The Nimbus specification doesn't declare any UI component, for this reason we need additional libraries to add some basic functionalities to our Server Driven UI application. This library adds layout components to Nimbus, i.e. components that help organize other components in the screen.
Add to your gradle file, under dependencies:
implementation "$VERSION"
where $VERSION
is the latest version.
See "Part 1: Installing" of the "Getting Started" for Nimbus SwiftUI.
This class is used to provide local images to the components "layout:localImage" and "layout:remoteImage". See the examples below of how to implement and set it up.
The ImageProvider:
class MyImageProvider(private val httpClient: HttpClient): ImageProvider {
// rule for fetching remote images
override suspend fun fetchRemote(url: String): Bitmap {
val response = httpClient.sendRequest(ServerDrivenRequest(
url = url,
method = ServerDrivenHttpMethod.Get,
headers = null, body = null))
return response.let {
// rule for fetching local images
override fun fetchLocal(id: String): Int? = when (id) {
"nimbus-local" -> R.drawable.nimbus_local
"placeholder-img" -> R.drawable.placeholder_img
else -> null
Providing the ImageProvider to Nimbus:
ProvideNimbus(nimbus.imageProvider(MyImageProvider(nimbus.httpClient))) {
// content + Nimbus Navigator
The ImageProvider:
class MyImageProvider: ImageProvider {
var networkClient: URLSession
networkClient: URLSession = URLSession.shared
) {
self.networkClient = networkClient
// rule for fetching remote images
func fetch(url: String, completion: @escaping (UIImage?) -> Void) {
guard let url = URL(string: url) else { return }
networkClient.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard let data = data, let image = UIImage(data: data) else {
// rule for fetching local images
func image(named: String) -> UIImage? {
UIImage(named: named, in: Bundle(for: DefaultImageProvider.self), with: nil)
Providing the ImageProvider to Nimbus:
Nimbus(baseUrl: "https://localhost:8080") {
// content + NimbusNavigator
All components of this lib are prefixed by layout:
. We don't have yet a full documentation for the component library, but everything you need can be found in our specification:
In the specification, every exported type represent a component.