An empirical study where some of many possible items are selected
This standard applies to empirical research in which the researcher selects smaller groups of items to study (a sample) from a larger group of items of interest (the population) using a usually imperfect population list (the sampling frame). Common items in software engineering research include people (e.g. software developers), code artifacts (e.g. source code files) nd non-code artifacts (e.g. online discussions, user stories).
- explains the goal of sampling (e.g. aiming for representativeness, identifying exceptional cases)
- explains the sampling strategy, in particular the different filtering steps involved or the reasons for selecting certain objects
- explains why the sampling strategy is reasonable (not necessarily optimal) for the sampling goal
- explains the reasoning behind the selection of study objects (especially qualitative studies)
- reports the sample size
- states the theoretical population (what would the researcher like to generalize to?)
- presents a replicable, concise, algorithmic account of how other researchers could derive the same sample
- explicitly argues for representativeness (e.g. compares sample and population parameters, provides confidence interval and confidence level for sample size)
- explains how the sample could be biased along the sampling steps
reports the approximate or exact sizes of populations and sampling frames
provides the sample, sampling frame, and sampling scripts as supplementary material (subject to the collected data containing sensitive or protected information).
uses more sophisticated sampling strategies where appropriate, e.g.:
- exploratory research: using purposive rather than convenience sampling for unit of analysis
- case study: using purposive rather than convenience sampling for site selection
- repository mining: using probability rather than convenience or purposive sampling (if a sampling frame is available)
- online survey: using respondent-driven rather than snowball sampling
- study with identifiable strata: using stratified random rather than simple random sampling
- theory building: using theoretical rather than convenience sampling
- omitting a detailed account of the sampling strategy because it is explained in previous work using the same data set
- using a very simple sampling strategy in exceptional circumstances where expediency outweighs representativeness (e.g. research during a disaster)
- making claims about a population, based on sample, without providing an argument for representativeness
- claiming that a sample is representative of a population because it was randomly selected from a sampling frame, without considering bias in the sampling frame
- conducting underpowered research; i.e.:
- quantitative research with a sample size insufficient to detect effects of the expected size1
- qualitative research with too little data for plausible saturation
- justifying the selection of items merely by stating that they come from a "real-world" context, without providing additional reasoning why the selected items are suitable for the study context
- complaining about lack of representativeness or low external validity in studies where representativeness is not a goal
- abstractly criticizing generalizability rather than pointing to best practices, e.g.:
- invalid: 'as most respondents work in app development, the results may not generalize to other settings'
- valid: 'the researchers should have sent participation reminders to mitigate response bias'
- for qualitative research, claiming that the sample size is too small without considering how the items were selected (e.g. theoretical sampling) or the authors' argument for saturation.
Sebastian Baltes and Paul Ralph. 2020. Sampling in Software Engineering Research: A Critical Review and Guidelines. Empirical Software Engineering.
William G. Cochran. 2007. Sampling techniques. Wiley.
Alexander Coppock, Thomas J. Leeper, and Kevin J. Mullinix. 2018. Generalizability of heterogeneous treatment effect estimates across samples. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 49. 12441-12446. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1808083115
Steve Easterbrook, Janice Singer, Margaret-Anne Storey, and Daniela Damian. 2008. Selecting Empirical Methods for Software Engineering Research. In Shull, F., Singer, J., Sjøberg, D.I.K. (eds) Guide to Advanced Empirical Software Engineering, Springer, London. 285-311.
Barbara Kitchenham and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger. 2002. Principles of survey research: part 5: populations and samples. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 27, 5 (September 2002), 17–20. DOI: 10.1145/571681.571686
Gary T. Henry. 1990. Practical Sampling. Sage, Newbury Park.
Meiyappan Nagappan, Thomas Zimmermann, and Christian Bird. 2013. Diversity in software engineering research. In Proceedings of the 2013 9th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE 2013). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 466–476. DOI: 10.1145/2491411.2491415
1Expected effect sizes should be plausible. For instance, expecting any single factor (e.g. programming language) to explain 50% of the variance in software project success is not plausible.