diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9805011759f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# EditorConfig is awesome: https://EditorConfig.org
+# Please feel free to update it (by considering the code style of ABP Team).
+# top-most EditorConfig file
+root = true
+#Namespace settings
+csharp_style_namespace_declarations = file_scoped
+dotnet_diagnostic.IDE0161.severity = warning
+#Core editorconfig formatting - indentation
+#use tabs for indentation
+indent_style = tabs
+#Formatting - indentation options
+#indent switch case contents.
+csharp_indent_case_contents = true
+#indent switch labels
+csharp_indent_switch_labels = true
+#Formatting - new line options
+#place catch statements on a new line
+csharp_new_line_before_catch = true
+#place else statements on a new line
+csharp_new_line_before_else = true
+#require members of object intializers to be on separate lines
+csharp_new_line_before_members_in_object_initializers = true
+#require braces to be on a new line for object_collection_array_initializers, methods, control_blocks, types, and lambdas (also known as "Allman" style)
+csharp_new_line_before_open_brace = object_collection_array_initializers, methods, control_blocks, types, lambdas
+#Formatting - organize using options
+#sort System.* using directives alphabetically, and place them before other usings
+dotnet_sort_system_directives_first = true
+#Formatting - spacing options
+#require NO space between a cast and the value
+csharp_space_after_cast = false
+#require a space before the colon for bases or interfaces in a type declaration
+csharp_space_after_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
+#require a space after a keyword in a control flow statement such as a for loop
+csharp_space_after_keywords_in_control_flow_statements = true
+#require a space before the colon for bases or interfaces in a type declaration
+csharp_space_before_colon_in_inheritance_clause = true
+#remove space within empty argument list parentheses
+csharp_space_between_method_call_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+#remove space between method call name and opening parenthesis
+csharp_space_between_method_call_name_and_opening_parenthesis = false
+#do not place space characters after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis of a method call
+csharp_space_between_method_call_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+#remove space within empty parameter list parentheses for a method declaration
+csharp_space_between_method_declaration_empty_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+#place a space character after the opening parenthesis and before the closing parenthesis of a method declaration parameter list.
+csharp_space_between_method_declaration_parameter_list_parentheses = false
+#Formatting - wrapping options
+#leave code block on single line
+csharp_preserve_single_line_blocks = true
+#Style - Code block preferences
+#prefer curly braces even for one line of code
+csharp_prefer_braces = true:suggestion
+#Style - expression bodied member options
+#prefer block bodies for constructors
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_constructors = false:suggestion
+#prefer block bodies for methods
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_methods = false:suggestion
+#prefer expression-bodied members for properties
+csharp_style_expression_bodied_properties = true:suggestion
+#Style - expression level options
+#prefer out variables to be declared inline in the argument list of a method call when possible
+csharp_style_inlined_variable_declaration = true:suggestion
+#prefer the language keyword for member access expressions, instead of the type name, for types that have a keyword to represent them
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:suggestion
+#Style - Expression-level preferences
+#prefer default over default(T)
+csharp_prefer_simple_default_expression = true:suggestion
+#prefer objects to be initialized using object initializers when possible
+dotnet_style_object_initializer = true:suggestion
+#prefer inferred tuple element names
+dotnet_style_prefer_inferred_tuple_names = true:suggestion
+#Style - implicit and explicit types
+#prefer var over explicit type in all cases, unless overridden by another code style rule
+csharp_style_var_elsewhere = true:suggestion
+#prefer var is used to declare variables with built-in system types such as int
+csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = true:suggestion
+#prefer var when the type is already mentioned on the right-hand side of a declaration expression
+csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = true:suggestion
+#Style - language keyword and framework type options
+#prefer the language keyword for local variables, method parameters, and class members, instead of the type name, for types that have a keyword to represent them
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:suggestion
+#Style - Miscellaneous preferences
+#prefer local functions over anonymous functions
+csharp_style_pattern_local_over_anonymous_function = true:suggestion
+#Style - modifier options
+#prefer accessibility modifiers to be declared except for public interface members. This will currently not differ from always and will act as future proofing for if C# adds default interface methods.
+dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members:suggestion
+#Style - Modifier preferences
+#when this rule is set to a list of modifiers, prefer the specified ordering.
+csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public,protected,private,virtual,async,readonly,static,override,abstract:suggestion
+#Style - Pattern matching
+#prefer pattern matching instead of is expression with type casts
+csharp_style_pattern_matching_over_as_with_null_check = true:suggestion
+#Style - qualification options
+#prefer fields not to be prefaced with this. or Me. in Visual Basic
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false:suggestion
+#prefer methods not to be prefaced with this. or Me. in Visual Basic
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false:suggestion
+#prefer properties not to be prefaced with this. or Me. in Visual Basic
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false:suggestion
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 79d0ea6388b..1faf2fac917 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
index 4ea99af7e15..f64b3859085 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
@@ -210,6 +210,10 @@
"Completed": "Completed",
"Failed": "Failed",
"PaymentRequestDeletionWarningMessage": "This payment request will be deleted. Do you confirm that?",
- "Payment": "Payment"
+ "Payment": "Payment",
+ "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email",
+ "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
index 923535cfdda..f9262592978 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/en.json
@@ -352,6 +352,11 @@
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030008": "Purchase date can be set only when status is Purchased!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030009": "User not found!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030010": "To purchase the trial license, first you need to activate your trial license!",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030011": "You cannot delete a trial license when it is purchased!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030011": "You cannot delete a trial license when it is purchased!",
+ "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email",
+ "SendWelcomeEmail": "Send Welcome Email",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Are you sure you want to send welcome email to the organization members?",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Welcome email sent successfully!",
+ "PaymentRequestId": "Payment Request Id"
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/tr.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/tr.json
index 1bba0bb964d..5942fca747d 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/tr.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Admin/Localization/Resources/tr.json
@@ -348,6 +348,10 @@
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030008": "Satın alma tarihi yalnızca durum Satın Alındı olduğunda ayarlanabilir!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030009": "Kullanıcı bulunamadı!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030010": "Deneme lisansını satın almak için önce deneme lisansınızı etkinleştirmeniz gerekir!",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030011": "Satın alındığında bir deneme lisansını silemezsiniz!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Commercial:030011": "Satın alındığında bir deneme lisansını silemezsiniz!",
+ "Permission:SendWelcomeEmail": "Hoşgeldin Emaili Gönder",
+ "SendWelcomeEmail": "Hoşgeldin Emaili Gönder",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailWarningMessage": "Organizasyon üyelerine hoşgeldin emaili göndermek istediğinden emin misin?",
+ "SendWelcomeEmailSuccessMessage": "Hoşgeldin emaili başarıyla gönderilmiştir!"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
index 87b934f8c52..caa14e8d94b 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
@@ -102,6 +102,10 @@
"InvalidFormInputs": "Please, type the valid information specified on the form.",
"DDDBookEmailBody": "Thank you. To download your book, click here.",
"FreeDDDEBook": "Free DDD E-Book",
- "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy."
+ "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.",
+ "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?",
+ "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "You can renew the license of your organization(s) by clicking the below \"Extend Now\" button(s) and thus you can extend the license expiry date by 1 year. If you continue to checkout, you will have a new organization. Do you want to continue with a new organization?",
+ "ExtendNow": "Extend Now",
+ "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Continue with a new organization"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json
index f4a8153ec14..9720354d995 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/en.json
@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@
"ChangingLicenseType": "Can I upgrade my license type later?",
"ChangingLicenseTypeExplanation": "You can upgrade to a higher license by paying the difference within your active license period. When you upgrade to a higher license plan, you get the benefits of the new plan, but the license upgrade does not change the license expiry date. Besides, you can also add new developer seats to your existing license, see \"How many developers can work on the ABP Commercial?\"",
"LicenseExtendUpgradeDiff": "What is the difference between license extend and upgrade?",
- "LicenseExtendUpgradeDiffExplanation": "Extending: By extending/renewing your license, you will continue to get premium support and get major updates for the modules and themes. Besides, you will be able to continue creating new projects. And you will still be able to use ABP Suite which speeds up your development.
