All notable changes to the "registry-editor" extension will be documented in this file.
Check Keep a Changelog for recommendations on how to structure this file.
- Release 1
- Search
- qwords that (seem to) represent FILETIMEs are displayed as such
- reg bugs
- Replacement REG executable
- option to use the replacement or standard reg.exe
- reg language:
- Syntax highlighting for reg files
- Editor folding
- Editor diagnostics
- context menu option to locate a key or value in the Registry view
- Displays values with any type
- Icons and a two-letter 'badge' to help identify the different value types (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD, etc).
- Remote Registry support.
- Copy context command to copy keys and values to the clipboard in a human-readable format.
Copy (strict) (available by holding ALT when right-clicking an item) copies values in a format compatible with Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00. This means things like REG_MULTI_SZ are long hex strings.
- Initial release