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Developing Stumpless

If you're going to work on the library itself, here are some helpful tips that will make the experience a little smoother and faster.

Getting Started

Stumpless is configured using the popular CMake build platform. In order to build it from the source you will need this tool available, as well as any of a number of supported build systems. GNU Make is one of the most well-known ones, and so most if not all examples you will find in stumpless documentation use it. If you prefer to use something else, there is plenty of support for CMake in other build systems. For example, Visual Studio has CMake support built in so that you can build targets in a CMake project easily within the IDE itself.

The CMakeLists.txt file contains the build specification for stumpless, and is worth browsing through if you are curious about where configuration checks, source and test files, and other build targets are specified.

There are a number of other dependencies for working on stumpless, but they are less noteworth as you may not find yourself interacting with them. For example, the Google Test and Benchmark libraries are needed, but they are downloaded and built dynamically during the build process, so you do not need to worry about providing them. Ruby is also used for some development and testing scripts, but the basic builds and tests will succeed without it. For a more detailed rundown of the dependencies you might encounter, check out the dependencies documentation.

A typical development workflow involves an initial configuration and build, followed by re-running the test suite after making some changes. This might look like this:

# first, the initial setup:

# cloning the latest version of the source tree
git clone [email protected]:goatshriek/stumpless.git

# creating a new build directory
mkdir build
cd build

# configuring the new build
cmake ../stumpless

# after the above initial commands, a normal development cycle would be:

# update a few files with your favorite editor - here we use vim
vim ../stumpless/src/target.c

# build and run the test suite
# add a parallel argument to make things faster
# your processor's core count is a good starting place
cmake --build . --parallel 4 --target check

# for multi-config systems like Visual Studio, you'll also need to add a config
# argument to every build command to use the intended config
cmake --build . --parallel 4 --config x64-Debug --target check

# you can be more specific to your own environment if you'd like
# for example, if you're using make as your build system, you could just do:
# make -j 4 check

# if you want to build a single test, you can do this using the executable
# name, which for functionality tests is function-test-<name>
cmake --build . --target --parallel 4 function-test-target && ./function-test-target

More details about building the library are available in the file. However, if you plan to be developing stumpless itself it is recommended that you avoid using the install target described there. Instead, simply work off of the version of the library in your build folder, which will make it easier to work with different builds without worrying about the installed library being used by accident.

A few other documents may be helpful for newcomers to glance through:

  • Contributing Guidelines If you have not read these yet, definitely do this soon. This document contains basic getting started info about different ways to contribute to stumpless, including a discussion of the branching scheme.
  • docs/ lists acronyms and initialisms used in the source of stumpless.
  • docs/ has a basic set of style guidelines to follow when working on the source code itself, including formatting and naming conventions the project follows.
  • docs/ describes the testing framework used in stumpless to write and run unit tests. This is important to understand if you're implementing any new functionality, which will need tests to confirm it works (and continues to work) correctly.
  • docs/ describes the framework used in stumpless to deal with differences between environments. If you are going to be working on something that may behave differently depending on the platform, or that may be missing on some, then this document holds important information for you. If you need to work with a function starting with config_, this is also a good indication you should read this doc.
  • docs/ has a detailed walkthrough of the performance testing framework set up in stumpless. If you're looking to make a performance improvement that will otherwise be transparent, this document describes the steps for this in detail with a full example.
  • docs/ describes how localization is implemented in detail and how to add new locales.
  • docs/ describes the thread safety implementation approach. Be sure that you follow the principles outlined here for any new functionality you implement.

Error Handling

Stumpless has a framework for handling errors that happen at runtime. If you are writing new functionality or extending something that already exists then you will need to make sure that this framework is used whenever an operation stops prematurely after encountering a problem.

All possible errors are specified in stumpless/error.h as part of the STUMPLESS_FOREACH_ERROR macro function. This function lists all possible errors and their integral id values, along with their documentation. If you need to add a new error, it will get added to the end of this list (not in alphabetical order) with the next available integer assigned as the id.

Each error has an internal raise function associated with it, declared in include/private/error.h and defined in src/error.c. These functions set the stumpless error id and error messages, and are intended to keep error handling in stumpless readable and expressive. If you need to add a new error, you will need to implement one of these to raise it as well.

