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Day 11: Plutonian Pebbles


This was a delightfully simple problem, no less because it was obvious to me during part 1 what was likely to happen in part 2. I'll give you the "normal" solution, and then I'll do another solution that leverages some Clojure magic.

Problem Statement and Solution Approach

We are given a list of numbers that represent stones, and a calculation of how each stone changes each time you blink (aka for each generation). We need to project each stone 25 generations into the future, and then count the number of stones that result. Oh yeah, during a blink, sometimes a stone splits in half.

Our strategy is to recognize that even though the puzzle makes clear that the stones always retain their order, that doesn't really matter. In fact, we can calculate each stone in complete isolation if we want. Not only that, but there are multiple ways to have the same stone show up multiple times within a generation. For instance, if we have the stones (1010 1020) in generation 2, in generation 3 we'll have the stones (10 10 10 20). As long as we know how many stones will result from any 10 in the third generation, we can reuse that for the other two. Therefore, we want to use the process of memoization, or caching the results of expensive function calls.

We'll do this manually the first time, and then let Clojure abstract for us in the second implementation.

Parts One and Two

To start, let's implement blink, which takes in a stone and returns a collection of stones it transforms into after any given blink.

(defn blink [stone]
  (let [stone-str (str stone)
        len (count stone-str)
        pivot (quot len 2)]
    (cond (zero? stone) [1]
          (even? len) (map parse-long [(subs stone-str 0 pivot) (subs stone-str pivot)])
          :else [(* stone 2024)])))

There's not much to this function; it's basically one big cond function. If the stone is a zero, return a vector with only 1. If it's an even-lengthed string, create two substrings at the midpoint, and return those strings converted back into numbers. Otherwise, return a vector with just the stone multiplied by 2024.

Now we're going to implement blink-to-the-future, where the goal is to build out a history (a future prediction?) of how many stones will result from a stone with a certain number of blinks remaining.

(defn blink-to-the-future [stone blinks history]
  (let [key [stone blinks]]
      (history key) history
      (zero? blinks) (assoc history key 1)
      :else (reduce (fn [acc stone'] (let [history' (blink-to-the-future stone' (dec blinks) acc)]
                                       (update history' key + (history' [stone' (dec blinks)]))))
                    (assoc history key 0)
                    (blink stone)))))

The function takes in not only the stone and blinks remaining, but also a history, which maps {[stone blinks] n} - that's our map of memoized results. The function will return the revised history, not the number of stones returned. We'll get to that later.

We'll bind key to [stone blinks] so we can simply our work with histories. And then we have a single cond call again. If the history already knows how many stones come from this stone and number of blinks, then just return the history; we have no more work to do. If there are no more blinks remaining, then the stone isn't going to transform, so associate the key to 1. Otherwise, we'll make recursive calls back in to blink-to-the-future for each of the stones we get from (blink stone). To simplify our code, this will actually be done within a reduce function that works off (assoc history key 0), since before looking at any child stones, we can say that the number of stones produced at this key is zero. Then after calling blink-to-the-future with the child stones (remember to decrement blinks since we'll have used one up in this generation), we take the revised history' that comes back from the recursive call, look up the number of stones that the child produced, and add that to the value for the present stone's key.

I'm not going to kid myself; let's just implement solve with both part1 and part2 at the same time.

(defn solve [blinks input]
  (let [stones (c/split-longs input)
        history (reduce #(blink-to-the-future %2 blinks %1) {} stones)]
    (transduce (map #(history [% blinks])) + stones)))

(defn part1 [input] (solve 25 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve 75 input))

The solve function parses the input by just calling (c/split-longs input), and then generates the complete history by reducing over blink-to-the-future for all stones, starting with an initially empty history. Now that we know what each stone can do, we transduce across each of the original stones, mapping them into the history with the key [stone blinks], and adding the results. For part1 we'll set blinks to 25, and for part2 we'll use 75.

Use Built-In Memoization

We can take the same basic structure from our initial solution, and instead of keeping our own history map, leverage Clojure's built-in memoization. If we tell Clojure to memoize a function, it will retain a mapping of the set of arguments passed in to a function to its result, and magically skip over the implementation every future time those same arguments are passed in. The plus side is that it really simplifies the code. The downside is that those cached values stay within the heap until the JVM is shut down or (I believe) the function itself is discarded.

We'll reuse the blink function, but instead of blink-to-the-future, we'll create num-future-stones.

(def num-future-stones
  (memoize (fn [stone blinks]
             (if (zero? blinks) 1 (transduce (map #(num-future-stones % (dec blinks))) + (blink stone))))))

The first thing to note is that this is a def, not a defn. memoize takes in a function and returns another function with memoization wrapped around it, and num-future-stones is that memoized function. But now, the function only takes in the stone and blinks since we don't have to manage a history anymore. Similarly, we can have this function return the actual number of stones generated for a stone and number of remaining blinks. If there are no more blinks, return a 1 since this stone generated itself. Otherwise, we can look at the child stones called from (blink stone), transduce them into num-future-stones, and then since that returns a number, add them together. It's really simple to look at by comparison.

How do we finish it up?

(defn solve [blinks input]
  (transduce (map #(num-future-stones % blinks)) + (c/split-longs input)))

(defn part1 [input] (solve 25 input))
(defn part2 [input] (solve 75 input))

This is what we'd expect from any Advent problem - a single-line transduce. Split the input into long values, map each to num-future-stones with the magic of memoization, and add the results.

You can compare and contrast the original solution with the built-in memoization solution to see which looks simpler and better to you.