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Direct Coulombs Summation DCS


  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processors Chapter 15
  2. UIUC ECE 508

irregular input atom and regular output potential grid. Every input influence every output. Given a input atom array, calculate potential on each output grid location.


DCS算法is not data scalable, 因为complexity是O(V^2) 而不是O(V) where n m ≈ V volume

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Scatter C Code

minimize computation by moving loop invariance out of loop

计算2D slices of a 3D grid

on the fly 计算grid point location。只需要small amount of calculation来减少额外的对内存的访问,所以不是问题。

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Scatter CUDA Code

替换C code部分的最外层for loop为thread,也就是每个thread负责一个atom对应全部grid point的影响

需要使用CUDA atomic。由于atoimic导致serialization,会慢。

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Gather C Code


存在重复访问atom array

在C的版本下,比simple scatter版本更慢


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Gather CUDA Code

替换for grid x与for grid y为2d block thread

对于一个warp内的thread来说,同步读取same atom array value,也就只访问一次atom array

写入energygrid充分利用memory burst

对于sequential来说更快的代码(simple scatter),计算量更少的代码,并不一定在parallel上更快

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  • constant cache

atom array可以通过constant cache读取。这样一个warp内32个thread会通过constant cache + broadcast机制加快读取

  • thread coarsening

一个thread可以负责多个grid point,从而(1)减少laucnh too much block (2)reuse some data access and computation

  • further hide latency

可以在kernel/for loop的一开始,读取energygrid的数据,放到cache里。然后当for loop运行结束后再write into energygrid。

这样的话两个内存访问(一个read,一个write)中间有更久的间隔,更小的latency,更容易hide,减少number of warps needed by SM scheduler to hide global memory latency

read memory -> do some work -> write memory

Improved Gather C Code

对于CPU代码来说,cache的利用比computation更重要。尽管scatter C code的计算最少,但是并非是对cache利用最好的

问题中energygrid > 20 x atom array。 atom array可以被放在cache里重复读取,但是对energygrid的读取希望只读取一次,因为无法放入在cache里。

C code中更好办法在这个问题里实际上是output oriented的

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CUDA Thread granularity

原来:each thread compute one output (见common optimization techiniques - scatter to gather - dcs example )

现在:each thread compute four output (grid point) in a row

原因:计算grid points in a row的时候,对于dy dysqpdzsq等变量的计算是可以复用的

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  1. reuse memory access: reduce number of load of atoms array by factor of 4。原来每个grid point都需要读取一遍atom array,现在每次读取atom array的数据都会被应用在4个grid point上。
  2. reuse computation result: eliminate redundant computation like dxx, dysqpdzsq


  1. 使用更多register,现在需要储存4个dxi, 4个energvalxi.

CUDA Memory Coarlesing

  • 为什么不memory coarlesing了

在使用了上面的thread granularity调整以后,每个thread写入同一个row的连续4个grid point,导致two adjacent threads access memory location that's 3 elements aparts. 下面的Figure显示了一个thread写入的memory location(四个黑色箭头)

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  • 解决方法

assigning adjacent grid points (output location) to adjacent threads in each half-warp (prev gen Arch) / warp (recent gen Arch).

idx 0-31 : thread 0-31

idx 32-63 : thread 0-31

也就是每个thread负责的4个grid point,现在不是连续的4个grid point,而是16/32 grid points away。

当read/write内存的时候,一个warp内全部的thread首先访问idx 0-31的数据,然后再访问idx 32-63的数据。


  • Padding for aliasing

现在一个warp内会访问连续的内存,也就需要grid x-dim需要时16/32的倍数,从而在访问完row0,开始访问row1的时候,依旧是alias global memory access。


如果不想用if branch来处理y dim的访问,也可以通过pad y to multiplier of 32的方法,俩减少(1)branch control instruction overhead (2) branch divergence

如果padding 3D的overhead过大的话,可以选择处理多个2D + padding slides

Cutoff Biomolecules


  1. UIUC ECE 508 Lecture 5,6

是什么:忽略atoms contributiuon to grid point beyound cutoff distance C

这样大约有200-700 atoms within cutoff sphere for each grid point,这样对于每一个grid point就只有constant number of atom that's relavent

