Problem Name : Count Items Matching a RuleReverse String
Problem URL : https://leetcode.com/problems/count-items-matching-a-rule/
Description :
You are given an array items, where each items[i] = [typei, colori, namei] describes the type, color, and name of the ith item.
You are also given a rule represented by two strings, ruleKey and ruleValue.
The ith item is said to match the rule if one of the following is true:
ruleKey == "type" and ruleValue == typei.
ruleKey == "color" and ruleValue == colori.
ruleKey == "name" and ruleValue == namei.
Return the number of items that match the given rule.
Difficulty : Easy
Language : C#
Category : Algorithms
public class Solution
public int CountMatches(IList<IList<string>> items, string ruleKey, string ruleValue)
string[] disc = {"type", "color", "name"};
int cnt = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
if(ruleKey == disc[j] && items[i][j] == ruleValue)
return cnt;