It is a Puzzle where one needs to carry everyone from one side of the river to another based on some rules. Here is an interactive Retro style Console version of the puzzle.
You must get all the people across the river in this game respecting the following rules:
- The raft can carry no more than 2 people.
- Only the Adults (mom, dad, policeman) can operate the raft.
- Dad can not be in the presence of the girls w/out Mom
- Mom can not be in the presence of the boys w/out Dad
- The thief can not be alone with any of the family w/out the policeman.
f -> Father | m -> Mother | d1 -> Daughter1 | d2 -> Daughter2 | s1 -> Son1 | s2 -> Son2 | c -> Cop | t -> Thief mr -> Move Raft
u -> Undo | r -> Reset | sol -> Solution | q -> Quit!