diff --git a/Templates/SharePoint-ADFS/decompiled.bicep b/Templates/SharePoint-ADFS/decompiled.bicep
deleted file mode 100644
index 74abef61..00000000
--- a/Templates/SharePoint-ADFS/decompiled.bicep
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1416 +0,0 @@
-metadata description = 'Create a SharePoint Subscription / 2019 / 2016 farm with an extensive configuration that would take ages to perform manually, and install useful softwares like Fiddler, vscode, np++, 7zip, ULS Viewer to get ready to use'
-metadata author = 'Yvand'
-@description('Location for all resources.')
-param location string = resourceGroup().location
-@description('Version of SharePoint farm to create.')
- '2016'
- '2019'
- 'Subscription-RTM'
- 'Subscription-22H2'
- 'Subscription-23H1'
- 'Subscription-23H2'
- 'Subscription-Latest'
-param sharePointVersion string = 'Subscription-Latest'
-@description('FQDN of the AD forest to create.')
-param domainFQDN string = 'contoso.local'
-@description('Number of MinRole Front-end to add to the farm. The MinRole type can be changed later as needed.')
- 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
-param numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd int = 0
-@description('Specify if Azure Bastion should be provisioned. See https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/azure-bastion for more information.')
-param addAzureBastion bool = false
-@description('Specify if each VM should have a public IP and be reachable from Internet.')
- 'Yes'
- 'No'
- 'SharePointVMsOnly'
-param addPublicIPAddress string = 'SharePointVMsOnly'
-@description('Specify if RDP traffic is allowed:
- If \'No\' (default): Firewall denies all incoming RDP traffic.
- If \'*\' or \'Internet\': Firewall accepts all incoming RDP traffic from Internet.
- If CIDR notation (e.g. or 2001:1234::/64) or IP address (e.g. or 2001:1234::): Firewall accepts incoming RDP traffic from the IP addresses specified.')
-param RDPTrafficAllowed string = 'No'
-@description('Name of the AD and SharePoint administrator. \'admin\' and \'administrator\' are not allowed.')
-param adminUserName string
-@description('Input must meet password complexity requirements as documented in https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/faq#what-are-the-password-requirements-when-creating-a-vm-')
-param adminPassword string
-@description('Password for all service accounts and SharePoint passphrase. Input must meet password complexity requirements as documented in https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/virtual-machines/windows/faq#what-are-the-password-requirements-when-creating-a-vm-')
-param serviceAccountsPassword string
-@description('Time zone of the virtual machines. Type "[TimeZoneInfo]::GetSystemTimeZones().Id" in PowerShell to get the list.')
- 'Dateline Standard Time'
- 'UTC-11'
- 'Aleutian Standard Time'
- 'Hawaiian Standard Time'
- 'Marquesas Standard Time'
- 'Alaskan Standard Time'
- 'UTC-09'
- 'Pacific Standard Time (Mexico)'
- 'UTC-08'
- 'Pacific Standard Time'
- 'US Mountain Standard Time'
- 'Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)'
- 'Mountain Standard Time'
- 'Central America Standard Time'
- 'Central Standard Time'
- 'Easter Island Standard Time'
- 'Central Standard Time (Mexico)'
- 'Canada Central Standard Time'
- 'SA Pacific Standard Time'
- 'Eastern Standard Time (Mexico)'
- 'Eastern Standard Time'
- 'Haiti Standard Time'
- 'Cuba Standard Time'
- 'US Eastern Standard Time'
- 'Turks And Caicos Standard Time'
- 'Paraguay Standard Time'
- 'Atlantic Standard Time'
- 'Venezuela Standard Time'
- 'Central Brazilian Standard Time'
- 'SA Western Standard Time'
- 'Pacific SA Standard Time'
- 'Newfoundland Standard Time'
- 'Tocantins Standard Time'
- 'E. South America Standard Time'
- 'SA Eastern Standard Time'
- 'Argentina Standard Time'
- 'Greenland Standard Time'
- 'Montevideo Standard Time'
- 'Magallanes Standard Time'
- 'Saint Pierre Standard Time'
- 'Bahia Standard Time'
- 'UTC-02'
- 'Mid-Atlantic Standard Time'
- 'Azores Standard Time'
- 'Cape Verde Standard Time'
- 'UTC'
- 'GMT Standard Time'
- 'Greenwich Standard Time'
- 'Sao Tome Standard Time'
- 'Morocco Standard Time'
- 'W. Europe Standard Time'
- 'Central Europe Standard Time'
- 'Romance Standard Time'
- 'Central European Standard Time'
- 'W. Central Africa Standard Time'
- 'Jordan Standard Time'
- 'GTB Standard Time'
- 'Middle East Standard Time'
- 'Egypt Standard Time'
- 'E. Europe Standard Time'
- 'Syria Standard Time'
- 'West Bank Standard Time'
- 'South Africa Standard Time'
