This document provides some example of how you can programatically use a gemstone client to perform perform various actions like inspecting objects and executing code.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotelyAndInspect: 'Object'.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotelyAndInspect: 'Dictionary new add: (1->2); yourself'.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotelyAndInspect: 'System stoneName asString.'.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotely: '
| size collection |
size := 1000000.
collection := IdentityDictionary new: size.
1 to: size do: [ :index |
collection at: index put: index ].
SessionTemps current at: #LARGE_COLLECTION put: collection'.
gtClient performStringRemotelyAndInspect: '(SessionTemps current at: #LARGE_COLLECTION) '.
gemstoneClient openGemstonePlayground.
gemstoneClient openGemstonePlaygroundWithContents: 'ABAddressBook
ABAddressBook default.'.
gemstoneClient openGemstonePlaygroundWithContents: 'self halt. GtGsDebuggingPlaygroundTests new methodWithPrintStringInBlock'.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotely: '1/0'.
gemstoneClient performStringRemotely: '
ABAddressBook loadDefaultData.
self halt.
ABAddressBook reset'.
gemstoneClient logout