Upgrading: By upgrading your license, you will promote to a higher license plan which will allow you to get additional benefits. See the license comparison table to check the differences between the license plans.On the other hand, when you upgrade, your license expiry date will not change!To extend your license end date, you need to extend your license.",
+ "LicenseExtendUpgradeDiffExplanation": "Extending: By extending/renewing your license, you will continue to get premium support and get major updates for the modules and themes. Besides, you will be able to continue creating new projects. And you will still be able to use ABP Suite which speeds up your development. When you extend your license, 1 year is added to your license expiry date. Upgrading: By upgrading your license, you will promote to a higher license plan which will allow you to get additional benefits. See the license comparison table to check the differences between the license plans.On the other hand, when you upgrade, your license expiry date will not change!To extend your license end date, you need to extend your license.",
"LicenseRenewalCost": "What is the license renewal cost after 1 year?",
"LicenseRenewalCostExplanation": "The renewal (extend) rate of all ABP Commercial perpetual licenses is {0} of the license list price. The renewal price of the standard Team License is ${1}, standard Business License is ${2} and standard Enterprise License is ${3}. If you are already a customer, log into your account to review the available renewal pricing.",
"HowDoIRenewMyLicense": "How do I renew my license?",
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEnds": "What happens when my license period ends?",
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation1": "ABP Commercial license type is perpetual license. After your license expires, you can continue developing your project. And you are not obliged to renew your license. Your license comes with a one-year Updates and Support plan out of the box. To continue to receive new features, performance enhancements, bug fixes, support and continue to use ABP Suite, make sure to renew your plan each year. When your license expires, you will not be able to get more of the following benefits;",
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation2": "You can not create new solutions using the ABP Commercial, but you can continue to develop your existing applications forever.",
- "WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation3": "You will be able to get updates for the modules and themes within your MAJOR version. For example; if you are using v3.2.0 of a module, you can still get updates for v3.x.x (v3.3.0, v3.5.2... etc.) of that module. But you cannot get updates for the next major version (like v4.x, v5.x)",
+ "WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation3": "You will be able to get updates for the modules and themes within your MAJOR version (except RC or Preview versions). For example; if you are using v3.2.0 of a module, you can still get updates for v3.x.x (v3.3.0, v3.5.2... etc.) of that module. But you cannot get updates for the next major version (like v4.x, v5.x). Let's say, when your license expired, the latest release was v4.4.3 and the latest preview version was v5.0.0-rc.2, you can only access the v4.X.X but you cannot access the v5.X.X.",
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation4": "You can not install new modules and themes added to the ABP Commercial platform after your license ends.",
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation5": "You can not use the ABP Suite.",
"WhatHappensWhenLicenseEndsExplanation6": "You can not get the premium support anymore.",
@@ -390,6 +390,16 @@
"TrialLicenseExpireMessage": "You are using the trial license and your trial license will expire on {0}.",
"TryForFree": "Try For Free",
"TrialLicenseExpiredInfo": "Your trial license period has expired!",
- "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy."
