This plug-in contains the definition and implementation of the CPN Tools metamodel, according to the following specification.
Default generated code:
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* @generated not
public EList<SimpleColorSet> getSimpleColors() {
if (simpleColors == null) {
simpleColors = new EObjectResolvingEList<SimpleColorSet>(
SimpleColorSet.class, this, CpntoolsPackage.COMPOUND_COLOR_SET__SIMPLE_COLORS);
return simpleColors;
Modified version (due to bug
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* @generated not
public EList<SimpleColorSet> getSimpleColors() {
if (simpleColors == null) {
simpleColors = new EObjectResolvingEList<SimpleColorSet>(
SimpleColorSet.class, this, CpntoolsPackage.COMPOUND_COLOR_SET__SIMPLE_COLORS)
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
protected boolean isUnique() {
return CpntoolsPackage.eINSTANCE.getCompoundColorSet_SimpleColors().isUnique();
return simpleColors;