对于每一个thread/grid point,只需要examine atoms within cutoff radious

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smoothing function:在计算atom对于grid point的作用的时候,使用一个smoothing function避免在cutoff boundary的地方的点是0/1这样的切换

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Constant bin


每个bin的property是这个bin的spatial location

每个bin有自己的unique index for O(1) parallel access


这是一种改变input data structure从而improve performence的方法

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使用single overflow bin on cpu储存全部的overflow atom

  • 选择constant bin capacity

每个thread block负责计算一个bin。这里假设每个bin放几个atom的大小与threads block负责的大小是一样的,都是bin capacity所对应的spatial location

一般选择bin capacity从而允许align & coarlesed memory access

一般选择capacity从而让95%的atom都在bin里,只有5%的在overflow bin里

如果bin capacity太大,需要过多的dummy atom in bin,同时thread需要检查很多atoms out of range(得到bin了以后,依旧要检查range)

如果bin capacity太小,过多的atom在overflow bin中,同时not enough grid points within bin 导致无法充分利用threads block(启动一个16 threads的threads block是不划算的)

选择每个bin包含8 x 8 x 8个grid points。4 grid points per thread。128 thread block cover one bin

也需要有足够的thread block per sm(也就是总threads block数量要多,每个threads block不要过大),因为load nbr bin data from global memory to shared memory花费很多时间,需要有足够的threads block才能够成功的hide latency,一般选择 >= 4 threads block per sm

每个constant size bin储存8 atoms,每个bin占用128 bytes的数据

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  • 使用constant bin的优点


可以使用relative bin offset来访问数据。neighbour bin offset是个复杂的计算,可以在cpu上计算一次,放在constant memory上,然后在gpu上使用

  • 实现

load nbr bin data (constant size atom array) from global memory to shared memory

every threads in bin examine nbr bin data in shared memory

all threads inside thread block examine supersphere(全部蓝色格子画一个内切圆)。绿色的左上角的grid point对应着左上的circle,绿色的右下角的grid point对应右下的circle,左上的circle并不涉及super sphere中全部的bin,但是要一起查看是否within cuttoff。

每一个bin,有8x8x8=512 grid points,每个thread处理4个grid point,每个bin/thread block有128 threads

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  • 适用data

如果atom is uniform,这样每个bin中的atom也就是uniform的,减少divergence & wasted memory

  • efficency

使用上面的configuration,只有34% exampined的atom是within cutoff distance的,之所以这么低是因为

  1. 每个grid point涉及到的nbr bin只是全部检查的nbr bin(蓝色部分)的一部分
  2. 每个bin里面有dummy atom
  3. 有些bin只与cutoff相切了一点,但是整个bin内的atom需要被examine if within cutoff

对于每一个bin,一次处理8x8x8个grid size,也就是8x8x8的reuse。

  • CPU GPU 工作分配

host:把atom分配到对应的bin中,产生nbr bin offset,当结果从gpu拷贝回来以后负责计算overflow bin中的数据

device:对于每个bin,测试nbr bin中全部的atom

  • memory access optimization

shared memory放一个nbr bin:每个bin使用128 bytes的数据,可以使用32 threads,每个thread load 4 bytes,从而coarlesed memory load。

这种方法的warp divergence:每个thread block有4个warp,当第一个warp内的thread来负责load data into shared memory,剩下3个thread不运行对应的if branch没有warp divergence(只有额外的if branch instruction overhead),但是由于有syncthread barrier,需要有其余的warp来运行来hide latency

shared memory放4个nbr bin:全部128 threads within block load 4 bytes data,coarlesed memory access & 没有branch divergence。

但是由于使用了更多的share memory ,可能导致一个sm能够放心的threads block数量减少,当前不太会是问题因为只要512 bytes per block

但是由于一次load更多的数据到shared memory中,导致latency更多,需要更多的threads block per sm来hide latency。

threads coarlesed方向:每个thread负责4个grid point,这4个grid point需要是Y/Z方向的连续4个点,不能是X方向的连续4个grid point。因为grid point data是以X Y Z为单位储存,也就是连续的x数据是连续储存在一起的,don't coarsen in smallest linearization dimention of data unless locality doesn't matter。如果一个thread负责4个连续的x方向grid point,则连续的threads会访问不连续的memmory

当遇到当前bin的第一个dummy atom,则break,然后检查下一个bin

  • ILP

注意:很多HPC engineer都忽视优化中ILP的作用,只关注memory的优化,这是不好的,因为instruction pipeline 的pressure也会是原因

