To use the CPN Tools Toolkit in your Java program, simply add the following repository and dependencies to your pom.xml
<!-- Other repositories (if needed)... -->
<!- ... -->
<!-- Other dependencies (if needed)... -->
See a full example in the pom.xml
PLEASE NOTE that the following maven commands must be executed inside THIS directory, which is built independently of the maven project at the root
To compile the examples run
mvn clean verify
To execute the example program, run:
java -cp "target/*;target/lib/*" io.github.abelgomez.cpntools.examples.simplejava.SaveModelExample model.xmi
NOTE: To execute this example, an existing model file is needed. You can use the model file generated by running the Example 1.
To execute the example program, run:
java -cp "target/*;target/lib/*" io.github.abelgomez.cpntools.examples.simplejava.LoadModelExample model.xmi
An otuput similar to the following should appear in stdout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE workspaceElements PUBLIC "-//CPN//DTD CPNXML 1.0//EN" "">
<generator format="6" tool="CPN Tools" version="4.0.1"/>
<page id="ID756460329">
<pageattr name="Page"/>
<place id="ID1753925900">
<posattr x="95.000000" y="-162.000000"/>
<fillattr colour="White" filled="false" pattern=""/>
<lineattr colour="Black" thick="1" type="Solid"/>
<textattr bold="false" colour="Black"/>
<ellipse h="40" w="60"/>
<token x="-10.0" y="0.0"/>
<marking x="0.0" y="0.0"/>
<type id="ID1442248840">
<posattr x="125.0" y="-182.0"/>
<fillattr colour="White" filled="false" pattern=""/>
<lineattr colour="Black" thick="1" type="Solid"/>
<textattr bold="false" colour="Black"/>
<text tool="CPN Tools" version="4.0.1"/>
<trans explicit="false" id="ID2009809814">
<posattr x="-96.000000" y="161.000000"/>
<fillattr colour="White" filled="false" pattern=""/>
<lineattr colour="Black" thick="1" type="Solid"/>
<textattr bold="false" colour="Black"/>
<box h="40" w="60"/>
<binding x="7.2" y="-3.0"/>
<arc id="ID1714444502" order="0" orientation="PtoT">
<posattr x="0.000000" y="0.000000"/>
<fillattr colour="White" filled="false" pattern=""/>
<lineattr colour="Black" thick="1" type="Solid"/>
<textattr bold="false" colour="Black"/>
<arrowattr currentcyckle="2" headsize="0.0"/>
<transend idref="ID2009809814"/>
<placeend idref="ID1753925900"/>
<annot id="ID1149850895">
<posattr x="15.000000" y="-27.000000"/>
<fillattr colour="White" filled="false" pattern=""/>
<lineattr colour="Black" thick="1" type="Solid"/>
<textattr bold="false" colour="Black"/>
<text tool="CPN Tools" version="4.0.1">Annot</text>
<instance id="ID1894609793" page="ID756460329"/>
<cpnbinder height="500" id="ID121635196" width="500" x="150" y="30">
<cpnsheet id="ID1628937196" instance="ID1894609793" zoom="1.0"/>
To execute the example program, run:
java -cp "target/*;target/lib/*" io.github.abelgomez.cpntools.examples.simplejava.SerializeExample
NOTE: An output like the one ofthe Example 2 will be shown.
To execute the example program, run:
java -cp "target/*;target/lib/*" io.github.abelgomez.cpntools.examples.simplejava.SaveFileExample model.cpn
NOTE: The example net is just a simple example for illustrative purposes and cannot be exercised in CPN Tools
It is important that graphical elements have a position in the CPN Tools Page.
Since calculating positions of places and transitions is complex and most of the times impractical, the CPN Tools Toolkit can automatically calculate the positions of the different graphical elements. Simply call the layout(...)
method as shown in the