- 'FLE Standard Time'
- 'Israel Standard Time'
- 'Kaliningrad Standard Time'
- 'Sudan Standard Time'
- 'Libya Standard Time'
- 'Namibia Standard Time'
- 'Arabic Standard Time'
- 'Turkey Standard Time'
- 'Arab Standard Time'
- 'Belarus Standard Time'
- 'Russian Standard Time'
- 'E. Africa Standard Time'
- 'Iran Standard Time'
- 'Arabian Standard Time'
- 'Astrakhan Standard Time'
- 'Azerbaijan Standard Time'
- 'Russia Time Zone 3'
- 'Mauritius Standard Time'
- 'Saratov Standard Time'
- 'Georgian Standard Time'
- 'Volgograd Standard Time'
- 'Caucasus Standard Time'
- 'Afghanistan Standard Time'
- 'West Asia Standard Time'
- 'Ekaterinburg Standard Time'
- 'Pakistan Standard Time'
- 'Qyzylorda Standard Time'
- 'India Standard Time'
- 'Sri Lanka Standard Time'
- 'Nepal Standard Time'
- 'Central Asia Standard Time'
- 'Bangladesh Standard Time'
- 'Omsk Standard Time'
- 'Myanmar Standard Time'
- 'SE Asia Standard Time'
- 'Altai Standard Time'
- 'W. Mongolia Standard Time'
- 'North Asia Standard Time'
- 'N. Central Asia Standard Time'
- 'Tomsk Standard Time'
- 'China Standard Time'
- 'North Asia East Standard Time'
- 'Singapore Standard Time'
- 'W. Australia Standard Time'
- 'Taipei Standard Time'
- 'Ulaanbaatar Standard Time'
- 'Aus Central W. Standard Time'
- 'Transbaikal Standard Time'
- 'Tokyo Standard Time'
- 'North Korea Standard Time'
- 'Korea Standard Time'
- 'Yakutsk Standard Time'
- 'Cen. Australia Standard Time'
- 'AUS Central Standard Time'
- 'E. Australia Standard Time'
- 'AUS Eastern Standard Time'
- 'West Pacific Standard Time'
- 'Tasmania Standard Time'
- 'Vladivostok Standard Time'
- 'Lord Howe Standard Time'
- 'Bougainville Standard Time'
- 'Russia Time Zone 10'
- 'Magadan Standard Time'
- 'Norfolk Standard Time'
- 'Sakhalin Standard Time'
- 'Central Pacific Standard Time'
- 'Russia Time Zone 11'
- 'New Zealand Standard Time'
- 'UTC+12'
- 'Fiji Standard Time'
- 'Kamchatka Standard Time'
- 'Chatham Islands Standard Time'
- 'UTC+13'
- 'Tonga Standard Time'
- 'Samoa Standard Time'
- 'Line Islands Standard Time'
-param vmsTimeZone string = 'Romance Standard Time'
-@description('The time at which VMs will be automatically shutdown (24h HHmm format). Set value to \'9999\' to NOT configure the auto shutdown.')
-param vmsAutoShutdownTime string = '1900'
-@description('Enable automatic Windows Updates.')
-param enableAutomaticUpdates bool = true
-@description('Enable Azure Hybrid Benefit to use your on-premises Windows Server licenses and reduce cost. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/virtual-machines/windows/hybrid-use-benefit-licensing for more information.')
-param enableHybridBenefitServerLicenses bool = false
-@description('Size in Gb of the additional data disk attached to SharePoint VMs. Set to 0 to not create it')
-param sharePointDataDiskSize int = 0
-@description('Size of the DC VM')
-param vmDCSize string = 'Standard_B2s'
-@description('Type of storage for the managed disks. Visit \'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/list#diskstorageaccounttypes\' for more information')
- 'Standard_LRS'
- 'StandardSSD_LRS'
- 'Premium_LRS'
- 'Premium_ZRS'
- 'StandardSSD_ZRS'
- 'UltraSSD_LRS'
-param vmDCStorageAccountType string = 'StandardSSD_LRS'
-@description('Size of the SQL VM')
-param vmSQLSize string = 'Standard_B2ms'
-@description('Type of storage for the managed disks. Visit \'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/list#diskstorageaccounttypes\' for more information')
- 'Standard_LRS'
- 'StandardSSD_LRS'
- 'Premium_LRS'
- 'Premium_ZRS'
- 'StandardSSD_ZRS'
- 'UltraSSD_LRS'
-param vmSQLStorageAccountType string = 'StandardSSD_LRS'
-@description('Size of the SharePoint VM')
-param vmSPSize string = 'Standard_B4ms'
-@description('Type of storage for the managed disks. Visit \'https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/disks/list#diskstorageaccounttypes\' for more information')
- 'Standard_LRS'
- 'StandardSSD_LRS'
- 'Premium_LRS'
- 'Premium_ZRS'
- 'StandardSSD_ZRS'
- 'UltraSSD_LRS'
-param vmSPStorageAccountType string = 'StandardSSD_LRS'
-@description('The base URI where artifacts required by this template are located. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a private location in the subscription will be used and this value will be automatically generated.')
-param _artifactsLocation string = deployment().properties.templateLink.uri
-@description('The sasToken required to access _artifactsLocation. When the template is deployed using the accompanying scripts, a sasToken will be automatically generated.')
