diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index fd49112..e29abfe 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ AngularAbTests is an [angular](https://angular.io/) module that helps you settin It will **make your tests easy to debug and understand**, regardless of how complex they are, of how many versions you are setting up, or even of how many concurrent tests you are running. -### Update: version 1.2.0 has been released, here is the changelog +### Update: version 1.2.1 has been released, here is the changelog 1. Added [setter](#manually-read--set-a-specific-version-during-runtime) to change the version of a specific test during runtime @@ -384,6 +384,8 @@ this.abTestsService.setVersion('xxx'); // It raises an exception if `xxx` is not this.abTestsService.setVersion('xxx', 'my-scope'); ``` +**IMPORTANT:** when you use `setVersion`, the version **only changes for pieces of HTML that have not been rendered yet**. This behaviour is actually consistent with forcing a version in "real life" cases: for whatever reason you want to manually change the version of a test, you don't want the change to apply to parts of the page that are already rendered (the user would see a weird flickering). I think the version setter is mostly useful when you want a version to be consistent for certain logged users, regardless if they clear their cookies or not: in this case, all the HTML blocks affected by the test are only visible after log in. + ### Debugging cookies I strongly suggest you to use the Chrome extension called [EditThisCookie](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/editthiscookie/fngmhnnpilhplaeedifhccceomclgfbg?hl=en).