+ "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "I agree to the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.",
+ "DowngradeLicensePlan": "Can I downgrade to a lower license plan in the future?",
+ "DowngradeLicensePlanExplanation": "You cannot downgrade your existing license plan. But you can purchase a new lower license plan and continue to your development on the new license. After you purchase a lower license, you just need to login to your new license plan via ABP CLI command: ` abp login -o `.",
+ "LicenseTransfer": "Can a license be transferred from one developer to another?",
+ "LicenseTransferExplanation": "Yes! When you purchase a license, you become the license holder, hence you will have access to the organization management page. An organization has owner and developer roles. Owners can manage the developer seats and assign developers. Each assigned developer will login via ABP CLI command into the system and will have development and support permissions.",
+ "UserOwnerDescription": "The 'Owner' of the organization is the admin of this account. He/she manages the organization by purchasing licenses, allocating developers. An 'Owner' cannot write code in the ABP Commercial projects, cannot download the ABP sample projects, or cannot ask questions on the support website. If you want to do all these, you have to add yourself as a developer too.",
+ "UserDeveloperDescription": "The 'Developers' can write code in the ABP Commercial projects, download the ABP sample projects, or ask questions on the support website. On the other hand, the 'Developers' cannot manage this organization.",
+ "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "You are removing yourself from your own organization. You will no longer be able to manage this organization, do you confirm?",
+ "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "You can renew the license of your organization(s) by clicking the below \"Extend Now\" button(s) and thus you can extend the license expiry date by 1 year. If you continue to checkout, you will have a new organization. Do you want to continue with a new organization?",
+ "ExtendNow": "Extend Now",
+ "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Continue with a new organization"
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json
index ae472a27f06..5e93833b0d3 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Commercial/Localization/Resources/tr.json
@@ -390,6 +390,10 @@
"TrialLicenseExpireMessage": "Deneme lisansını kullanıyorsunuz ve deneme lisansınızın süresi {0} tarihinde sona erecek.",
"TryForFree": "Ücretsiz deneyin",
"TrialLicenseExpiredInfo": "Deneme lisansınızın süresi doldu!",
- "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "Şartlar, Koşullar ve Gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum."
+ "CommercialNewsletterConfirmationMessage": "Şartlar, Koşullar ve Gizlilik politikasını kabul ediyorum.",
+ "RemoveCurrentUserFromOrganizationWarningMessage": "Organizasyondan kendinizi kaldırıyorsunuz. Artık bu organizasyonu yönetemeyeceksiniz, onaylıyor musunuz? ",
+ "RenewExistingOrganizationOrCreateNewOneMessage": "Aşağıdaki \"Şimdi Uzat\" buton(lar)una tıklayarak organizasyon(lar)ınızın lisansını yenileyebilir ve böylece lisans geçerlilik süresini 1 yıl uzatabilirsiniz. Ödemeye devam ederseniz, yeni bir organizasyonunuz olacak. Yeni bir organizasyonla devam etmek istiyor musunuz? ",
+ "ExtendNow": "Şimdi Uzat",
+ "ContinueWithNewOrganization": "Yeni bir organizasyon ile devam et"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/ar.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/ar.json
index 44d5d79aaca..751b33613e1 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/ar.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/ar.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "يجب عليك إدخال 3 أحرف على الأقل!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "عنوان URL المصدر (\"{ArticleUrl}\") ليس عنوان URL لـ Github",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "محتوى المقالة غير متوفر من مورد Github (\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "لم يتم العثور على محتوى مقال!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "لم يتم العثور على محتوى مقال!",
+ "SeeMore": "شاهد المزيد"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/de-DE.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/de-DE.json
index 9dc7da3144f..f3da536e7ed 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/de-DE.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/de-DE.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Sie müssen mindestens 3 Zeichen eingeben!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Quell-URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") ist keine Github-URL",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Artikelinhalt ist über die Github(\"{ArticleUrl}\")-Ressource nicht verfügbar.",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Kein Artikelinhalt gefunden!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Kein Artikelinhalt gefunden!",
+ "SeeMore": "Mehr Sehen"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
index 652090d8644..5925ffb1721 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en-GB.json
@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@
"ArticleRequestMessageTitle": "Open an issue on the GitHub to request an article/tutorial you want to see on this web site.",
"ArticleRequestMessageBody": "Here is the list of the requested articles by the Community. Do you want to write a requested article? Please click on the request and join the discussion.",
"Language": "Language",
- "CreateArticleLanguageInfo": "The language in which the article is written"
+ "CreateArticleLanguageInfo": "Language of the article",
+ "SeeMore": "See More"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
index 2da4a624813..16a86cac37d 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/en.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "You must enter at least 3 characters!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Source URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") is not Github URL",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Article Content is not available from Github(\"{ArticleUrl}\") resource.",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "No article content found!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "No article content found!",