-param _artifactsLocationSasToken string = ''
-var resourceGroupNameFormatted = replace(
- replace(replace(replace(resourceGroup().name, '.', '-'), '(', '-'), ')', '-'),
- '_',
- '-'
-var sharePointSettings = {
- isSharePointSubscription: (startsWith(sharePointVersion, 'subscription') ? true : false)
- sharePointImagesList: {
- Subscription: 'MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2022-datacenter-azure-edition-smalldisk:latest'
- sp2019: 'MicrosoftSharePoint:MicrosoftSharePointServer:sp2019gen2smalldisk:latest'
- sp2016: 'MicrosoftSharePoint:MicrosoftSharePointServer:sp2016:latest'
- }
- sharePointSubscriptionBits: [
- {
- Label: 'RTM'
- Packages: [
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/f/5/3f5f8a7e-462b-41ff-a5b2-04bdf5821ceb/OfficeServer.iso'
- ChecksumType: 'SHA256'
- Checksum: 'C576B847C573234B68FC602A0318F5794D7A61D8149EB6AE537AF04470B7FC05'
- }
- ]
- }
- {
- Label: '22H2'
- Packages: [
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/d/f/8dfcb515-6e49-42e5-b20f-5ebdfd19d8e7/wssloc-subscription-kb5002270-fullfile-x64-glb.exe'
- ChecksumType: 'SHA256'
- Checksum: '7E496530EB873146650A9E0653DE835CB2CAD9AF8D154CBD7387BB0F2297C9FC'
- }
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/f/5/3f5b1ee0-3336-45d7-b2f4-1e6af977d574/sts-subscription-kb5002271-fullfile-x64-glb.exe'
- ChecksumType: 'SHA256'
- Checksum: '247011443AC573D4F03B1622065A7350B8B3DAE04D6A5A6DC64C8270A3BE7636'
- }
- ]
- }
- {
- Label: '23H1'
- Packages: [
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/c/6/a/c6a17105-3d86-42ad-888d-49b22383bfa1/uber-subscription-kb5002355-fullfile-x64-glb.exe'
- }
- ]
- }
- {
- Label: '23H2'
- Packages: [
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/f/5/5/f5559e3f-8b24-419f-b238-b09cf986e927/uber-subscription-kb5002474-fullfile-x64-glb.exe'
- }
- ]
- }
- {
- Label: 'Latest'
- Packages: [
- {
- DownloadUrl: 'https://download.microsoft.com/download/8/7/9/8798c828-1d2c-442d-9a98-e6ce59166690/uber-subscription-kb5002560-fullfile-x64-glb.exe'
- }
- ]
- }
- ]
-var networkSettings = {
- vNetPrivatePrefix: ''
- subnetDCPrefix: ''
- dcPrivateIPAddress: ''
- subnetSQLPrefix: ''
- subnetSPPrefix: ''
- vNetPrivateName: '${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-vnet'
- subnetDCName: 'Subnet-DC'
- subnetSQLName: 'Subnet-SQL'
- subnetSPName: 'Subnet-SP'
- nsgSubnetDCName: 'NSG-Subnet-DC'
- nsgSubnetSQLName: 'NSG-Subnet-SQL'
- nsgSubnetSPName: 'NSG-Subnet-SP'
- vmDCPublicIPNicAssociation: {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmDCPublicIP.id
- }
- vmSQLPublicIPNicAssociation: {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmSQLPublicIP.id
- }
- vmSPPublicIPNicAssociation: {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmSPPublicIP.id
- }
- nsgRuleAllowIncomingRdp: [
- {
- name: 'allow-rdp-rule'
- properties: {
- description: 'Allow RDP'
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- destinationPortRange: '3389'
- sourceAddressPrefix: RDPTrafficAllowed
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 110
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- ]
-var vmsSettings = {
- vmDCName: 'DC'
- vmSQLName: 'SQL'
- vmSPName: 'SP'
- vmFEName: 'FE'
- vmDCImage: 'MicrosoftWindowsServer:WindowsServer:2022-datacenter-azure-edition-smalldisk:latest'
- vmSQLImage: 'MicrosoftSQLServer:sql2022-ws2022:sqldev-gen2:latest'
- vmSharePointImage: (sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription
- ? sharePointSettings.sharePointImagesList.Subscription
- : ((sharePointVersion == '2019')
- ? sharePointSettings.sharePointImagesList.sp2019
- : sharePointSettings.sharePointImagesList.sp2016))
-var vmsResourcesNames = {
- vmDCNicName: 'NIC-${vmsSettings.vmDCName}-0'
- vmDCPublicIPName: 'PublicIP-${vmsSettings.vmDCName}'
- vmSQLNicName: 'NIC-${vmsSettings.vmSQLName}-0'
- vmSQLPublicIPName: 'PublicIP-${vmsSettings.vmSQLName}'
- vmSPNicName: 'NIC-${vmsSettings.vmSPName}-0'
- vmSPPublicIPName: 'PublicIP-${vmsSettings.vmSPName}'
- vmFENicName: 'NIC-${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-0'
- vmFEPublicIPName: 'PublicIP-${vmsSettings.vmFEName}'
-var dscSettings = {
- forceUpdateTag: '1.0'
- vmDCScriptFileUri: uri(_artifactsLocation, 'dsc/ConfigureDCVM.zip${_artifactsLocationSasToken}')
- vmDCScript: 'ConfigureDCVM.ps1'
- vmDCFunction: 'ConfigureDCVM'
- vmSQLScriptFileUri: uri(_artifactsLocation, 'dsc/ConfigureSQLVM.zip${_artifactsLocationSasToken}')
- vmSQLScript: 'ConfigureSQLVM.ps1'
- vmSQLFunction: 'ConfigureSQLVM'
- vmSPScriptFileUri: uri(
- _artifactsLocation,
- '${(sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription ? 'dsc/ConfigureSPSE.zip' : 'dsc/ConfigureSPLegacy.zip')}${_artifactsLocationSasToken}'
- )
- vmSPScript: (sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription ? 'ConfigureSPSE.ps1' : 'ConfigureSPLegacy.ps1')
- vmSPFunction: 'ConfigureSPVM'
- vmFEScriptFileUri: uri(
- _artifactsLocation,
- '${(sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription ? 'dsc/ConfigureFESE.zip' : 'dsc/ConfigureFELegacy.zip')}${_artifactsLocationSasToken}'
- )
- vmFEScript: (sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription ? 'ConfigureFESE.ps1' : 'ConfigureFELegacy.ps1')
- vmFEFunction: 'ConfigureFEVM'
-var deploymentSettings = {
- sharePointSitesAuthority: 'spsites'
- sharePointCentralAdminPort: 5000
- sharePointBitsSelected: (sharePointSettings.isSharePointSubscription
- ? sharePointSettings.sharePointSubscriptionBits
- : 'fake')
