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Excel Reader Class
Category:Library::Data Conversion
This library reads an Excel formatted spreadsheet document. Currently it only works with newer versions of Excel but will be made to work with older versions in time.
The library is made for CI 1.5 or newer and currently does not depend on any other CI libraries or helpers. Just place the library file in the libraries folder and load it as normal. Its usage is a bit limited right now, once the spreadsheet is read you can access each worksheet as a two-dimensional array. Currently this array is a jagged array, that is, it only reflects the cells from the worksheet that contain data, not the empty ones. I'll be adding more options for accessing data soon but for now this is the intended usage:
[code] // Load the spreadsheet reader library $this->load->library('excel_reader');
// Read the spreadsheet via a relative path to the document // for example $this->excel_reader->read('./uploads/file.xls'); $this->excel_reader->read('path/to/file.xls');
// Get the contents of the first worksheet $worksheet = $this->excel_reader->worksheets[0]; [/code]
Excel_reader.php: [code] <?php
Excel reader class
PHP class for reading an Excel spreadsheet document.
@author James Gifford
@copyright Copyright (c) 2006, James Gifford
@link http://jamesgifford.com My Website
@link sc.openoffice.org/excelfileformat.pdf Excel format documentation
@license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
@category Spredsheets
@version 0.1
@todo Too many things to list at this time / class Excel_reader { /*
- The raw contents of the spredsheet document
- @access private
- @var string */ var $_document;
- The size of standard sectors, in bytes
- @access public
- @var long */ var $_sector_size;
- The size of short sectors, in bytes
- @access private
- @var long */ var $_short_sector_size;
- The minimum size of a standard sector, in bytes
- @access private
- @var long */ var $_standard_size;
- The sector allocation table
- @access private
- @var array */ var $_sat;
- The short-sector allocation table
- @access private
- @var array */ var $_ssat;
- The directory
- @access private
- @var array */ var $_directory;
- The short-stream container stream
- @access private
- @var string */ var $_sscs;
- The shared string table
- @access private
- @var array */ var $_sst;
- The worksheets of the spreadsheet
- @access public
- @var array */ var $worksheets;
Constructor */ function Excel_reader ($file = '') { $this->_init();
if ($file !== '') { return $this->read($file); } }
- Initialize class variables
- @access private
- @return void */ function _init () { $this->_document = ''; $this->_sector_size = 0; $this->_short_sector_size = 0; $this->_standard_size = 0; $this->_sat = array(); $this->_ssat = array(); $this->_directory = array(); $this->_sscs = ''; }
Read a spredsheet document
@access public
@param string the path to the spreadsheet document
@return void */ function read ($file) { if (!(is_readable($file))) { return false; }
if (!($this->_document = file_get_contents($file))) { return false; }
$this->_parse_header(); $this->_parse_directory(); }
Extract document values from the header sector and build data tables
@access private
@return void */ function _parse_header () { $header = substr($this->_document, 0, 512);
if (substr($header, 0, 8) != pack('H*', 'd0cf11e0a1b11ae1')) { show_error('Invalid file format'); }
$this->_sector_size = pow(2, $this->_get_value($header, 30, 2)); $this->_short_sector_size = pow(2, $this->_get_value($header, 32, 2)); $this->_standard_size = $this->_get_value($header, 56, 4);
$this->_build_sat($header); $this->_build_ssat($this->_get_value($header, 60, 4), $this->_get_value($header, 64, 4)); $this->_build_directory($this->_get_value($header, 48, 4)); }
Build the sector allocation table
@access private
@param string the header stream
@return void */ function _build_sat ($header) { $msat = array();
for ($i = 76; $i < $this->_sector_size && $this->_get_value($header, $i, 4) != 0xffffffff; $i += 4) { $msat[] = $this->_get_value($header, $i, 4); }
if (($msat_start = $this->_get_value($header, 68, 4)) != 0xfffffffe) { $msat_size = $this->_get_value($header, 72, 4);
// TODO: complete the construction of the msat for larger documents
foreach ($msat as $sat_sid) { $sector = substr($this->_document, ((1 + $sat_sid) * $this->_sector_size), $this->_sector_size);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_sector_size; $i += 4) { $this->_sat[] = $this->_get_value($sector, $i, 4); }
