Should be relatively straightforward
- Java 6;
- Maven 2.2.1
- (Optional) Ant 1.7.1;
- If you are on Linux don't use Maven or Ant installed by root (file permission issues with
mvn deploy
- download it and install it as yourself).
Before a release, a tag needs to be created and a final sanity check done. To do this, a tag is created using Maven and version numbers updated.
To save some time typing version labels, use this (replace version numbers as necessary):
$ mvn release:prepare -Dtag=X.X.X -DreleaseVersion=X.X.X -DdevelopmentVersion=X.X.X.BUILD-SNAPSHOT -DautoVersionSubmodules=true
You will be asked to confirm the release version and the new development version. Typically moving from X.X.X.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
to a named release means the release tag is X.X.X.RELEASE
and the development version is X.X.X+1.BUILD-SNAPSHOT
In principle the publishing can be done by Maven release plugin:
$ mvn release:perform
this will deploy to S3 by default.
In practice we often need to tweak stuff and correct errors in the deployment, and for RELEASE versions we also need to publish to Maven Central.
To do an M*, RC* or RELEASE version you need to be in the tagged copy, so switch to the tag and create a branch
$ git branch -D release/latest
$ git checkout <version>
$ git checkout -b release/latest
Maven can be used to publish the Maven Central artifacts to S3 (e.g. in CI or a quick snapshot release to fix a bug for a user):
$ mvn -P upload,dist clean pre-site deploy
There is a milestone
profile for publishing a milestone and a
profile for publishing to Maven Central (via Sonatype).
The ZIP artifacts are built by Maven and published via an ant script.
They were already deployed if you followed the steps above (deploy
using the upload
profile). Verify this (after site has time to
refresh) by looking for the files in the community download
To deploy to a local staging for test purposes use this recipe:
$ mvn -P staging,upload,dist pre-site deploy
$ export MAVEN_OPTS=-Xmx512m
$ mvn pre-site site -P samples,release,dist
$ mvn site:deploy -P samples,dist,release
The last step sends the result to the .org site. Use mvn site:deploy -P samples,dist,staging
to test the result before you deploy for real
(it puts it in target/staging).
For a full release (not milestones) we also send artifacts to Maven Central via a pickup directory on Sonatypes OSS repository. So do this:
$ mvn -P central,dist -DskipTests deploy
You need an account with Sonatype and some GPG setup (see
Sonatype for details). The account details need to be added to
your settings.xml
If you make a mistake with the jars, you can re-deploy to the Sonatype staging area by doing the deploy command again, but once it is released they are in Maven Central and they never come out again.