- localAdminUserName: 'l-${uniqueString(subscription().subscriptionId)}'
- enableAnalysis: false
- applyBrowserPolicies: true
- sqlAlias: 'SQLAlias'
- spSuperUserName: 'spSuperUser'
- spSuperReaderName: 'spSuperReader'
- adfsSvcUserName: 'adfssvc'
- sqlSvcUserName: 'sqlsvc'
- spSetupUserName: 'spsetup'
- spFarmUserName: 'spfarm'
- spSvcUserName: 'spsvc'
- spAppPoolUserName: 'spapppool'
- spADDirSyncUserName: 'spdirsync'
-var vmSPDataDisk = [
- {
- lun: 0
- name: 'Disk-SP-Data'
- caching: 'ReadWrite'
- createOption: 'Empty'
- diskSizeGB: sharePointDataDiskSize
- }
-resource networkSettings_nsgSubnetDC 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-07-01' = {
- name: networkSettings.nsgSubnetDCName
- location: location
- properties: {
- securityRules: ((toLower(RDPTrafficAllowed) == 'no') ? json('null') : networkSettings.nsgRuleAllowIncomingRdp)
- }
-resource networkSettings_nsgSubnetSQL 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-07-01' = {
- name: networkSettings.nsgSubnetSQLName
- location: location
- properties: {
- securityRules: ((toLower(RDPTrafficAllowed) == 'no') ? json('null') : networkSettings.nsgRuleAllowIncomingRdp)
- }
-resource networkSettings_nsgSubnetSP 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-07-01' = {
- name: networkSettings.nsgSubnetSPName
- location: location
- properties: {
- securityRules: ((toLower(RDPTrafficAllowed) == 'no') ? json('null') : networkSettings.nsgRuleAllowIncomingRdp)
- }
-resource networkSettings_vNetPrivate 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks@2022-07-01' = {
- name: networkSettings.vNetPrivateName
- location: location
- properties: {
- addressSpace: {
- addressPrefixes: [
- networkSettings.vNetPrivatePrefix
- ]
- }
- subnets: [
- {
- name: networkSettings.subnetDCName
- properties: {
- addressPrefix: networkSettings.subnetDCPrefix
- networkSecurityGroup: {
- id: networkSettings_nsgSubnetDC.id
- }
- }
- }
- {
- name: networkSettings.subnetSQLName
- properties: {
- addressPrefix: networkSettings.subnetSQLPrefix
- networkSecurityGroup: {
- id: networkSettings_nsgSubnetSQL.id
- }
- }
- }
- {
- name: networkSettings.subnetSPName
- properties: {
- addressPrefix: networkSettings.subnetSPPrefix
- networkSecurityGroup: {
- id: networkSettings_nsgSubnetSP.id
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmDCPublicIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-07-01' = if (addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmDCPublicIPName
- location: location
- sku: {
- name: 'Basic'
- tier: 'Regional'
- }
- properties: {
- publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- dnsSettings: {
- domainNameLabel: toLower('${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-${vmsSettings.vmDCName}')
- }
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmDCNic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-07-01' = {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmDCNicName
- location: location
- properties: {
- ipConfigurations: [
- {
- name: 'ipconfig1'
- properties: {
- privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Static'
- privateIPAddress: networkSettings.dcPrivateIPAddress
- subnet: {
- id: resourceId(
- 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets',
- networkSettings.vNetPrivateName,
- networkSettings.subnetDCName
- )
- }
- publicIPAddress: ((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') ? networkSettings.vmDCPublicIPNicAssociation : json('null'))
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- dependsOn: [
- networkSettings_vNetPrivate
- ]
-resource vmsSettings_vmDC 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-08-01' = {
- name: vmsSettings.vmDCName
- location: location
- properties: {
- hardwareProfile: {
- vmSize: vmDCSize
- }
- osProfile: {
- computerName: vmsSettings.vmDCName
- adminUsername: adminUserName
- adminPassword: adminPassword
- windowsConfiguration: {
- timeZone: vmsTimeZone
- enableAutomaticUpdates: enableAutomaticUpdates
- provisionVMAgent: true
- patchSettings: {
- patchMode: (enableAutomaticUpdates ? 'AutomaticByOS' : 'Manual')
- assessmentMode: 'ImageDefault'
- }
- }
- }
- storageProfile: {
- imageReference: {
- publisher: split(vmsSettings.vmDCImage, ':')[0]
- offer: split(vmsSettings.vmDCImage, ':')[1]
- sku: split(vmsSettings.vmDCImage, ':')[2]
- version: split(vmsSettings.vmDCImage, ':')[3]
- }
- osDisk: {
- name: 'Disk-${vmsSettings.vmDCName}-OS'
- caching: 'ReadWrite'
- osType: 'Windows'
- createOption: 'FromImage'
- diskSizeGB: 32
- managedDisk: {
- storageAccountType: vmDCStorageAccountType
- }
- }
- }
- networkProfile: {
- networkInterfaces: [
- {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmDCNic.id
- }
- ]
- }
- licenseType: (enableHybridBenefitServerLicenses ? 'Windows_Server' : json('null'))
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmDCName_ConfigureDCVM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2022-08-01' = {
- parent: vmsSettings_vmDC
- name: 'ConfigureDCVM'
- location: location
- properties: {
- publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell'
- type: 'DSC'
- typeHandlerVersion: '2.9'
- autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true
- forceUpdateTag: dscSettings.forceUpdateTag
- settings: {
- wmfVersion: 'latest'
- configuration: {
- url: dscSettings.vmDCScriptFileUri
- script: dscSettings.vmDCScript
- function: dscSettings.vmDCFunction
- }
- configurationArguments: {
- domainFQDN: domainFQDN
- PrivateIP: networkSettings.dcPrivateIPAddress