if ((count($this->_sat) / ($this->_sector_size / 4)) != $this->_get_value($header, 44, 4)) { show_error('q'); } }
Build the short-sector allocation table
@access private
@param long the startong sid
@param long the size of the ssat
@return void */ function _build_ssat ($ssat_start, $ssat_size) { $ssat_chain = array($ssat_start); $ssat_sid = $ssat_start;
while ($this->_sat[$ssat_sid] != 0xfffffffe) { $ssat_chain[] = $ssat_sid = $this->_sat[$ssat_sid]; }
foreach ($ssat_chain as $ssat_sid) { $sector = substr($this->_document, ((1 + $ssat_sid) * $this->_sector_size), $this->_sector_size);
for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_sector_size; $i += 4) { $this->_ssat[] = $this->_get_value($sector, $i, 4); }
if ((count($this->_ssat) / ($this->_sector_size / 4)) != $ssat_size) { show_error('j'); } }
Build the directory
@access private
@param long the starting sid
@return void */ function _build_directory ($directory_start) { $directory_chain = array($directory_start); $directory_sid = $directory_start;
while ($this->_sat[$directory_sid] != 0xfffffffe) { $directory_chain[] = $directory_sid = $this->_sat[$directory_sid]; }
foreach ($directory_chain as $directory_sid) { $sector = substr($this->_document, ((1 + $directory_sid) * $this->_sector_size), $this->_sector_size);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $this->_directory[] = substr($sector, ($i * 128), 128); }
} }
Extract values from directory entries and build data tables and streams
@access private
@return void */ function _parse_directory () { foreach ($this->_directory as $entry_did => $entry) { $entry_name = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < (($this->_get_value($entry, 64, 2) - 2) / 2); $i++) { $entry_name .= chr($this->_get_value(substr($entry, 0, 64), $i * 2, 2)); } if ($this->_get_value($entry, 66, 1) == 5) { $this->_build_sscs($entry); } else if ($entry_name == 'Workbook' || $entry_name == 'Book') { $this->_parse_workbook($entry); } else { // TODO: Handle the other directory entries }
} }
Build the short-stream container stream
@access private
@param string the root entry stream
@return void */ function _build_sscs ($root) { $sscs_start = $this->_get_value($root, 116, 4); $sscs_size = $this->_get_value($root, 120, 4);
$sscs_chain = array($sscs_start); $sscs_sid = $sscs_start;
while ($this->_sat[$sscs_sid] != 0xfffffffe) { $sscs_chain[] = $sscs_sid = $this->_sat[$sscs_sid]; }
foreach ($sscs_chain as $sscs_sid) { $this->_sscs .= substr($this->_document, ((1 + $sscs_sid) * $this->_sector_size), $this->_sector_size); } }
Parse the workbook directory entry
@access private
@param string the workbook stream
@return void */ function _parse_workbook ($entry) { $workbook_start = $this->_get_value($entry, 116, 4); $workbook_size = $this->_get_value($entry, 120, 4);
$workbook_chain = array($workbook_start); $workbook_sid = $workbook_start;
if ($workbook_size >= $this->_standard_size) { while ($this->_sat[$workbook_sid] != 0xfffffffe) { $workbook_chain[] = $workbook_sid = $this->_sat[$workbook_sid]; } } else { while ($this->_ssat[$workbook_sid] != 0xfffffffe) { $workbook_chain[] = $workbook_sid = $this->_ssat[$workbook_sid]; } }
foreach ($workbook_chain as $workbook_sid) { if ($workbook_size >= $this->_standard_size) { $this->workbook .= substr($this->_document, ((1 + $workbook_sid) * $this->_sector_size), $this->_sector_size); } else { $this->workbook .= substr($this->_sscs, ($workbook_sid * $this->_short_sector_size), $this->_short_sector_size); } }
$this->workbook = substr($this->workbook, 0, $workbook_size);
$this->biff_version = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, 1, 1);
$i = 0; $identifier = 0; $record_identifier = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, $i, 2);
while ($record_identifier != 0x000a) { $record_size = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, ($i + 2), 2); $record_data = substr($this->workbook, ($i + 4), $record_size);
if ($record_identifier != 0x003c) { $identifier = $record_identifier; } switch ($identifier) { case 0x00fc: $total_strings = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, $i + 4, 4); $sst_strings = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, $i + 8, 4); $offset = 0; for ($k = 0; $k < $sst_strings; $k++) { $string_size = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, $i + 12 + $offset, 2); $this->_sst[] = substr($this->workbook, $i + 12 + $offset + 3, $string_size); $offset += $string_size + 3; } break; case 0x0085: $worksheets[] = $record_data; break; default: // TODO: Handle other workbook records break; } $i += ($record_size + 4); $record_identifier = $this->_get_value($this->workbook, $i, 2);
