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This project provides a template to manage robots running ROS1 with Ansible. Using the so-called ansible playbooks, we can modify the behavior and configuration of robots from a base station aka HOST_PC instead of modifying robots directly. This way machines/robots aka CLIENT_PC can be easily reconfigured and cloned, thus the fleet will scale nicely.

The interesting part in this repository is a method to manage and deploy projects on robots. It is described in the "Usage" section.

NOTE: this workspace configures and assumes that the CLIENT_PC runs the ROS master.


The suffix _aws stands for ansible workspace. Thus if you intend to create your own, it is suggested to keep the suffice, since multiple _aws can be available on your robot -- each for a different mission.

Installation on HOST_PC

In order to use those playbooks you will need to install ansible >= 2.4 with apt-get sudo apt install ansible -y (check the version with ansible --version). rsync is also needed to synchronize files with robots and is already included in the Linux distributions.

NOTE: your remote machines need to be reachable via ssh. You need to setup ssh keys.

Requirements on the CLIENT_PC

  • ssh server: must be running and the HOST need to be authorized.
  • tmux: missions will be running in a session called robot_session.
  • IP address: the IP address needs to be known and in best case static. Scan the IP addressed in network by, e.g., nmap -sn .
  • username: default is pi, but can be changed in inventory.


As shown in the block diagram, the aws has 3 main components

  • A) Inventories: containing an IP address lookup table for the machines used for a certain mission (each mission can require a different number and set of robots)
  • B) Playbooks: contains ansible commands that are executed to manage robots. Manage means: configure, run, stop, reboot, etc. It is open for additions and extensions.
  • C) Machines: contains per machine different software stacks (in our case ROS1 workspaces) which are synchronized with a local directory on the machine's home directory needed to achieve the mission of this aws.

block diagram

A) Inventories

To use the ansible playbooks you will need to create an inventory file containing all robots that you will manage and definition of variables.


########### Quadcopter ############
q01 ansible_host=
q02 ansible_host=


############# Rovers ##############
r01 ansible_host=
r02 ansible_host=


In the example above quadcopters and rovers are group names. In the sections starting with [group_name:vars] the variables valid for the whole group are defined.

NOTE: The playbooks from this package require that the variable robot_name is defined. Each inventory must refer to a directory in the machines folder according to machines/<robot_name>. It is used as the directory with all the sources that should be synchronized. Additionally you can also define variable additional_packages, e.g. additional_packages=['git',] in order to have some packages installed only on a particular robot type.

Display the IP addresses of inventories using Ansible (is available in variable {{ansible_ssh_host}}):

ansible -i inventories/example_inventory -m debug -a "var=hostvars[inventory_hostname].ansible_host" all

B) Playbooks

Most of playbooks in this repository are used to mange robots. They are mostly self-explanatory and use Ansible in a fairly standard way.

This section will focus on one particular playbook: mission.yml -- the working horse. It is used to manage projects and facilitates deployment on robots.

Let's start with an example usage:

    ansible-playbook -i inventories/example_inventory --extra-vars "target=all proj_name=example_aws"  playbooks/mission.yml  --tags "synchronize,build,start"

There are multiple arguments that can be adjusted here. The first line specifies inventory, which is a standard Ansible inventory described in the "Inventory file" section.

There are two extra variables that should be specified. With a "target" variable you can specify a set of robots with which you want to work, e.g., q01, Quadcopters, q01,z01, all. "all" is also a valid choice, as well as all groups and hostnames specified in the inventory file.

Next there is a proj_name variable which should be in our case example_aws. It will used to create a folder <proj_name> in the home directory of all machines and containing the machine related synchronized files and scripts.

There are multiple operations the mission.yml playbook can perform:

- 'synchronize' -- synchronize project files
- 'synchronize_deep' -- synchronize project files deeply (deep copy of symbolic links)
- 'install_requirements' -- install requirements of the project
- 'build' -- build the project
- 'start' -- start the project

By default all of those operations are performed sequentially. It is possible to choose which ones to perform using a --tags argument (for instance, in the example at the beginning of this section only synchronize, build, and start actions were performed).

The following sub-sections will describe what exactly happens during those operations.

But for now stop the mission again:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/example_inventory --extra-vars "target=all username=pi" playbooks/mission_stop.yml -K


Each Ansible workspace consists of multiple directories under machine, one for each robot type it was designed to work on. This command will synchronize the appropriate directory with the robot. Only the files that are different on the robot are being transmitted, so even big projects can be efficiently synchronized using this command.

If you don't want some files (e.g., build directories) to be synchronized, simply create .rsync-filter in the synchronized directory. The possible filter details can be found in the rsync documentation.

Install requirements

This action will start the script on each robot. It should be used to do some one-off setup of the robot, e.g. install packages using apt-get. It's a rather simple way to manage requirements and in the future it might be replaced with a more sophisticated solution, e.g. based on Ansible.


This operation runs a script from a synchronized workspace on each robot. If the build fails it will display an error and stop execution of the playbook.


The start operation is starting the script on each robot in a tmux session named robot_session. You can attach to this session in order to examine the outputs by executing a tmux attach command on a robot. Do not interact with this tmux session, unless you are sure you know what you are doing, because it may break the future runs of the Playbook.

Any program you start in the script should run in the foreground, and it should be possible to terminate it with a Ctrl+C shortcut.

C) Machines

This folder contains machine related software components and scripts needed to execute a mission in a folder matching the <robot_name>, e.g., Quadcopter. In our case, this machine specific folder contains a ROS1 workspace with bash scripts for the individual commands that are executed from the HOST_PC through the mission.yml playbook, such as,,,

  • configures the ROS_MASTER_URI and the ROS_IP, and performs a roslaunch command to launch the robots nodes. The build
  • triggers the catkin_build command.
  • and are not implemented and echo a dummy message.


Use examples liberally, and show the expected output if you can. It's helpful to have inline the smallest example of usage that you can demonstrate, while providing links to more sophisticated examples if they are too long to reasonably include in the README.


Please open an issue.


Describe a sample configuration for a Raspberry Pi as machine to be used with this Ansible workspace


Contribution to this example workspace are welcome.

Authors and acknowledgment

This project was developed by Agata Barciś and Michal Barciś during the doctoral school Karl Popper Kolleg on Networked Autonomous Aerial Vehicles (KPK-NAV) at the University of Klagenfurt. The original set of playbooks can be found here. Petra Madzin and Roland Jung contributed to the project at a later stage and Roland Jung modified slightly the structure of this Ansible workspace.


The GNU General Public License GPLv3. Sharing is caring

Project status


Usage for academic purposes

If you use this software in an academic research setting, please cite the corresponding paper.

  author={Barciś, Agata and Barciś, Michał and Bettstetter, Christian},
  booktitle={2019 International Symposium on Multi-Robot and Multi-Agent Systems (MRS)}, 
  title={Robots that Sync and Swarm: A Proof of Concept in ROS 2}, 