对于每个threads负责的4个grid point,首先计算dx2 dz2,运行cylinder test来检查4个grid point是否在cutoff radious内(被4个grid point共享),如果成功的话再测试y。

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在pass cylinder test后,对于thread负责的4个grid point,分辨计算dy2,然后check if within cutoff distance

不要启动过多的threads block,大约4 threads block per sm足够keep sm busy就好了。对于每个thread block,当计算完当前bin的数据以后,就计算下一个bin,直到全部的bin都被处理完。

Parallel binning

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因为per atom idx只会在step2里使用,所以不需要write to memory然后再load from memory,可以使用kernel fusion

因为使用kernel fusion的方法,copy atom to bin的latency被atomic等待 hide掉了。尽管write to bin并没有coarlesed

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在binning结束以后,得到bin以及bin count。

在使用gpu计算最终结果的时候,是使用bin count,还是检查dummy atom,是一个需要选择的。使用bin count代表需要load extra data,有些时候不如检查dummy atom

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  • 处理overflow bin

如果atom count > capacity,atomically reduce atomic count,place data in overflow list。

这样做的缺点是如果有一些unbalance,就会导致某一个bin的atom特别多,很多的atomic recrease


  1. read counter value,如果too large的话,则放到overflow list里,这一步不涉及atomic decrease
  2. 如果读到的值没有过大,使用atomic add

这样避免了很多atomic add + atomic decrease

  • 实现

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Dynamic binning

  • dummy atom的问题

浪费了global memory bandwidth,shared memory storage,compute cycle to identify dummy atom

  • 得到dynamic binning
  1. (对于每个bin,计算atom relative idx)
  2. 对于每个bin,保存bin count
  3. 通过prefix sum on bin count, 得到bin start location
  4. 对于每个atom,通过bin start location与relative idx(也可以现在run time产生)进行数据拷贝

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  • 使用dynamic binning计算

之前使用constant bin的时候,对于每个bin储存nbr bin的relative offset (这个relative offset shared by all bin)。

现在使用dynamic binning的时候,储存pencil的数据。

需要注意依旧要tile access to atom。

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  • avoid load imbalance

为了避免某一个特定的bin有很多的atom,从而导致load imbalance。设定max num atom in bin + 使用overflow list

cpu在overflow list上进行计算

只要在某个方位内,max num atom in bin对perf的影响不是很大

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7 point Stencil

stencil难点: memory intense & little computation (one fma per load value)

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Thread granularity


现在:每个thread计算pencil along Z dim


  1. 减少grid index的计算。现在可以 x + 1, y + 1 而不是 thread.x block.x blockdim.x 每次重新计算x y
  2. 更少的thread block,更少的thread block scheduling overhead

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register tiling

一个thread计算pencil along z axis,z-axis上的数据复用可以使用register tilning

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原来一个output需要访问7个input through global memory access

现在一个output需要访问5个input through globlal memory access

节省了25%的global memory bandwidth

shared memory tiling

对于每一个current,都会被xy dim上的4个nbr thread使用。可以使用shared memory来共享这个部分

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对于每一个block来说,现在有4 slices of data 在 on-chip memory 上。这是有限的内存,会限制block 的大小

  1. prev, curr, next 的 register slices。每一个thread使用3个register,对于block负责x y dim来说,就是3 slides of memory
  2. shared memory of current

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对于halo来说,使用与conv strategy3类似的方法,访问global memory。更新的gpu arch有更大的across block L2 cache,这些halo cell会被nbr block放到L2 cache里,所以导致的thread divergence不会太严重

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原来计算一个elem需要访问5个global memory

现在计算一个eleme需要访问1个global memory与4个shared memory

但是由于shared memory与register的限制,block dim不能很大,导致halo的部分影响了reduce ratio

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  1. Professional CUDA C Programming chapter 5


  • lower bound: native global memory transpose

coarlesed read

stride write causing multiple memory transaction per request

__global__ void naiveGmem(float *out, float *in, const int nx, const int ny) {
  // matrix coordinate (ix,iy) 
  // 相当于global index
  unsigned int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int iy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;