- SPServerName: vmsSettings.vmSPName
- SharePointSitesAuthority: deploymentSettings.sharePointSitesAuthority
- SharePointCentralAdminPort: deploymentSettings.sharePointCentralAdminPort
- ApplyBrowserPolicies: deploymentSettings.applyBrowserPolicies
- }
- privacy: {
- dataCollection: 'enable'
- }
- }
- protectedSettings: {
- configurationArguments: {
- AdminCreds: {
- UserName: adminUserName
- Password: adminPassword
- }
- AdfsSvcCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.adfsSvcUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- }
- }
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmSQLPublicIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-07-01' = if (addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmSQLPublicIPName
- location: location
- sku: {
- name: 'Basic'
- tier: 'Regional'
- }
- properties: {
- publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- dnsSettings: {
- domainNameLabel: toLower('${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-${vmsSettings.vmSQLName}')
- }
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmSQLNic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-07-01' = {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmSQLNicName
- location: location
- properties: {
- ipConfigurations: [
- {
- name: 'ipconfig1'
- properties: {
- privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- subnet: {
- id: resourceId(
- 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets',
- networkSettings.vNetPrivateName,
- networkSettings.subnetSQLName
- )
- }
- publicIPAddress: ((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') ? networkSettings.vmSQLPublicIPNicAssociation : json('null'))
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- dependsOn: [
- networkSettings_vNetPrivate
- ]
-resource vmsSettings_vmSQL 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-08-01' = {
- name: vmsSettings.vmSQLName
- location: location
- properties: {
- hardwareProfile: {
- vmSize: vmSQLSize
- }
- osProfile: {
- computerName: vmsSettings.vmSQLName
- adminUsername: deploymentSettings.localAdminUserName
- adminPassword: adminPassword
- windowsConfiguration: {
- timeZone: vmsTimeZone
- enableAutomaticUpdates: enableAutomaticUpdates
- provisionVMAgent: true
- patchSettings: {
- patchMode: (enableAutomaticUpdates ? 'AutomaticByOS' : 'Manual')
- assessmentMode: 'ImageDefault'
- }
- }
- }
- storageProfile: {
- imageReference: {
- publisher: split(vmsSettings.vmSQLImage, ':')[0]
- offer: split(vmsSettings.vmSQLImage, ':')[1]
- sku: split(vmsSettings.vmSQLImage, ':')[2]
- version: split(vmsSettings.vmSQLImage, ':')[3]
- }
- osDisk: {
- name: 'Disk-${vmsSettings.vmSQLName}-OS'
- caching: 'ReadWrite'
- osType: 'Windows'
- createOption: 'FromImage'
- diskSizeGB: 128
- managedDisk: {
- storageAccountType: vmSQLStorageAccountType
- }
- }
- }
- networkProfile: {
- networkInterfaces: [
- {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmSQLNic.id
- }
- ]
- }
- licenseType: (enableHybridBenefitServerLicenses ? 'Windows_Server' : json('null'))
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmSPPublicIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-07-01' = if ((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') || (addPublicIPAddress == 'SharePointVMsOnly')) {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmSPPublicIPName
- location: location
- sku: {
- name: 'Basic'
- tier: 'Regional'
- }
- properties: {
- publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- dnsSettings: {
- domainNameLabel: toLower('${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-${vmsSettings.vmSPName}')
- }
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmSPNic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-07-01' = {
- name: vmsResourcesNames.vmSPNicName
- location: location
- properties: {
- ipConfigurations: [
- {
- name: 'ipconfig1'
- properties: {
- privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- subnet: {
- id: resourceId(
- 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets',
- networkSettings.vNetPrivateName,
- networkSettings.subnetSPName
- )
- }
- publicIPAddress: (((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') || (addPublicIPAddress == 'SharePointVMsOnly'))
- ? networkSettings.vmSPPublicIPNicAssociation
- : json('null'))
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- dependsOn: [
- networkSettings_vNetPrivate
- ]
-resource vmsSettings_vmSP 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-08-01' = {
- name: vmsSettings.vmSPName
- location: location
- properties: {
- hardwareProfile: {
- vmSize: vmSPSize
- }
- osProfile: {
- computerName: vmsSettings.vmSPName
- adminUsername: deploymentSettings.localAdminUserName
- adminPassword: adminPassword
- windowsConfiguration: {
- timeZone: vmsTimeZone
- enableAutomaticUpdates: enableAutomaticUpdates
- provisionVMAgent: true
- patchSettings: {
- patchMode: (enableAutomaticUpdates ? 'AutomaticByOS' : 'Manual')
- assessmentMode: 'ImageDefault'
- }
- }
- }
- storageProfile: {
- imageReference: {
- publisher: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[0]
- offer: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[1]
- sku: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[2]
- version: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[3]
- }
- osDisk: {
- name: 'Disk-${vmsSettings.vmSPName}-OS'
- caching: 'ReadWrite'
- osType: 'Windows'
- createOption: 'FromImage'
- managedDisk: {
- storageAccountType: vmSPStorageAccountType
