Date, Presenter, Paper
2019/03/22, 李昂, "Wei X X, Stocker A A. Efficient coding provides a direct link between prior and likelihood in perceptual Bayesian inference[C]//Advances in neural information processing systems. 2012: 1304-1312."
2019/03/29, 赵梦迪, "Gouwens N W, Berg J, Feng D, et al. Systematic generation of biophysically detailed models for diverse cortical neuron types[J]. Nature communications, 2018, 9(1): 710."
2019/04/05 清明节假期
2019/04/12, 田耕硕,"Kanitscheider I, Fiete I. Training recurrent networks to generate hypotheses about how the brain solves hard navigation problems[C]//Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems. 2017: 4529-4538.", "Kanitscheider I, Fiete I. Emergence of dynamically reconfigurable hippocampal responses by learning to perform probabilistic spatial reasoning[J]. bioRxiv, 2017: 231159.", & "Recanatesi S, Farrell M, Lajoie G, et al. Signatures and mechanisms of low-dimensional neural predictive manifolds[J]. bioRxiv, 2018: 471987."
2019/04/19, 余柳涛, Cayco-Gajic, N. A., & Silver, R. A. (2019). Re-evaluating Circuit Mechanisms Underlying Pattern Separation. Neuron, 101(4), 584–602.
2019/04/25, 假期
2019/05/03, 五一假期
2019/05/10, 滕天源, “Wei X X, Stocker A A. Lawful relation between perceptual bias and discriminability[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2017, 114(38): 10244-10249.”
2019/05/17, 李昂,"Wang J X, Kurth-Nelson Z, Kumaran D, et al. Prefrontal cortex as a meta-reinforcement learning system[J]. Nature neuroscience, 2018, 21(6): 860.", "Averbeck B B, Costa V D. Motivational neural circuits underlying reinforcement learning[J]. Nature Neuroscience, 2017, 20(4): 505."
2019/05/24, 王超名,"Roelfsema P R. Cortical algorithms for perceptual grouping[J]. Annu. Rev. Neurosci., 2006, 29: 203-227." & "Roelfsema P R, Houtkamp R. Incremental grouping of image elements in vision[J]. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 2011, 73(8): 2542-2572."
2019/05/31, 余柳涛,Evidence that recurrent circuits are critical to the ventral stream’s execution of core object recognition behavior
2019/06/06, 李倩怡,The population dynamics of a canonical cognitive circuit
2019/06/14, 中国计算神经学会议,成都
2019/06/21, 田耕硕, Friston K, FitzGerald T, Rigoli F, et al. Active inference: a process theory[J]. Neural computation, 2017, 29(1): 1-49.
2019/06/28, 赵梦迪, hierarchical reasoning by neural circuit in frontal cortex
2019/07/05, 刘玲,The neural dynamics of hierarchical Bayesian causal inference in multisensory perception