+ "SeeMore": "See More"
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/es.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/es.json
index 7b34e043a75..3066263e8b1 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/es.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/es.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "¡Debes ingresar al menos 3 caracteres!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "La URL de origen (\"{ArticleUrl}\") no es la URL de Github",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "El contenido del artículo no está disponible en el recurso de Github (\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "¡No se encontró contenido del artículo!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "¡No se encontró contenido del artículo!",
+ "SeeMore": "Ver Más"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fi.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fi.json
index 2c099847744..435ac1ef928 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fi.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fi.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Sinun on annettava vähintään 3 merkkiä!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Lähteen URL-osoite (\"{ArticleUrl}\") ei ole Githubin URL-osoite",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Artikkelin sisältö ei ole saatavilla Githubin (\"{ArticleUrl}\") -resurssista.",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Artikkelin sisältöä ei löytynyt!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Artikkelin sisältöä ei löytynyt!",
+ "SeeMore": "Katso Lisää"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fr.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fr.json
index 42f239f9879..cbeb8ae0844 100644
--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fr.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/fr.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Vous devez saisir au moins 3 caractères!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "L'URL source (\"{ArticleUrl}\") n'est pas une URL Github",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Le contenu de l'article n'est pas disponible à partir de la ressource Github(\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Aucun contenu d'article trouvé !"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Aucun contenu d'article trouvé !",
+ "SeeMore": "Voir Plus"
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "आपको कम से कम 3 वर्ण दर्ज करने होंगे!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "स्रोत URL (\"{ArticleUrl}\") जीथब URL नहीं है",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "लेख सामग्री Github (\"{ArticleUrl}\") संसाधन से उपलब्ध नहीं है।",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "कोई लेख सामग्री नहीं मिली!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "कोई लेख सामग्री नहीं मिली!",
+ "SeeMore": "और देखें"
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Þú verður að slá inn að minnsta kosti 3 stafi!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Upprunaslóð (\"{ArticleUrl} \") er ekki Github slóð",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Innihald greinar er ekki fáanlegt frá Github (\"{ArticleUrl} \") resoursum.",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Innihald greinar fannst ekki!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Innihald greinar fannst ekki!",
+ "SeeMore": "Sjá Meira"
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Devi inserire almeno 3 caratteri!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Source URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") non è un URL di GitHub",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Il contenuto dell'articolo non è disponibile dalla risorsa Github(\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nessun contenuto dell'articolo trovato!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nessun contenuto dell'articolo trovato!",
+ "SeeMore": "Vedi Altro"
\ No newline at end of file
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"MinimumSearchContent": "Trebuie să introduceţi cel putin 3 caractere!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Sursa URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") nu este URL GitHub",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Conţinutul articolului nu este disponibil din resursa de pe GitHub(\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nu a fost găsit conţinutul articolului!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nu a fost găsit conţinutul articolului!",
+ "SeeMore": "Vezi mai mult"
diff --git a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/sk.json b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/sk.json
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@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "Musíte zadať aspoň 3 znaky!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "Zdrojová URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") nie je URL Githubu",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "Obsah článku nie je dostupný v Github zdroji(\"{ArticleUrl}\").",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nenašiel sa žiadny obsah článku!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "Nenašiel sa žiadny obsah článku!",
+ "SeeMore": "Vidět Víc"
\ No newline at end of file
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--- a/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/zh-Hans.json
+++ b/abp_io/AbpIoLocalization/AbpIoLocalization/Community/Localization/Resources/zh-Hans.json
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
"MinimumSearchContent": "您必须输入至少 3 个字符!",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060001": "源 URL(\"{ArticleUrl}\") 不是 Github URL",
"Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060002": "文章内容无法从 Github(\"{ArticleUrl}\") 资源中获得。",
- "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "没有找到文章内容!"
