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VzBorg utility

Simple deduplicated, encrypted, local or remote backups for the Proxmox Virtual Environment

With VzBorg you can:

  • Backup, restore, purge, delete, list and organize your PVE backups in a flexible and efficient way.
  • Use retention settings to keep your desired number of last, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly backups.
  • Set up simple automated backups to remote locations using ssh keys.

VzBorg uses vzdump and BorgBackup to allow deduplicated, compressed backups of Proxmox guests, in an optionally encrypted repository.

For remote backups, you can use your own server, virtual machine, or services like:

  • Cloud Storage provider with support for borg.
  • BorgBase Borg hosting service
  • Lima-Labs NFS or SSH file system as a service provider with borg support (not tested yet)


You need a proxmox 5.x or 6.x server with a suitable BorgBackup package installed.

If you are running proxmox 6.x you can install BorgBackup with:

apt install borgbackup

If you are running proxmox 5.x you must enable stretch-backports repository:

echo "deb stretch-backports main" >>/etc/apt/sources.list

Then install BorgBackup from it:

apt update

apt install -t stretch-backports borgbackup

If you want to use a remote repository, you need BorgBackup installed on the remote computer, ideally with the same or a greater version.

If your remote repository is on another proxmox server, you can eventually restore your backups on it. Just install VzBorg, and configure the repository as a local one. Warning: In this situation it is not recommended to use that repository for local backups.

Installation and update

As user root in your Proxmox server run:

wget -O - | bash

On first install, a default configuration file with a random passphrase is created.



After the <COMMAND> VzBorg only uses options. Specified, but not used options, are ignored.


VzBorg accepts one of the following commands:

Command Description
backup Perform a backup job.
delete Delete backups.
getdump Recreate a dump file from a backup.
help Show VzBorg help.
info Show repository or backup info
list List backups in a repository.
list-size List sizes of backups in a repository
purge Purge a repository.
restore Restore backups from a repository.
version Show VzBorg, Borg and PVE versions.


Option Value Use with commands Description
-b (--backup) backup_name delete/getdump/info/restore Name of an existing backup (archive)
-c (--config) config_name all except help/version Name of a config file in /etc/vzborg dir
-d (--dry-run) purge Just perform a simulation
-f (--force) restore Force overwrite of existing VM/CT
-h (--help) all except help/version Display command help
-i (--id) vm_id all except help/info/version PVE VM/CT ID or list of PVE VM/CT IDs
-k (--keep) retention backup/purge List of retention settings
-m (--mode) mode backup vzdump mode (default = snapshot)
-n (--new-id) vm_id restore New vm_id for restored backup
-p (--purge) backup Purge guest when backing up
-r (--repository) repository all except help/version Borg repository
-s (--storage) storage getdump/restore Proxmox storage (default = local)

Configuration file:


Edit before using VzBorg, to customize defaults values for repository, encryption, etc..

You can have different config files in /etc/vzborg for managing different repositories or environments. You can instruct vzborg to read an additional configuration file with the -c (--config) option. Ex:

vzborg backup -c remoterepo -i 121

Backup guest with ID 121 reading additional configuration file /etc/vzborg/remoterepo.


The vzborg backup command, automatically creates the related borg repository, if it does not exist.

Backup names

VzBorg creates backups encoding the guest ID and the backup time into the name, for example:

vzborg-104-2020_04_02-17_12_34.tar for an lxc container


vzborg-105-2020_04_02-17_15_11.vma for a virtual machine

When recreating a Proxmox backup file (getdump command), VzBorg will use the default PVE naming convention, for example:

vzdump-lxc-104-2020_04_02-17_12_34.tar.lzo for an lxc container


vzdump-qemu-105-2020_04_02-17_15_11.vma.lzo for a virtual machine

First steps

The best way to start with VzBorg is to edit the /etc/vzborg/default file with some sensible values, and run a back up of a small guest. Then you can try to restore it, backup it again, list, purge, etc.



vzborg help

Show VzBorg help.

vzborg restore -h

Show help about restore command.


vzborg backup --id 201

Backup guest 201 with default options.

vzborg backup --id all --config remote-repo

Backup all guests in proxmox node with default options using configuration file remote-repo.

vzborg backup --id '101 102 307' --mode stop --purge

Backup guests 101, 102 and 307 with mode stop to default repository, purging with default retention settings.


vzborg restore --backup vzborg-300-2020_03_20-13_11_46.vma --new-id 1300 --storage local_lvm

Restore VM from backup with name vzborg-300-2020_03_20-13_11_46.vma as VM with ID 1300 to storage local_lvm.

vzborg restore --id 102 --storage local_lvm --force

Restore last backup of VM 102 forcing overwrite if guest exists.

vzborg restore --id all --repository /mnt/backup02

Restore last backup of all guests in repository /mnt/backup02 to default storage.

List backups

vzborg list

List all backups in the default repository.

vzborg list --id 303 --repository ssh://

List all backups of guest with ID 303 existing on remote repository ssh://

vzborg list --id '1230 1040 2077' --repository /mnt/vzborg

List all backups of guests with IDs 1230, 1040 and 2077 existing in local repository /mnt/vzborg

vzborg list-size

List size of each backup in the default repository.

vzborg list-size --id 201

List size of each backup of guest 201 in the default repository.

Information about repository or backup

vzborg info

Shows information about the default repository.

vzborg info --backup vzborg-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar

Shows information about backup vzborg-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar in default repository, including guest configuration file.

vzborg info --repository /var/lib/vzborg

Shows information about the repository /var/lib/vzborg.

Get dump file

vzborg getdump --backup vzborg-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar --storage backups

Recreate from backup name vzborg-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar an lxc dump file in PVE storage backups (the file will be recreated as the compressed file vzdump-lxc-13998-2020_03_20-13_08_35.tar.lzo)

vzborg getdump --id 103 --storage backups

Recreate dump file from last backup in default repository of guest 103, in PVE storage backups

Purge repository

vzborg purge --id '101 102 307'

Purge backups of guests with IDs 101, 102 and 307, on default repository, using default retentions.

vzborg purge --id all --keep-last=2

Purge backups keeping only the last 2 of each guest.

vzborg purge --id '101 102 307' --keep-weekly=4 --keep-monthly=6 --keep-yearly=2

Purge backups of guests with IDs 101, 102 and 307 on default repository, keeping 4 weekly, 6 monthly and 2 yearly backups.

Delete backups

vzborg delete --id '101 103'

Deletes all existing backups of guests 101 and 103 from default repository

vzborg delete --backup vzborg-141-2020_03_20-13_18_45.tar -r /var/lib/vzborgrepo

Deletes the vzborg-141-2020_03_20-13_18_45.vma backup from the /var/lib/vzborgrepo repository


Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License, version 3.

Feedback, bug-reports, requests, ...

They are welcome here!

Important note

VzBorg is under development. Use it at your own risk.