- }
- }
- dataDisks: ((sharePointDataDiskSize == 0) ? json('null') : vmSPDataDisk)
- }
- networkProfile: {
- networkInterfaces: [
- {
- id: vmsResourcesNames_vmSPNic.id
- }
- ]
- }
- licenseType: (enableHybridBenefitServerLicenses ? 'Windows_Server' : json('null'))
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmSPName_IncreaseMaxEnvelopeSizeQuota 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommands@2023-03-01' = {
- parent: vmsSettings_vmSP
- name: 'IncreaseMaxEnvelopeSizeQuota'
- location: location
- properties: {
- source: {
- script: 'Set-Item -Path WSMan:\\localhost\\MaxEnvelopeSizeKb -Value 2048'
- }
- timeoutInSeconds: 90
- treatFailureAsDeploymentFailure: false
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmSQLName_ConfigureSQLVM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2022-08-01' = {
- parent: vmsSettings_vmSQL
- name: 'ConfigureSQLVM'
- location: location
- properties: {
- publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell'
- type: 'DSC'
- typeHandlerVersion: '2.9'
- autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true
- forceUpdateTag: dscSettings.forceUpdateTag
- settings: {
- wmfVersion: 'latest'
- configuration: {
- url: dscSettings.vmSQLScriptFileUri
- script: dscSettings.vmSQLScript
- function: dscSettings.vmSQLFunction
- }
- configurationArguments: {
- DNSServerIP: networkSettings.dcPrivateIPAddress
- DomainFQDN: domainFQDN
- }
- privacy: {
- dataCollection: 'enable'
- }
- }
- protectedSettings: {
- configurationArguments: {
- DomainAdminCreds: {
- UserName: adminUserName
- Password: adminPassword
- }
- SqlSvcCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.sqlSvcUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPSetupCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSetupUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- }
- }
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmSPName_ConfigureSPVM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2022-08-01' = {
- parent: vmsSettings_vmSP
- name: 'ConfigureSPVM'
- location: location
- properties: {
- publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell'
- type: 'DSC'
- typeHandlerVersion: '2.9'
- autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true
- forceUpdateTag: dscSettings.forceUpdateTag
- settings: {
- wmfVersion: 'latest'
- configuration: {
- url: dscSettings.vmSPScriptFileUri
- script: dscSettings.vmSPScript
- function: dscSettings.vmSPFunction
- }
- configurationArguments: {
- DNSServerIP: networkSettings.dcPrivateIPAddress
- DomainFQDN: domainFQDN
- DCServerName: vmsSettings.vmDCName
- SQLServerName: vmsSettings.vmSQLName
- SQLAlias: deploymentSettings.sqlAlias
- SharePointVersion: sharePointVersion
- SharePointSitesAuthority: deploymentSettings.sharePointSitesAuthority
- SharePointCentralAdminPort: deploymentSettings.sharePointCentralAdminPort
- EnableAnalysis: deploymentSettings.enableAnalysis
- SharePointBits: deploymentSettings.sharePointBitsSelected
- }
- privacy: {
- dataCollection: 'enable'
- }
- }
- protectedSettings: {
- configurationArguments: {
- DomainAdminCreds: {
- UserName: adminUserName
- Password: adminPassword
- }
- SPSetupCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSetupUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPFarmCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spFarmUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPSvcCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSvcUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPAppPoolCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spAppPoolUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPADDirSyncCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spADDirSyncUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPPassphraseCreds: {
- UserName: 'Passphrase'
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPSuperUserCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSuperUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPSuperReaderCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSuperReaderName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dependsOn: [
- vmsSettings_vmSPName_IncreaseMaxEnvelopeSizeQuota
- ]
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmFEPublicIP 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-07-01' = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): if ((numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd >= 1) && ((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') || (addPublicIPAddress == 'SharePointVMsOnly'))) {
- name: '${vmsResourcesNames.vmFEPublicIPName}-${i}'
- location: location
- sku: {
- name: 'Basic'
- tier: 'Regional'
- }
- properties: {
- publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- dnsSettings: {
- domainNameLabel: '${toLower('${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-${vmsSettings.vmFEName}')}-${i}'
- }
- }
- }
-resource vmsResourcesNames_vmFENic 'Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces@2022-07-01' = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): if (numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd >= 1) {
- name: '${vmsResourcesNames.vmFENicName}-${i}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- ipConfigurations: [
- {
- name: 'ipconfig1'
- properties: {
- privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- subnet: {
- id: resourceId(
- 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets',
- networkSettings.vNetPrivateName,
