- Translations are compiled to php arrays now
- New Feed component
- Added pagination in Blog extension
- Added languages from Transifex
- Fixed comment status bug
- Fixed reordering menu bug
- Fixed marketplace grid
- Fixed thumbnail grid in Storage
- Fixed several issues for shared hosters
- Updated UIkit to 2.11.1
- Added OAuth api
- Fixed option cache issue
- Updated library dependencies
- IMPORTANT: Removed 'settings' from extension/theme config, use 'parameters' instead
- Fixed blog extension settings
- Fixed blog/page url handling
- Updated requirejs scripts ordering
- Removed GLOB_BRACE for Solaris compatiblity
- Added marketplace pagination
- Added beautified system emails
- Added admin theme font subset latin, latin-ext
- Fixed simple plugin regex
- Fixed gravatar on https
- Updated UIkit to 2.9
- Removed username in password reset
- Added Finnish, French, Spanish, Russian translation
- Added pagination in user manager
- Fixed comments ordering (blog)
- Fixed comments auto approval (blog)
- Fixed finder (Windows)
- Fixed demo data for SQLite versions < 3.7.11
- Fixed language registration for Themes and Extensions
- Fixed blank renderer in theme skeleton
- Fixed redirect after installation
- Fixed Apache configuration to serve SVG files with correct mime type
- Fixed verify mail action
- Updated mod_rewrite check
- Updated widgets now rendering themeselves
- Removed that the app root needs to be writable if the config already exists
- Refactored comments settings in blog