class called TextToSpeechService in a package of your choosing.
  • Add a private, static, final attribute called OPENAI_API_KEY of type String that reads the API key from the environment variable.
private static final String OPENAI_API_KEY = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY");
  • Add a method called generateMp3 that returns a byte[]. The method should take three arguments:

    • model of type String
    • input of type String
    • voice of type String
  • Add a local variable called payload, which is a JSON string that contains the text you want to convert to speech:

String payload = """
        "model": "%s",
        "input": "%s",
        "voice": "%s"
    """.formatted(model, input.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(), voice);
  • For those parameters:

    • The value of the model variable must be either tts-1 or tts-1-hd. The non-hd version is almost certainly good enough, but use whichever one you prefer.
    • The value of voice must be one of: alloy, echo, fable, onyx, nova, or shimmer. Pick any one you like.
    • The input parameter is the text you wish to convert to an mp3.
  • Next, create an HttpRequest object that will include the payload in a POST request:

HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
    .header("Authorization", "Bearer %s".formatted(OPENAI_API_KEY))
    .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
    .header("Accept", "audio/mpeg")
  • To send a request, you need an HttpClient instance. Starting in Java 21, the HttpClient class implements AutoCloseable, so you can use it in a try-with-resources block. Here is the code to send the request:
public byte[] generateMp3(String model, String input, String voice) {
    // ... from before ...
    try (HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient()) {
        HttpResponse<byte[]> response =
                client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofByteArray());
        return response.body();
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • You'll probably want to save the returned byte array to a file. Create a class called FileUtils and add the following static method:
public static void saveBinaryFile(byte[] data, String fileName) {
    Path directory = Paths.get("src/main/resources");
    Path filePath = directory.resolve(fileName);
    try {
        Files.write(filePath, data, StandardOpenOption.CREATE_NEW);
        System.out.printf("Saved %s to %s%n", fileName, directory.toAbsolutePath());
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new UncheckedIOException("Error writing audio to file", e);
  • Add a test to drive the system:
void testGenerateMp3() {
    var service = new TextToSpeechService();
    byte[] result = service.generateMp3(
             Now that I know how to generate audio from text,
             I can use this feature in my applications.""",
    FileUtils.saveBinaryFile(result, "test.mp3");
    assertTrue(result.length > 0);
  • Run the test. The console should that test.mp3 was saved in the src/main/resources folder. You can play the file to hear the text you provided.

List the OpenAI Models

  • Whenever you access the OpenAI API, you need to specify a model. To know which models are available, the OpenAI API provides an endpoint to list them. Review the documentation for that endpoint here.
  • You'll find that our task is to send an HTTP GET request to with the required Authorization header, and that the result is a block of JSON data.
  • We're going to want to parse that JSON data, as well as generate JSON for other interactions. For that, we need a parser. We'll use the Gson library from Google. Add the following dependency to your build file:
dependencies {
  • Add a class called OpenAiRecords to your project. It will hold all the records we need to parse the JSON data.
  • Inside the OpenAiRecords class, add a record called ModelList, which itself contains a record called Model:
import java.util.List;

public class OpenAiRecords {
  // List the models
  public record ModelList(List<Model> data) {
    public record Model(
            String id,
            long created,
            @SerializedName("owned_by") String ownedBy) {
  • Create a new class called OpenAiService in a package of your choosing.
  • Add a private, static, final attribute called OPENAI_API_KEY of type String that reads the API key from the environment variable.
private static final String OPENAI_API_KEY = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY");
  • Also add a constant for the Models endpoint:
private static final String MODELS_URL = "";
  • Add a private, static, final attribute called GSON of type Gson that creates a new Gson instance:
private final Gson gson = new Gson();
  • Add a method called listModels that returns a List<String>. This method will send a GET request to the OpenAI API and return a ModelList.
public ModelList listModels() {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
          .header("Authorization", "Bearer %s".formatted(API_KEY))
          .header("Accept", "application/json")
    try (var client = HttpClient.newHttpClient()) {
        HttpResponse<String> response =
            client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
        return gson.fromJson(response.body(), ModelList.class);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Add a test to drive the system:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;

import static com.kousenit.OpenAiRecords.ModelList;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;

class OpenAiServiceTest {
  private final OpenAiService service = new OpenAiService();

  void listModels() {
    List<String> models = service.listModels().data().stream()

    assertTrue(new HashSet<>(models).containsAll(
            List.of("dall-e-3", "gpt-3.5-turbo", "gpt-4o",
                    "tts-1", "whisper-1")));
  • Run the test. You should see a list of model names in the console, and the assertion should pass.