For example, if a public function detects that a provided index is out of bounds, then raise_index_out_of_bounds should be called with a localized string describing the error, something like L10N_INVALID_INDEX_ERROR_MESSAGE( "element" ), and the invalid index that was passed in. This is a common pattern that can be seen throughout the library code.

All error messages must be localized so that they can be understood by those who will troubleshoot them. More information about handling localization can be found in the localization documentation.

Often raise functions include information to help with troubleshooting. The raise_index_out_of_bounds is a good example of this: in addition to a string describing the invalid access it also takes the index that was out of bounds. This is then made available in the resulting error to the user as the code of the struct, along with a localized string description of what the value is in code_type. The code of an error can be different across errors and even in the same error when thrown from a different context.

Note that if you are calling another internal function and checking its result for an error, you do not need to raise an error if this function already does so. A good example of this is the memory allocation function alloc_mem which will raise the appropriate error if it encounters a problem. Functions that detect a failure of alloc_mem can simply return, without needing to raise an error of their own first (since this would overwrite the original error).

Any public function must clear the error if there was no issue. This is so that a user can tell if their last call succeeded by checking for the presence of an error. Most public functions do this by calling clear_error directly before returning from their non-error path, which handles this cleanup. Some do not explicitly call clear_error, but instead rely on a call to another public function to clear it for them if it succeeds. The only functions that do not need to clear the error code are destructors and any error handling functions.

There is error handling code everywhere, but if you want a singular place to look we recommend stumpless_set_entry_param_value_by_index in src/entry.c. This function demonstrates how to detect errors in parameters and internal function calls, call the appropriate raise functions when needed, and simply return when the error comes from a different function.

Errors raised in stumpless can be accessed by the various error handling functions provided for the user. Some of the common useful ones are:

  • stumpless_get_error gets the current error struct if there was an error on the last call
  • stumpless_has_error is true if the last call failed, false if it succeeded
  • stumpless_perror prints the current error if there is one

Adding new functions

If you're adding a new function to stumpless, here are a few notes that will help you along the way.

First, always make sure that you have documented your function, especially if it is public facing. Stumpless uses doxygen to generate its documentation from the header files. You can use the docs build target to generate them, provided that doxygen was installed when you ran cmake. Be sure to an include an @since tag with the current version of the library under work, so that it is clearn when it was introduced.

As you look at other functions, you will see that each function documents its thread and async safety attributes in addition to its functionality. There is more detail about this in the thread safety documentation, as well as the tools that are available to you to implement thread safety. While async safety and async cancellation safety are optional, you must make your implementation thread safe. Look at other functions as examples, and don't be afraid to ask for help on the project Gitter if you get stuck.

If your function is public facing, be sure to use the STUMPLESS_PUBLIC_FUNCTION macro before its declaration to ensure that it is included in the resulting library. If you forget to do this, you'll see errors about undefined references when trying to use the library, for example during tests.

In order to support being built as a DLL, stumpless has a .def file at src/windows/stumpless.def in addition to the public function macro. If you are adding a new public function to stumpless, you will need to make sure to add it to the .def file so that the DLL will include it. Failing to do so will result in tests failing on Windows builds with a note that your new function is not defined. The Windows CI builds typically catch this issue.

Stumpless uses a custom tool to make sure that all required headers are included in a source file without any extras. The tool is called check_headers and is stored in the tools/check_headers folder. You can run this manually if you wish, by simply executing the script and passing it your source file (or files) as parameters. You will need Ruby to run it. It is also run during Github Actions builds, so you can wait for it to run there instead of doing it yourself. For a one-liner command to catch issues, you can run the tool like this:

tools/check_headers/check_headers.rb "src/**/*.c" "include/**/*.h*" "test/**/*.cpp"

However, if you have added a new function and you see build jobs failing in the Check Headers stage claiming that an include file is unnecessary, then you probably need to add your function to the manifest that powers it. There are a few simple YAML files named tools/check_headers/stumpless.yml and tools/check_headers/stumpless_private.yml with entries for each function. The first has functions and symbols that are publicly provided by the library, and the second has functions and symbols that are only used internally. Adding your function and the associated header it is declared in to the correct manifest will resolve this error as the tool will now know why the include is required.

