ShoppingList is an application that makes it easier for a group of people to share a common shopping list, regardless of time and place.
For online version of the application, follow this link.
Here is a guide on how to navigate through the projects repository, wiki and backlog.
The Project is developed by a group of students at NTNU as a part of TDT4140 Software Development, a course that aims to give students a taste of working in the software industry.
The project is separated into two main folders: backend and frontend. The backend contains the Django project, used as a Django Rest Framework to host a simple API. The frontend uses React and contains the visual representation of the app, and queries data from the API.
Getting started
To run this application on your local computer, you will need to have Node.js, Python and Django installed.
Versions used for this project
Node: 10.15.1
Npm: 6.8.0
Python: 3.7.0
Django: 2.1.7
Clone this repository, then using a terminal, navigate to the frontend directory and run the following:
$ npm install
Running python
Check version of python:
$ python -V
If you get python 1 or 2 use pip3 and python3 instead of pip and python in your terminal.
Navigate to backend and run the following:
$ pip install django
$ pip install djangorestframework
$ pip install django-cors-headers
$ pip install django-rest-auth
$ pip install djangorestframework-jwt
Run locally
To start the server, navigate to the frontend directory and run this command:
$ npm start
The application should now be running in your browser at http://localhost:3000.
Then open a new terminal and navigate to the backend directory an run the following:
$ pipenv shell
$ python runserver
to exit shell:
$ ctrl + d
You will now be able to access the database server at
If there are changes to the backend, run the following:
$ ctrl C (to exit)
$ python makemigrations
$ python migrate