+ "Volo.AbpIo.Domain:060003": "没有找到文章内容!",
+ "SeeMore": "查看更多"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/common.props b/common.props
index a343f7cd044..4eb29c0b8ea 100644
--- a/common.props
+++ b/common.props
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- 5.0.1
+ 5.1.0$(NoWarn);CS1591;CS0436https://abp.io/assets/abp_nupkg.pnghttps://abp.io/
diff --git a/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/POST.md b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/POST.md
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--- a/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/POST.md
+++ b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/POST.md
@@ -127,13 +127,7 @@ First of all, you need to have EF Core or MongoDB installed into your solution.
#### Install the packages
-Install the new [Volo.Abp.EventBus.Boxes](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Volo.Abp.EventBus.Boxes) NuGet package to your database layer (to `EntityFrameworkCore` or `MongoDB` project) or to the host application. Open a command-line terminal at the root directory of your database (or host) project and execute the following command:
-abp add-package Volo.Abp.EventBus.Boxes
-This will install the package and setup the ABP module dependency. This package depends on [DistributedLock.Core](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DistributedLock.Core) library which provides a distributed locking system for concurrency control in a distributed environment. There are [many distributed lock providers](https://github.com/madelson/DistributedLock#implementations), including Redis, SqlServer and ZooKeeper. You can use the one you like. Here, I will show the Redis provider.
+For the outbox & inbox functionality, ABP depends on [DistributedLock.Core](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DistributedLock.Core) library which provides a distributed locking system for concurrency control in a distributed environment. There are [many distributed lock providers](https://github.com/madelson/DistributedLock#implementations), including Redis, SqlServer and ZooKeeper. You can use the one you like. Here, I will show the Redis provider.
Add [DistributedLock.Redis](https://www.nuget.org/packages/DistributedLock.Redis) NuGet package to your project, then add the following code into the ConfigureService method of your ABP module class:
@@ -285,6 +279,16 @@ This can be a breaking change in rare cases (for example, if you create host sid
## Community News
+### ABP Community Talks 2021.12
+As the core ABP development team, we've decided to organize monthly live meetings with the ABP community. The first live meeting will be at **December 16, 2021, 17:00 (UTC)** on YouTube. ABP core team members will present some of the new features coming with ABP 5.0.
+**Join this event on the Kommunity platform: https://kommunity.com/volosoft/events/abp-community-talks-4afca9c9**
+You can also [subscribe to the Volosoft channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO3XKlpvq8CA5MQNVS6b3dQ) for reminders for further ABP events and videos.
### ABP was on ASP.NET Community Startup!
It was great for us to be invited to Microsoft's [ASP.NET Community Weekly Standup](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/live/community-standup) show, at September 28. There was a very high attention and that made us very happy. Thanks to the ABP Community and all the watchers :) If you've missed the talk, [you can watch it here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMWM-_ihjwM).
diff --git a/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/community-talks.png b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/community-talks.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4056d1afb8b
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/community-talks.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-11-18 v5_0_Preview/cover-50.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..329db94af35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-12-15 v5_0_Release_Stable/POST.md
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# ABP.IO Platform 5.0 Final Has Been Released!
+[ABP Framework](https://abp.io/) and [ABP Commercial](https://commercial.abp.io/) 5.0 versions have been released today.
+## What's new with 5.0?
+Since all the new features are already explained in details with the [5.0 RC.1 Announcement Post](https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP-IO-Platform-5.0-RC-1-Has-Been-Released), I will not repeat all the details again. See the [RC Blog Post](https://blog.abp.io/abp/ABP-IO-Platform-5.0-RC-1-Has-Been-Released) for all the features and enhancements.
+## Getting started with 5.0
+### Creating new solutions
+You can create a new solution with the ABP Framework version 5.0 by either using the `abp new` command or using the **direct download** tab on the [get started page](https://abp.io/get-started).
+Type the following command in a command-line terminal to install the ABP CLI version 5.0:
+dotnet tool install -g Volo.Abp.Cli --version 5.0.0
+To upgrade your existing ABP CLI installation:
+dotnet tool update -g Volo.Abp.Cli --version 5.0.0
+Then you can create a new solution using the `abp new` command:
+abp new Acme.BookStore
+> See the [getting started document](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Getting-Started) for details.