Continuous Integration Tools

Stumpless uses a number of CI tools to test builds and monitor code coverage and quality. These tools each have badges in the project README that link to their respective pages.

Github Actions are used to build the library in a variety of environments and with a variety of build options. They ensure that changes are portable and that no tests are failing. These must be passing on a change before it will be merged to the library. The build workflow runs these.

Codecov provides a way to review and analyze code coverage from the test suite. It is fed by the Github Actions builds, and will check pull requests for diff and total coverage. In some cases this gate may be failing and code will still be merged, but this is only in situations where coverage is not reasonably obtainable. For example if the only way to cover a failure branch is a very specific chain of memory or system call failures, then the coverage requirement may be relaxed. See the testing documentation for more information on test coverage and how to check this locally before opening a pull request to trigger Codecov.

Sonarcloud provides code quality reviews and static analysis. Changes should avoid introducing any new issues in Sonarcloud. Changes that do introduce new issues will likely not be accepted, unless it can be shown that they are false positives. Unfortunately due to limitations with this tool it will likely not run for pull requests from forks of the project, so if you don't see an analysis of your requests this is likely the reason. Requests will not be rejected simply because they do not have this scan (since the CodeQL analysis will still run) so this is no reason to worry. But if you notice that a previous change (yours or someone else's) has introduced an issue, please consider submitting a fix.

CodeQL is a github tool that provides static code scanning services. This service is similar to the Sonarcloud analysis and is used in the same manner; changes that introduce new issues will likely not be accepted. Fortunately this service will be run on requests from forks of the project (unlike Sonarcloud), and as such there is no risk of finding out an issue has been introduced after the fact.

If you are making a documentation change or other update that won't affect the output of any of these tools, consider temporarily removing the .github/workflows/build.yml file from the project while you work on it, and adding it back before creating a pull request. This conserves build resources and may allow your pull request to pass its checks faster.

Caching Google Test and Benchmark

If you are going to be repeatedly building the library from scratch, for example to ensure nothing is cached between builds or to try different configurations, it will quickly become tedious to wait for the Google Test and/or Benchmark libraries to download and build each time as well. As an alternative, you can put a build of the libraries in some other location and simply tell the build process to use those instead using the GTEST_PATH and BENCHMARK_PATH build parameters.

You could download and build the library yourself, which may be the best course of action if you plan to re-use the build for other projects. If you do this, you just need to make sure that the correct libraries (in the case of gtest, gtest, gtest_main, and gmock) and headers (gtest/gtest.h and gmock/gmock.h) are found at the given path. If they are, then they will be used and gtest will not be downloaded and built again. If any of them are missing though, a fresh copy will be downloaded and used anyway, so make sure everything is there!

Since downloading and building can be a pain, especially multiple times for different build types, stumpless provides two build targets that will export built libraries for you to the path. This way, all you need to do is build stumpless as you would normally, and then use the export-gtest and/or export-benchmark targets to populate the path for future builds. This would look something like this (if you're using a make build system):

# from the directory above your repo
# just adjust the paths accordingly if you build somewhere else

# first we set up our folders to hold the libraries
mkdir gtest
mkdir benchmark

# next, we build the library as normal
mkdir biuld
cd build
cmake -DGTEST_PATH=../gtest -DBENCHMARK_PATH=../benchmark ../stumpless

# in this build Google Test and Benchmark will be downloaded and built since
# the paths we provided don't have anything in them
make check
make bench

# to build the libraries and put them in the path for future builds, we just
# execute these two targets:
make export-gtest
make export-benchmark

# these list commands show that the folders are now populated!
ls ../gtest
ls ../benchmark

# next time, you can use the exact same cmake command to use the previously
# built versions instead of downloading fresh

# if you want to try it out immediately:
cd ..

# clear out the previous build
rm -rf build

# and redo it!
mkdir biuld
cd build
cmake -DGTEST_PATH=../gtest -DBENCHMARK_PATH=../benchmark ../stumpless

# running the test suite or benchmark suite won't download the libraries this
# time - it will go straight to compiling the tests and linking them against
# the libraries in the PATH variables
make check
make bench

Other development notes

For a detailed discussion of the performance testing framework used to gauge the speed and efficiency of various calls, check out the benchmark documentation for the basic strategy and a full walkthrough of an example.