This is the phpjoern utility for Joern. It uses the php-ast
to generate ASTs from PHP projects and exports these to CSV files
suitable to be parsed by Joern.
More information on Joern and PHP may be found in our paper Efficient and Flexible Discovery of PHP Application Vulnerabilities published at EuroS&P 2017.
First off, you need a working installation of PHP 7. Next, you need to
set up the php-ast
extension, available at:
Essentially, clone the repository, then compile and install the extension as follows:
git clone
sudo make install
Lastly, add the line
to your php.ini
The parser is implemented in PHP and makes use of the php-ast
A simple Bash wrapper script in the repository's root directory called
serves as an entry point. It takes the path to a PHP file or to
a directory as an argument. If the provided argument is a directory, the
parser will recursively search for all PHP files in that directory and
generate an AST for each of them.
Before executing the script, the environment variable $PHP7
should be
set to the location of the php
executable of PHP 7. If no such variable
is set, the location /usr/bin/php
will be used by default.
Example usage:
./php2ast somefile.php
./php2ast somedirectory/
Either of these calls will generate two CSV files nodes.csv
and rels.csv
representing the nodes of the generated AST(s) and their relationships,
respectively. In addition, directory and file nodes are also created and
connected to the individual AST root nodes to reflect a scanned directory's
structure and obtain a single large tree.
By default, the specific format of the CSV files is the format required by
the batch-import
tool for Neo4J (see below), available at:
Other output formats are supported, such as Neo4J's own CSV format and GraphML. See
./php2ast --help
for help. However, note that Joern currently only supports the default format as an input format. In addition, Joern outputs code property graph edges only in this same format, although additional output modules should be easy to implement.
The CSV files generated in the previous step can now be passed to Joern. Joern will read these files, analyze the ASTs, generate control flow and program dependence edges for them, and output the calculated edges in another CSV file. First off, obtain Joern here:
Essentially, clone the repository and build the project:
git clone
gradle build
In Joern's root directory, there is a small Bash wrapper script that serves
as an entry point for generating code property graphs for PHP, called
. It takes two arguments: The node files and the edges file
generated in the previous step, in that order. Use it as follows:
./phpast2cpg nodes.csv rels.csv
Joern will then output a file cpg_edges.csv
, representing the calculated
control flow and program dependence edges.
You should now have three CSV files, named nodes.csv
, rels.csv
by default. These files can be used to create a Neo4J
database using the tool batch-import.
It is easiest to download a precompiled batch-import
for the particular
Neo4J version you intend to use. For instance, for Neo4J 2.1:
mkdir batch-import
cd batch-import
curl -O
In the following, let let $JEXP_HOME
be the absolute path to the newly
created directory batch-import/
the absolute path
to your installation of the present repository.
To import the generated CSV files into a Joern Neo4J database, simply use the following:
java -classpath "$JEXP_HOME/lib/*" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer $PHPJOERN_HOME/conf/ graph.db nodes.csv rels.csv,cpg_edges.csv
The performance you experience will mainly depend on the heap size that you
allocate. You should edit the file $PHPJOERN_HOME/conf/
accordingly, see here.
file that comes with phpjoern
is optimized for heap
sizes larger than 4 GB that you should allocate accordingly, e.g.,
java -classpath "$JEXP_HOME/lib/*" -Xmx$HEAP -Xms$HEAP -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer conf/ graph.db nodes.csv rels.csv
Once the import is finished, you will have a directory graph.db
suitable for Neo4J.
You may now point your Neo4J installation to that database and start your analysis.
For further discussion, refer to