You can post questions or issues or feedback through the following channels:
- Github Discussions: For discussions about development, questions about usage, and feature requests.
- GitHub Issues: For bug reports and feature requests.
- Break your work into small, single-purpose patches if possible. It's much harder to merge in a large change with a lot of disjoint features.
- Submit the patch as a GitHub pull request against the master branch.
- Make sure that your code passes the functional tests. See the Functional testing section below.
- Make sure that your code passes the linter. Install
withpip3 install flake8
and run the next command until you don't see any linitng error:$ flake8 lithops --count --max-line-length=180 --statistics --ignore W605
- Add new unit tests for your code.
To test that all is working as expected, run either:
$ lithops test
$ python3 -m lithops.tests.tests_main
If you made changes to a specific backend, please run tests on that backend. For example, if you made changes to the AWS Lambda backend, run the tests with:
$ lithops test -b aws_lambda -s aws_s3
Please follow the guidelines in docs/ for more details.