❯ flyctl postgres create
? App Name: mydb
Automatically selected personal organization: Aaron Kelly
? Select region: ams (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
? Select configuration: Specify custom configuration
? Select configuration: Development (Single node)
? Select VM size: [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> shared-cpu-1x - 256
dedicated-cpu-1x - 2048
dedicated-cpu-2x - 4096
dedicated-cpu-4x - 8192
dedicated-cpu-8x - 16384
❯ flyctl postgres create
? App Name: mydb
Automatically selected personal organization: Aaron Kelly
? Select region: ams (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
? Select configuration: Development - Single node, 1x shared CPU, 256MB RAM, 10GB disk
Creating postgres cluster mydb in organization personal
Postgres cluster mydb created
Username: postgres
Password: XXXX
Hostname: mydb.internal
Proxy Port: 5432
PG Port: 5433
Save your credentials in a secure place, you won't be able to see them again!
Monitoring Deployment
1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy [health checks: 2 total, 2 passing]
--> v0 deployed successfully
Connect to postgres
Any app within the personal organization can connect to postgres using the above credentials and the hostname "mydb.internal."
For example: postgres://postgres:[email protected]:5432
See the postgres docs for more information on next steps, managing postgres, connecting from outside fly: