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Users management

Mariusz Kumor edited this page Apr 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Display a list of all user

In the control panel go to Users tab from the left sidebar. You will be able to see a list of users available in Abixen Platform.

Abixe Platform users list

Create a new user

Being a privileged user you are able to create new users. In order to create a new user, click the big green button New User. You will be able to see a new user creation form.

There are some required fields you must fill out:

  • Screen name
  • E-mail
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Language

Abixe Platform user required fields

Once you get it filled out the form may look like so:

Abixe Platform create a new user

Now click the Save button. You will be able to see an avatar upload form:

Abixe Platform upload a user's avatar

After a saving of the form, the created user will receive an email contained some informations. A content of the email can looks like so:

Welcome Sara Johnson,
Your account in Abixen Platform has been created.

Your temporary access credentials are:
E-mail / username: [email protected]
Password: 69752H8!10+K Please change your password during the first visit the application.

For the first time please activate your account by click following address: 

Best regards,
Administrator of Abixen Paltform

The newly created user must click an address from the email in order to activate his account. Now he is able to sign in to the application.

Select a user

You are able to select single user to edit or roles assignment. Click the checkbox in a row you are interested in.

Abixe Platform select a single user

Assign roles to user

Having a one selected user, click Assign Roles button. You will be able to see a list of roles you can assign to the selected user. Also you can filter roles by their type by clicking a filter button on the left side of the roles list.

Abixe Platform assign roles to user