Install Ollama

  • Download the latest version of Ollama from the Ollama website.
  • Run the installer and follow the instructions.
  • From a command prompt, enter ollama run gemma2 to download and install the Gemma 2 model from Google (an open source model based on their Gemini model) locally.
  • Try out a couple of sample prompts at the command line, like Why is the sky blue? or Given the power required to train large language models, how do companies ever expect to make money?.
  • When you're finished, type /bye to exit.

Access Ollama programmatically

  • Ollama installs a small web server on your system. Verify that it is running by accessing http://localhost:11434 in a browser. You should get back the string, Ollama is running.
  • Ollama maintains a programmatic API accessible through a RESTful web service. The documentation is located here.
  • We'll start by accessing the api/generate endpoint, as it is the simplest. It takes a JSON object with three fields: model, prompt, and stream. The model field is the name of the model you want to use (gemma2 in our case), the prompt field is the question you want the model to answer, and the stream field is a boolean that determines whether the response should be streamed back to the client.
  • Create a Java project (or simply add to the existing one) in your favorite IDE with either Gradle or Maven as your build tool.
  • Create a class called OllamaService in a package of your choosing.
  • Add a method called generate that takes a String and returns a String.
  • If you created a new project, add the Gson dependency to your build file and synchronize the project. If you added to an existing project, you can skip this step.
  • Model the input and output JSON with Java records. To do so, add a class called OllamaRecords to your project.
public class OllamaRecords {
    public record OllamaRequest(String model, String prompt, boolean stream) {
  • The output consists of a JSON object with model, created_at, response, and done field (among other optional fields we won't use right now). Add a record for that:
public class OllamaRecords {
    public record OllamaRequest(
            String model, 
            String prompt, 
            boolean stream) {

    public record OllamaResponse(
            String model, 
            String created_at, // Shouldn't this be camel case?
            String response, 
            boolean done) {
  • Now we have enough to create the OllamaService class and use it to access the chat endpoint. Add the following code to the OllamaService class:

import static com.kousenit.OllamaRecords.*;

public class OllamaService {
    private static final HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient();
    private static final String URL = "http://localhost:11434";
    private final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()

    public OllamaResponse generate(OllamaRequest request) {
        HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
            .uri(URI.create(URL + "/api/generate"))
            .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
            .header("Accept", "application/json")
        try {
            HttpResponse<String> response = 
                    client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
            return gson.fromJson(response.body(), OllamaResponse.class);
        } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Create a test class to verify the OllamaService class works as expected. Here is a sample:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayNameGeneration;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayNameGenerator;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static com.kousenit.OllamaRecords.*;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

public class OllamaServiceTest {
    private final OllamaService service = new OllamaService();
    public void testGenerate() {
        var ollamaRequest = new OllamaRequest("gemma2", "Why is the sky blue?", false);
        OllamaResponse ollamaResponse = service.generate(ollamaRequest);
        String answer = ollamaResponse.response();
  • Run the test to verify the service works as expected.
  • Add an overload of the generate method to OllamaService that takes two Strings: one for the model and one for the prompt, and returns an OllamaResponse object.
public OllamaResponse generate(String model, String prompt) {
    return generate(new OllamaRequest(model, prompt, false));
  • Adding convenience methods like that to make the calls easier for a client is a common practice. Add a test to verify the new method works.
void generate_with_model_and_name() {
    var ollamaResponse = service.generate("gemma2", "Why is the sky blue?");
    String answer = ollamaResponse.response();

