This operation will convert a dump from one image format to another.
Aaru -d [true/false] -v [true/false] image convert -h [true/false] -c <count> --comments <comments> --creator <creator> --drive-manufacturer manufacturer> --drive-model <model> --drive-revision <revision> --drive-serial <serial> -f [true/false] --media-barcode <barcode> --media-lastsequence <number> --media-manufacturer <manufacturer> --media-model <model> --media-partnumber <partnumber> --media-sequence <sequence> --media-serial <serial> --media-title <title> -O <options> -p <format> -r <resume file> -x <xml sidecar> <input-path> <output-path>
-d, --debug [true/false]
shows debug output (default false)
-v, --verbose [true/false]
shows verbose output (default false)
-h, --help [true/false]
shows help screen for the command instead of running it, ignores all other switches (default false)
-c, --count <count>
specifies how many sectors to convert at once (default 64)
--comments <comments>
specifies image comments
--creator <creator>
specifies who (person) created the image?
--drive-manufacturer <manufacturer>
specifies manufacturer of the drive used to read the media represented by the image
--drive-model <model>
specifies model of the drive used to read the media represented by the image
--drive-revision <revision>
specifies firmware revision of the drive used to read the media represented by the image
--drive-serial <serial>
specifies serial number of the drive used to read the media represented by the image
-f, --force [true/false]
continues conversion even if sector or media tags will be lost in the process (default false)
--media-barcode <barcode>
specifies barcode of the media represented by the image
--media-lastsequence <number>
specifies last media of the sequence the media represented by the image corresponds to (default 0)
--media-manufacturer <manufacturer>
specifies manufacturer of the media represented by the image
--media-model <model>
specifies model of the media represented by the image
--media-partnumber <partnumber>
specifies part number of the media represented by the image
--media-sequence <sequence>
specifies number in sequence for the media represented by the image (default 0)
--media-serial <serial>
specifies serial number of the media represented by the image
--media-title <title>
specifies title of the media represented by the image
-O, --options <options>
specifies comma separated name=value pairs of options to pass to output image plugin
-p, --format <format>
specifies format of the output image, as plugin name or plugin id. If not present, will try to
detect it from output image extension
-r, --resume-file <resume file>
takes list of dump hardware from existing resume file
-g, --geometry <geometry>
force geometry, only supported in not tape block media. Specify as C/H/S
store subchannel according to the sector they describe
try to fix subchannel. Implies fixing subchannel position
If subchannel looks OK but CRC fails, rewrite it. Implies fixing subchannel
generates missing subchannels
-x, --cicm-xml <xml sidecar>
takes metadata from existing CICM XML sidecar
Aaru image convert -c 32 --comments "My converted image" --creator "Jane Doe" --drive-manufacturer "LG" --drive-model "CD-RW 1234" --drive-revision "1.0" --drive-serial "AABBCCDDEEFF01" --media-lastsequence 2 --media-sequence 1 --media-title "Important software" -O "deduplicate=true,nocompress=false" -r dd_dump.resume.xml -x dd_dump.cicm.xml dd_dump.iso dump.aaruf
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