Minkeepr is an inventory software written in Django. Its purpose is to manage easily Movies, Books, Video Games, Electronic components and so on.
It is a work in progress, any contribution is welcome !
Project is in Alpha version.
MindkeeprMain contains the root of project, and Mindkeepr contains the main project :
- Mindkeepr/migrations : migrations file for the database
- static : css/js
- tests : tests (are executed on start of project)
- serializers/event_serializers : serializers of models
- models : models of the projects
- forms : forms…?
- views : external interface of the app
Event : BuyEvent, SellEvent, UseEvent, ConsumeEvent, BorrowEvent, MaintenanceEvent (for Machine only) Element : Component, Machine
Each element have several StockRepartitions (quantity, Location, Status, Project (NYI)).
Create an Event will modify the status of the element associated.
Root of API is on /api/v1/
From them, it works as any RESTFul API : you can POST or GET ressources (some of them require login) :
To create ressource :
- Create ressource : POST api/v1/<ressource>s
- Get ressource : GET api/v1/<ressource>s/<id>
- Update ressource : POST api/v1/<ressource>s/<id> (with data in request body)
Please note that this API uses polymorphism. Therefore, the hierarchy between classes are represented in the API GET and POST method. User may GET any instance of a subclass by reaching api/v1/ or api/v1//. User may also POST any ressource using those addresses (only type field is required in case of creation on api/v1/).
If no css served on /admin :
python manage.py collectstatic
Name of project came from the initial project that inspired it : Partkeepr
docker-compose -f docker-compose-local-dev.yml up
Create user on newly created instance :
python manage.py createsuperuser
Then, on container, load init data :
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/initdata.json
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/initgroup.json
python manage.py loaddata fixtures/moviegenre.json