foreach ($worksheets as $index => $worksheet) { $this->_parse_worksheet($worksheet, $index); } }
Parse a worksheet
@access private
@param string portion of document stream containing the worksheet
@param int the index of this worksheet
@return void */ function _parse_worksheet ($stream, $index) { $worksheet_start = $this->_get_value($stream, 0, 4);
$length = $this->_get_value($stream, 6, 1); $something = $this->_get_value($stream, 7, 1); $sheet_name = substr($stream, 8, $length);
$this->worksheet = substr($this->workbook, $worksheet_start);
$j = 0; $worksheet_identifier = 0; $worksheet_record_identifier = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j, 2);
while ($worksheet_record_identifier != 0x000a) { $worksheet_record_size = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, ($j + 2), 2); $worksheet_record_data = substr($this->worksheet, ($j + 4), $worksheet_record_size);
if ($worksheet_record_identifier != 0x003c) { $worksheet_identifier = $worksheet_record_identifier; } switch ($worksheet_identifier) { case 0x00fd: $row = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 4, 2); $col = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 6, 2); $sst_index = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 10, 4); $this->worksheets[$index][$row][$col] = $this->_sst[$sst_index]; break; case 0x0006: case 0x0203: $row = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 4, 2); $col = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 6, 2); $low_value = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 10, 4); $high_value = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 14, 4); $this->worksheets[$index][$row][$col] = $this->_get_number($low_value, $high_value); break; case 0x027e: $row = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 4, 2); $col = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 6, 2); $rk_value = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 10, 4); $this->worksheets[$index][$row][$col] = $this->_get_rk($rk_value); break; case 0x00bd: $row = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 4, 2); $first_col = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 6, 2); $last_col = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 2 + $worksheet_record_size, 2); for ($i = 0; $i <= $last_col - $first_col; $i++) { $rk_value = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j + 10 + ($i * 6), 4); $this->worksheets[$index][$row][$i] = $this->_get_rk($rk_value); } break; default: // TODO: Handle other worksheet records break; } $j += ($worksheet_record_size + 4); $worksheet_record_identifier = $this->_get_value($this->worksheet, $j, 2);
} }
Convert hexidecimal values to decimal
@access private
@param string the stream from which to obtain the bytes
@param int the offset within the stream to start reading
@param int the number of bytes to read from the stream
@return long */ function _get_value ($stream, $offset = 0, $length = 1) { if (strlen($stream) < ($offset + $length) || $length < 1) { return false; }
$string = substr($stream, $offset, $length); $value = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { $value += (ord($string[$i]) * pow(256, $i)); }
return $value; }
Convert an rk value to a decimal number
@access private
@param long the rk value
@return mixed */ function _get_rk ($rk) { if ($rk & 2) { $value = ($rk & 0xfffffffc) >> 2; } else { $exp = ((($rk & 0x7ff00000) >> 20) - 1023); $value = (0x100000 | ($rk & 0x000ffffc)) / pow(2, (20 - $exp));
if (($rk & 0x80000000) >> 31) { $value = -$value; }
if ($rk & 1) { $value /= 100; }
return $value; }
Convert a IEEE 754 floating point number into a decimal number
@access private
@param long low value
@param long high value
@return mixed */ function _get_number ($low, $high) { $exp = ((($high & 0x7ff00000) >> 20) - 1023); $value = (0x100000 | ($high & 0x000fffff)) / pow(2, (20 - $exp));
if (($low & 0x80000000) >> 31) { $value += (1 / pow(2, (21 - $exp))); }
$value += (($low & 0x7fffffff) / pow(2, (52 - $exp)));
if (($high & 0x80000000) >> 31) { $value = -$value; }
return $value; } }
?> [/code]
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