Streaming Results

  • To see what a streaming result looks like, add a method to send the message and return the response as a String:
public String generateStreaming(OllamaRequest ollamaRequest) {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
          .uri(URI.create(URL + "/api/generate"))
          .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
          .header("Accept", "application/json")
  try {
    HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
    return response.body();
  } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Add a test to see the streaming result:
public void streaming_generate_request() {
    var request = new OllamaRequest("gemma2", "Why is the sky blue?", true);
    String response = service.generateStreaming(request);
  • Run the test to see the streaming result. It will be similar to:
{"model":"gemma2","created_at":"2024-07-08T20:15:46.991009Z","response":" sky","done":false}
{"model":"gemma2","created_at":"2024-07-08T20:15:47.019408Z","response":" appears","done":false}
{"model":"gemma2","created_at":"2024-07-08T20:15:47.050245Z","response":" blue","done":false}
{"model":"gemma2","created_at":"2024-07-08T20:15:47.095448Z","response":" due","done":false}
{"model":"gemma2","created_at":"2024-07-08T20:15:47.126318Z","response":" to","done":false}

followed by lots more lines, until the done field is true.

Fix the camel case issue

  • The created_at field in the OllamaResponse record should be createdAt. You can fix this by adding a @SerializedName annotation to the field:
public record OllamaResponse(
        String model, 
        @SerializedName("created_at") String createdAt, 
        String response, 
        boolean done) {
  • Run one of the existing tests to see that the field is populated correctly.
  • As an alternative, you can create the Gson object using a builder and set a field naming policy. In that case, inside the OllamaService, you would create the Gson object like this:
private final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
  • Make sure the test prints the full OllamaResponse, then run the test again to see that the field is populated correctly. You may also want to add an assertion that the createdAt field of the response is not null.

Create a vision request

  • Ollama also supports vision models, like moondream, that can read images and generate text descriptions from them. The images must be uploaded in the form of Base 64 encoded strings.
  • We're going to need a multimodal model that supports vision requests. A small one, useful for experiements, is called moondream. Download it by running the command ollama pull moondream. (Note this is a pull rather than a run -- we don't plan to run the vision model at the command line.)
  • Add a new record to OllamaRecords called OllamaVisionRequest with the following fields:
    • model of type String
    • prompt of type String
    • stream of type boolean
    • images of type List<String>
public record OllamaVisionRequest(
        String model, 
        String prompt, 
        boolean stream, 
        List<String> images) {}
  • Fortunately, the output response from vision models is the same as from the text models, so you can reuse the OllamaResponse record.
  • Rather than require the client to submit the image in that form, let's provide a method to convert an image from a URL into the proper string. We'll call this method inside a compact constructor, a cool feature of records.
  • Inside the OllamaVisionRequest record, add a compact constructor that takes a String path to a local image and converts it to a Base 64 encoded string.
public record OllamaVisionRequest(
        String model, 
        String prompt, 
        boolean stream, 
        List<String> images) {
    public OllamaVisionRequest {
        images =
    private String encodeImage(String path) {
        try {
            byte[] imageBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
            return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(imageBytes);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
  • Add a new method to OllamaService called generateVision that takes an OllamaVisionRequest object and returns an OllamaResponse object.
  • We need an image to view. Here is one if you don't already have one available:

Cats playing cards

  • Add the following test to the OllamaServiceTest class:
void test_vision_generate() {
    var request = new OllamaVisionRequest("moondream",
            Generate a text description of this image
            suitable for accessibility in HTML.
    OllamaResponse ollamaResponse = service.generateVision(request);
  • Add the generateVision method to the OllamaService class:
public OllamaResponse generateVision(OllamaVisionRequest visionRequest) {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
        .uri(URI.create(URL + "/api/generate"))
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .header("Accept", "application/json")
    try {
        HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
        return gson.fromJson(response.body(), OllamaResponse.class);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • The result is inside the response field of the OllamaResponse object. Run the test to see the result.

  • That's an awful lot of duplicated code. Surely we can do better? We can, by using a sealed interface.

Refactor to sealed interfaces

  • Now comes the question: how do we send the vision request to the service? We'd rather not duplicate all the existing code. Fortunately, records can implement interfaces. In this case, we'll use a sealed interface, so that only permitted classes can implement it.
  • Refactor our existing code by renaming the OllamaRequest record to OllamaTextRequest.
  • Make sure the tests for the text model still pass.
  • Create a sealed interface called OllamaRequest with two permitted classes: OllamaTextRequest and OllamaVisionRequest and add it to our OllamaRecords class. Add implements OllamaRequest to both records.
public class OllamaRecords {
    public sealed interface OllamaRequest
            permits OllamaTextRequest, OllamaVisionRequest {
    public record OllamaTextRequest(
            String model, 
            String prompt, 
            boolean stream) implements OllamaRequest {}
    public record OllamaVisionRequest(
            String model, 
            String prompt, 
            boolean stream, 
            List<String> images) implements OllamaRequest {

        public OllamaVisionRequest {
            images =

        private String encodeImage(String path) {
            try {
                byte[] imageBytes = Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(path));
                return Base64.getEncoder()
            } catch (IOException e) {
                throw new UncheckedIOException(e);
  • In OllamaService, we can go back to when our generate method took an OllamaRequest object as its only argument and let polymorphism distinguish between a text request and a vision request. We can then use pattern matching to determine which type of request we have and act accordingly. We had this before, but let's repeat it here for convenience:
public OllamaResponse generate(OllamaRequest ollamaRequest) {
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
          .uri(URI.create(URL + "/api/generate"))
          .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
          .header("Accept", "application/json")
    try {
        HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
        return gson.fromJson(response.body(), OllamaResponse.class);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Pattern matching for switch became GA in Java 21. If you have Java 21 available, let's use it to identify what type of request we are sending. First, add a system logger as an attribute to OllamaService:
private final System.Logger logger = System.getLogger(OllamaService.class.getName());
  • With that available, we can now add a switch statement to the beginning of the generate method:
public OllamaResponse generate(OllamaRequest ollamaRequest) {
    switch (ollamaRequest) {
        case OllamaTextRequest textRequest -> {
            logger.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Text request to: {0}", textRequest.model());
            logger.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Prompt: {0}", textRequest.prompt());
        case OllamaVisionRequest visionRequest -> {
            logger.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Vision request to: {0}", visionRequest.model());
            logger.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Size of uploaded image: {0}", visionRequest.images()
            logger.log(System.Logger.Level.INFO, "Prompt: {0}", visionRequest.prompt());

    // ... rest as before ...
  • Because we used a sealed interface, there are only two possible types of requests. Our switch expression is therefore exhaustive. We can add tests for each to verify that the logging works as expected.
void generate_with_text_request() {
  var ollamaRequest = new OllamaTextRequest("gemma2", "Why is the sky blue?", false);
  OllamaResponse ollamaResponse = service.generate(ollamaRequest);
  String answer = ollamaResponse.response();

void generate_with_vision_request() {
  var request = new OllamaVisionRequest("moondream",
                  Generate a text description of this image
                  suitable for accessibility in HTML.
  OllamaResponse response = service.generateVision(request);
  • Run the tests to verify that the logging works as expected. This combination of modeling the data as records, limiting the available entries with sealed interfaces, and selecting between them with switch expressions, is a form of data oriented programming, as described in the linked article by Brian Goetz.

