Table of Contents
- kubectl
- to interact with the clusters
- azure-cli
- to interact with all Azure Resources
- krew
- to install convenient plugins for kubectl
- kubecolor
- to colorize the output of kubectl
alias k="kubectl"
alias kk="kubectl krew"
# or
alias k="kubecolor"
alias kk="kubecolor krew"
alias kgp="kubecolor get pod"
alias kgd="kubecolor get deployment"
alias kgcr="kubecolor get certificaterequest"
alias kgs="kubecolor get service"
alias kgi="kubecolor get ingress"
alias kdp="kubecolor describe pod"
alias kdd="kubecolor describe deployment"
alias kdcr="kubecolor describe certificaterequest"
alias kds="kubecolor describe service"
alias kdi="kubecolor describe ingress"
kk install ctx # switch between contexts easily
kk install ns # switch between namespaces easily
kk install stern # log tailing of multiple pods
kk install score # static manifest analyzer (good on CI/CD)
kk install allctx # fire commands to multiple contexts
kk install iexec # search and exec pod
kk install kor # discover unused resources
kk install kubescape # scan security vulnerability on resources (good on CI/CD)
kk install kubespy # temporarily add more libraries to the pod for debugging
kk install kurt # show all restarted resources
kk install outdated # detect what resources are outdated and show the latest version available
- switch between contexts easily
k ctx # list all contexts
k ctx nexplore-dev # switch to context `nexplore-dev`
k ctx - # switch to the previous context
- switch between namespaces easily
k ns # list all namespaces
k ns core # switch to namespace core
- log tailing of multiple pods
k stern apps -A # log tailing all components with pattern `apps`
- static manifest analyzer, can be used with CI/CD
helm template my-app | kube-score score -
- fire commands to multiple contexts
k allctx get pods --like apps -A
- search and exec pod
k iexec app # will show a list to select
# Use the arrow keys to navigate: ↓ ↑ → ←
# ? Select Pod:
# Namespace: app | Pod: ▸ app-5d4c8755cb-aaaaa
# Namespace: app | Pod: app-5d4c8755cb-bbbbb
# ↓ Namespace: app | Pod: app-background-job-6b577d899f-gnq4s
- discover unused resources
k kor all
- scan security vulnerability on resources, operator is also available
k kubescape scan
- temporarily add more libraries to the pod for debugging
k spy my-app -n app
- show all restarted nodes and pods
k kurt all
# kurt: Kubernetes Restart Tracker
# ==========
# Namespace Restarts
# datadog 3
# helloworld 1
# foobar 0
# core 0
# keycloak 0
# ==========
# Node Restarts
# aks-d4sv5-29292033-vmss000000 4
# aks-d4sv5-29292033-vmss00000a 0
# aks-d4sv5-29292033-vmss000002 0
# aks-d4sv5-29292033-vmss000004 0
# ==========
# Label Restarts
# pod-template-generation:2 3
# 3
# 3
# 3
# 3
# ==========
# Pod Namespace Restarts
# datadog-agent-zwhd9 datadog 3
# helloworld-backend-7576dcc5cd-g7tpp helloworld 1
# foobar-backend-7bd76cbbc5-jsjsz foobar 0
# smalltown-backend-769555d79c-7qwlm smalltown 0
# sleepyday-backend-6499b67b87-r96x8 sleepyday 0
- detect what resources are outdated and show the latest version available
k outdated
# Image Current Latest Behind
# prod-26 Unable to get image data
# v1.11.1 4.0.0-c875c7 3
# v1.11.1 4.0.0-f67c80 3
# v1.11.1 4.0.0-c875c7 3
k api-resources
# bindings v1 true Binding
# componentstatuses cs v1 false ComponentStatus
# configmaps cm v1 true ConfigMap
# endpoints ep v1 true Endpoints
# events ev v1 true Event
# limitranges limits v1 true LimitRange
- deploymentpo
- podcr
- certificaterequesting
- ingresssvc
- servicens
- namespaceno
- node