- networkSettings.subnetSPName
- )
- }
- publicIPAddress: (((addPublicIPAddress == 'Yes') || (addPublicIPAddress == 'SharePointVMsOnly'))
- ? json('{"id": "${resourceId('Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses','${vmsResourcesNames.vmFEPublicIPName}-${i}')}" }')
- : json('null'))
- }
- }
- ]
- }
- dependsOn: [
- networkSettings_vNetPrivate
- vmsResourcesNames_vmFEPublicIP
- ]
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmFE 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines@2022-08-01' = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): if (numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd >= 1) {
- name: '${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- hardwareProfile: {
- vmSize: vmSPSize
- }
- osProfile: {
- computerName: '${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}'
- adminUsername: deploymentSettings.localAdminUserName
- adminPassword: adminPassword
- windowsConfiguration: {
- timeZone: vmsTimeZone
- enableAutomaticUpdates: enableAutomaticUpdates
- provisionVMAgent: true
- patchSettings: {
- patchMode: (enableAutomaticUpdates ? 'AutomaticByOS' : 'Manual')
- assessmentMode: 'ImageDefault'
- }
- }
- }
- storageProfile: {
- imageReference: {
- publisher: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[0]
- offer: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[1]
- sku: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[2]
- version: split(vmsSettings.vmSharePointImage, ':')[3]
- }
- osDisk: {
- name: 'Disk-${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}-OS'
- caching: 'ReadWrite'
- osType: 'Windows'
- createOption: 'FromImage'
- managedDisk: {
- storageAccountType: vmSPStorageAccountType
- }
- }
- }
- networkProfile: {
- networkInterfaces: [
- {
- id: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces', '${vmsResourcesNames.vmFENicName}-${i}')
- }
- ]
- }
- licenseType: (enableHybridBenefitServerLicenses ? 'Windows_Server' : json('null'))
- }
- dependsOn: [
- vmsResourcesNames_vmFENic
- ]
- }
-resource vmsSettings_vmFEName_ConfigureFEVM 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/extensions@2022-08-01' = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): if (numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd >= 1) {
- name: '${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}/ConfigureFEVM'
- location: location
- properties: {
- publisher: 'Microsoft.Powershell'
- type: 'DSC'
- typeHandlerVersion: '2.9'
- autoUpgradeMinorVersion: true
- forceUpdateTag: dscSettings.forceUpdateTag
- settings: {
- wmfVersion: 'latest'
- configuration: {
- url: dscSettings.vmFEScriptFileUri
- script: dscSettings.vmFEScript
- function: dscSettings.vmFEFunction
- }
- configurationArguments: {
- DNSServerIP: networkSettings.dcPrivateIPAddress
- DomainFQDN: domainFQDN
- DCServerName: vmsSettings.vmDCName
- SQLServerName: vmsSettings.vmSQLName
- SQLAlias: deploymentSettings.sqlAlias
- SharePointVersion: sharePointVersion
- SharePointSitesAuthority: deploymentSettings.sharePointSitesAuthority
- EnableAnalysis: deploymentSettings.enableAnalysis
- SharePointBits: deploymentSettings.sharePointBitsSelected
- }
- privacy: {
- dataCollection: 'enable'
- }
- }
- protectedSettings: {
- configurationArguments: {
- DomainAdminCreds: {
- UserName: adminUserName
- Password: adminPassword
- }
- SPSetupCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spSetupUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPFarmCreds: {
- UserName: deploymentSettings.spFarmUserName
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- SPPassphraseCreds: {
- UserName: 'Passphrase'
- Password: serviceAccountsPassword
- }
- }
- }
- }
- dependsOn: [
- vmsSettings_vmFE
- ]
- }
-resource shutdown_computevm_vmsSettings_vmDC 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules@2018-09-15' = if (vmsAutoShutdownTime != '9999') {
- name: 'shutdown-computevm-${vmsSettings.vmDCName}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- status: 'Enabled'
- taskType: 'ComputeVmShutdownTask'
- dailyRecurrence: {
- time: vmsAutoShutdownTime
- }
- timeZoneId: vmsTimeZone
- notificationSettings: {
- status: 'Disabled'
- timeInMinutes: 30
- }
- targetResourceId: vmsSettings_vmDC.id
- }
-resource shutdown_computevm_vmsSettings_vmSQL 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules@2018-09-15' = if (vmsAutoShutdownTime != '9999') {
- name: 'shutdown-computevm-${vmsSettings.vmSQLName}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- status: 'Enabled'
- taskType: 'ComputeVmShutdownTask'
- dailyRecurrence: {
- time: vmsAutoShutdownTime
- }
- timeZoneId: vmsTimeZone
- notificationSettings: {
- status: 'Disabled'
- timeInMinutes: 30
- }
- targetResourceId: vmsSettings_vmSQL.id
- }
-resource shutdown_computevm_vmsSettings_vmSP 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules@2018-09-15' = if (vmsAutoShutdownTime != '9999') {
- name: 'shutdown-computevm-${vmsSettings.vmSPName}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- status: 'Enabled'
- taskType: 'ComputeVmShutdownTask'
- dailyRecurrence: {
- time: vmsAutoShutdownTime
- }
- timeZoneId: vmsTimeZone
- notificationSettings: {
- status: 'Disabled'
- timeInMinutes: 30
- }
- targetResourceId: vmsSettings_vmSP.id
- }
-resource shutdown_computevm_vmsSettings_vmFE 'Microsoft.DevTestLab/schedules@2018-09-15' = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): if ((numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd >= 1) && (vmsAutoShutdownTime != '9999')) {