Have a conversation

  • The generate endpoint we've been using is very limited. Ollama also supports a more complicated model, similar to those from OpenAI, Anthropic, Gemini, and Mistral. That model allows conversations, that connect messages together. You need to add the messages yourself in a list, alternating between user and assistant messages, and the AI tool will respond to the complete sequence.
  • In Ollama, you send a POST request to /api/chat instead of /api/generate when you're dealing with a list of messages rather than just a single one.
  • Here is a sample request (from the Ollama documentation):
    "model": "llama3",
    "messages": [
        "role": "user",
        "content": "why is the sky blue?"
        "role": "assistant",
        "content": "due to rayleigh scattering."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "how is that different than mie scattering?"
  • Create a new record called OllamaMessage with the following fields:
    • role of type String
    • content of type String
public record OllamaMessage(
        String role, 
        String content) {}
  • The value of role is restricted to:
    • user, for client questions
    • assistant, for AI responses
    • system, for global context
  • With that in mind, add a compact constructor to OllamaMessage that validates the role field:
public record OllamaMessage(String role, 
                            String content) {
    public OllamaMessage {
        if (!List.of("user", "assistant", "system").contains(role)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid role: " + role);
  • Create a new record called OllamaChatRequest with the following fields:
    • model of type String
    • messages of type List<OllamaMessage>
    • 'temperature' of type double
public record OllamaChatRequest(
        String model, 
        List<OllamaMessage> messages,
        boolean stream) {}
  • Add a record called OllamaChatResponse with the following fields:
    • model of type String
    • createdAt of type String
    • message of type OllamaMessage
    • done of type boolean
public record OllamaChatResponse(
        String model, 
        String createdAt, 
        OllamaMessage message,
        boolean done) {}
  • Add a new method to OllamaService called chat that takes an OllamaChatRequest object and returns a List<OllamaMessage> object.
  • Add a test to try out the conversation model:
void test_chat() {
    var request = new OllamaChatRequest("gemma2",
            List.of(new OllamaMessage("user", "why is the sky blue?"),
                    new OllamaMessage("assistant", "due to rayleigh scattering."),
                    new OllamaMessage("user", "how is that different than mie scattering?")),
    OllamaChatResponse response =;
  • Update the OllamaService class to include the chat method:
public OllamaChatResponse chat(OllamaChatRequest chatRequest) {
    String json = gson.toJson(chatRequest);
    HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
        .uri(URI.create(URL + "/api/chat"))
        .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
        .header("Accept", "application/json")
    try {
        HttpResponse<String> response = client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
        return gson.fromJson(response.body(), OllamaChatResponse.class);
    } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
  • Run the test to see it in action. In practice, you would extract the assistant response from each message and add it to the next request. Note that all the major framework (Spring AI, LangChain4j, etc) have ways of doing that for you.

Generating Images

  • We now return to OpenAI to use it's DALL-E 3 image model. Generating images is straightforward. Again, we'll create an image request object that models the input JSON data, send it in a POST request, and process the results. It turns out we can retrieve the response as either a URL or a Base 64 encoded string.

  • Add a record called DalleImageRequest :

public record ImageRequest(
        String model,
        String prompt,
        Integer n,
        String quality,
        String responseFormat,
        String size,
        String style
) {}
  • The response wraps either a URL to the generated image, or the actual Base 64 encoded data. For this exercise, we'll get the URL. Add a record called DalleImageResponse:
public record ImageResponse(
        long created,
        List<Image> data) {
  public record Image(
          String url,
          String revisedPrompt) {}
  • Add a class called DalleService with constants for the endpoint, the API key, and a Gson object:
public class DalleService {
  private static final String IMAGE_URL = "";
  private static final String API_KEY = System.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY");

  private final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
  • Add a new method to DalleService called generateImage that takes a DalleImageRequest object and returns a DalleImageResponse object.
public ImageResponse generateImage(ImageRequest imageRequest) {
  HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
          .header("Authorization", "Bearer %s".formatted(API_KEY))
          .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  try (HttpClient client = HttpClient.newHttpClient()) {
    HttpResponse<String> response =
            client.send(request, HttpResponse.BodyHandlers.ofString());
    return gson.fromJson(response.body(), ImageResponse.class);
  } catch (IOException | InterruptedException e) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Error sending prompt prompt", e);
  • Add a test to try out the image generation model:
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayNameGeneration;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayNameGenerator;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;

import static com.kousenit.OpenAiRecords.*;

class DalleServiceTest {
    private final DalleService service = new DalleService();

    void generate_image() {
        var imageRequest = new ImageRequest(
            "Draw a picture of cats playing cards",
        ImageResponse imageResponse = service.generateImage(imageRequest);
  • Run the test to see it in action. The response will contain a URL to the generated image, with you can either click on or copy and paste into a browser to download the image.