+### Upgrading existing solutions
+Check [the migration guide](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Migration-Guides/Abp-5_0) for the applications with the version 4.x upgrading to the version 5.0. Also see [the upgrading guide](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Upgrading) to understand how to update existing solutions.
+## ABP Community Talks 2021.12
+As the core ABP development team, we've decided to organize monthly live meetings with the ABP community. The first live meeting will be at **December 16, 2021, 17:00 (UTC)** on YouTube. ABP core team members will present some of the new features coming with ABP 5.0.
+**Join this event on the Kommunity platform: https://kommunity.com/volosoft/events/abp-community-talks-4afca9c9**
+See you in the event!
diff --git a/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-12-15 v5_0_Release_Stable/community-talks.png b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-12-15 v5_0_Release_Stable/community-talks.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/en/Blog-Posts/2021-12-15 v5_0_Release_Stable/community-talks.png differ
diff --git a/docs/en/CLI.md b/docs/en/CLI.md
index b8f69b1ee44..7db562a66e8 100644
--- a/docs/en/CLI.md
+++ b/docs/en/CLI.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Here, the list of all available commands before explaining their details:
* **`help`**: Shows help on the usage of the ABP CLI.
* **`new`**: Generates a new solution based on the ABP [startup templates](Startup-Templates/Index.md).
* **`update`**: Automatically updates all ABP related NuGet and NPM packages in a solution.
+* **`clean`**: Deletes all `BIN` and `OBJ` folders in the current folder.
* **`add-package`**: Adds an ABP package to a project.
* **`add-module`**: Adds a [multi-package application module](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Modules/Index) to a solution.
* **`list-modules`**: Lists names of open-source application modules.
@@ -145,6 +146,17 @@ abp update [options]
* `--check-all`: Check the new version of each package separately. Default is `false`.
* `--version` or `-v`: Specifies the version to use for update. If not specified, latest version is used.
+### clean
+Deletes all `BIN` and `OBJ` folders in the current folder.
+abp clean
### add-package
Adds an ABP package to a project by,
diff --git a/docs/en/Community-Articles/2021-06-17-Using-Elsa-Workflow-with-ABP-Framework/POST.md b/docs/en/Community-Articles/2021-06-17-Using-Elsa-Workflow-with-ABP-Framework/POST.md
index 1a07d744e7f..5880406ffb0 100644
--- a/docs/en/Community-Articles/2021-06-17-Using-Elsa-Workflow-with-ABP-Framework/POST.md
+++ b/docs/en/Community-Articles/2021-06-17-Using-Elsa-Workflow-with-ABP-Framework/POST.md
@@ -241,8 +241,9 @@ private void ConfigureElsa(ServiceConfigurationContext context, IConfiguration c
- //register controllers inside elsa
- context.Services.AddAssemblyOf();
+ //Uncomment the below line if your abp version is lower than v4.4 to register controllers of Elsa .
+ //See https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/9299 (we will no longer need to specify this line of code from v4.4)
+ // context.Services.AddAssemblyOf();
//Disable antiforgery validation for elsa
Configure(options =>
@@ -269,11 +270,7 @@ public override void OnApplicationInitialization(ApplicationInitializationContex
-* In here we've specified the Elsa Server Api's assembly by using the `AddAssemblyOf<>` extension method to register the required services (controllers). These services required for the dashboard (if we create a workflow by using **Elsa Workflow Designer** it calls some services under the hook, therefore we need to be assured about these services get registered).
-* With [v4.4](https://github.com/abpframework/abp/pull/9299), we will no longer need to specify this line of code.
-> **Note:** `AddAssemblyOf<>` extension method can help you to register all your services by convention. You can check [here](https://docs.abp.io/en/abp/latest/Dependency-Injection#conventional-registration) for more information about conventional registration.
+* These services required for the dashboard.
* We don't need to register our workflows one by one anymore. Because now we use `.AddWorkflowsFrom()`, and this registers workflows on our behalf.
@@ -371,12 +368,14 @@ namespace ElsaDemo.Permissions