- name: 'shutdown-computevm-${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}'
- location: location
- properties: {
- status: 'Enabled'
- taskType: 'ComputeVmShutdownTask'
- dailyRecurrence: {
- time: vmsAutoShutdownTime
- }
- timeZoneId: vmsTimeZone
- notificationSettings: {
- status: 'Disabled'
- timeInMinutes: 30
- }
- targetResourceId: resourceId('Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines', '${vmsSettings.vmFEName}-${i}')
- }
- dependsOn: [
- vmsSettings_vmFE
- ]
- }
-resource NSG_Subnet_AzureBastion 'Microsoft.Network/networkSecurityGroups@2022-07-01' = if (addAzureBastion == true) {
- name: 'NSG-Subnet-AzureBastion'
- location: location
- properties: {
- securityRules: [
- {
- name: 'AllowHttpsInBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: 'Internet'
- destinationPortRange: '443'
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 100
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowGatewayManagerInBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: 'GatewayManager'
- destinationPortRange: '443'
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 110
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowLoadBalancerInBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: 'AzureLoadBalancer'
- destinationPortRange: '443'
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 120
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowBastionHostCommunicationInBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: '*'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
- destinationPortRanges: [
- '8080'
- '5701'
- ]
- destinationAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 130
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'DenyAllInBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: '*'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
- destinationPortRange: '*'
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Deny'
- priority: 1000
- direction: 'Inbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowSshRdpOutBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
- destinationPortRanges: [
- '22'
- '3389'
- ]
- destinationAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 100
- direction: 'Outbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowAzureCloudCommunicationOutBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: 'Tcp'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
- destinationPortRange: '443'
- destinationAddressPrefix: 'AzureCloud'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 110
- direction: 'Outbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowBastionHostCommunicationOutBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: '*'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
- destinationPortRanges: [
- '8080'
- '5701'
- ]
- destinationAddressPrefix: 'VirtualNetwork'
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 120
- direction: 'Outbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'AllowGetSessionInformationOutBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: '*'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
- destinationAddressPrefix: 'Internet'
- destinationPortRanges: [
- '80'
- '443'
- ]
- access: 'Allow'
- priority: 130
- direction: 'Outbound'
- }
- }
- {
- name: 'DenyAllOutBound'
- properties: {
- protocol: '*'
- sourcePortRange: '*'
- destinationPortRange: '*'
- sourceAddressPrefix: '*'
- destinationAddressPrefix: '*'
- access: 'Deny'
- priority: 1000
- direction: 'Outbound'
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-resource networkSettings_vNetPrivateName_AzureBastionSubnet 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets@2022-07-01' = if (addAzureBastion == true) {
- parent: networkSettings_vNetPrivate
- name: 'AzureBastionSubnet'
- location: location
- properties: {
- addressPrefix: ''
- networkSecurityGroup: {
- id: NSG_Subnet_AzureBastion.id
- }
- }
-resource PublicIP_Bastion 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses@2022-07-01' = if (addAzureBastion == true) {
- name: 'PublicIP-Bastion'
- location: location
- sku: {
- name: 'Standard'
- tier: 'Regional'
- }
- properties: {
- publicIPAllocationMethod: 'Static'
- dnsSettings: {
- domainNameLabel: toLower(replace('${resourceGroupNameFormatted}-Bastion', '_', '-'))
- }
- }
-resource Bastion 'Microsoft.Network/bastionHosts@2022-07-01' = if (addAzureBastion == true) {
- name: 'Bastion'
- location: location
- properties: {
- ipConfigurations: [
- {
- name: 'IpConf'
- properties: {
- privateIPAllocationMethod: 'Dynamic'
- publicIPAddress: {
- id: PublicIP_Bastion.id
- }
- subnet: {
- id: networkSettings_vNetPrivateName_AzureBastionSubnet.id
- }
- }
- }
- ]
- }
-output publicIPAddressSP string = vmsResourcesNames_vmSPPublicIP.properties.dnsSettings.fqdn
-output publicIPAddressFEs array = [
- for i in range(0, numberOfAdditionalFrontEnd): reference(resourceId(
- 'Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses',
- '${vmsResourcesNames.vmFEPublicIPName}-${i}'
- )).dnsSettings.fqdn
-output publicIPAddressSQL string = vmsResourcesNames_vmSQLPublicIP.properties.dnsSettings.fqdn
-output publicIPAddressDC string = vmsResourcesNames_vmDCPublicIP.properties.dnsSettings.fqdn
-output domainAdminAccount string = '${substring(domainFQDN,0,indexOf(domainFQDN,'.'))}\\${adminUserName}'
-output domainAdminAccountFormatForBastion string = '${adminUserName}@${domainFQDN}'
-output localAdminAccount string = deploymentSettings.localAdminUserName