  // transpose with boundary test
  if ( ix < nx && iy < ny )
    out[ix * ny + iy] = in[iy * nx + ix];
  • upper bound : memory copy kernel

coarlesed read, coarlesed write

__global__ void copyGmem(float *out, float *in, const int nx, const int ny) { 
  // matrix coordinate (ix,iy)
  unsigned int ix = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  unsigned int iy = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
  // transpose with boundary test 
  if (ix < nx && iy < ny) {
  	out[iy * nx + ix] = in[iy * nx + ix]; 
  • setting

4096 * 4096 matrix

2D thread block of dim 32 (block height)* 16 (block width)

Rectangle Shared Memory

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  1. warp coarlesed read row from original matrix. 紫色的部分对应一个或者多个warp
  2. warp write data to shared memory using row-major order
  3. synchronize
  4. warp read column, bank conflict happen. 蓝色的部分对应一个或者多个warp
  5. coarlesed write data to transposed matrix
 __global__ void transposeSmem(float *out, float *in, int nx, int ny) {
       // static shared memory
   		// BDIMY : 32
   		// BDIMX : 16
       __shared__ float tile[BDIMY][BDIMX];
       // coordinate in original matrix
       unsigned int ix,iy,ti,to;
       ix = blockIdx.x *blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
       iy = blockIdx.y *blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
       // linear global memory index for original matrix
       ti = iy*nx + ix;
   		 // 下面的部分是比较重要的
       // thread index in transposed block
       unsigned int bidx,irow,icol;
       bidx = threadIdx.y*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
       irow = bidx/blockDim.y;
       icol = bidx%blockDim.y;
       // coordinate in transposed matrix
       ix = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + icol;
       iy = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x  + irow;
       // linear global memory index for transposed matrix
       to = iy*ny + ix;
       // transpose with boundary test
       if (ix < nx && iy < ny)
          // load data from global memory to shared memory
          tile[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = in[ti];
          // thread synchronization
          // store data to global memory from shared memory
          out[to] = tile[icol][irow];
  • performence on Tesla K40

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Because the block width in the trans- posed block is 16, the writes of the first half of a warp and the second half of a warp are strided by 4,080; therefore, a warp request to write to global memory is serviced by two transactions. Changing the thread block size to 32x32 would reduce the replay count to 1. However, a thread block configuration of 32x16 exposes more parallelism than the 32x32 launch configuration.

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reads from a column of the 2D shared memory array create bank conflicts. Running this kernel on the Tesla M2090 would yield a replay of 16 transactions. Tesla K40 has a bank width of 8 bytes, leading to a reduction in bank-conflicts by half.

Rectangle Shared Memory Padded

通过padding来去除bank conflict

For the tested kernel with a 32×16 thread block, two columns of padding must be added for a Tesla K40 and one column for a Tesla M2090

__shared__ float tile[BDIMY][BDIMX + 2];
  • performence

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Each thread now transposes two data elements strided by one data block. The goal of this transformation is to improve device memory bandwidth utilization by creating more simultaneous in-flight loads and stores. 通过增加memory in the fly来增加independeny memory transaction

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尝试不同的block size,最后发现16x16的效果最好。

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  1. UIUC ECE 408 Lecture4, lecture5, lecture6

Simple C Code


void GEMM(float* M, float* N, float* P, int width)
  for ( int i = 0; i < width; ++i )
    for ( int j = 0; j < width; ++j )
      float sum = 0f;
      for ( int k = 0; k < width; ++k )
        float a = M[i * width + k];
        float b = N[k * width + j];
        sum += a * b;
      P[i * width + j] = sum;

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Naive CUDA Code

void MatrixKernel( float* d_M, float* d_N, float* d_P, int width )
  // each thread corr to one output location defined by (row, col)
  // each thread read in row of M and col of N
  int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
  int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

  if ( ( row < width ) && ( col < width ) )
    // 使用suffix f来避免implicit type conversion
    float pval = 0.0f;
    for ( int k = 0; k < width; ++k )
      pval += d_M[ row * width + k ] * d_N[ k * width + col ]; // access global memory
    d_P[row * width + col ] = pval; // access global memory
  • bandwidth 分析知道直接访问global memory的话是不够的

Load 1 N 1 M element : 4 bytes each, total 8 bytes

进行一次计算 2 FLOP

4 bytes memory access / FLOP


1000 GFLOP/s computation power

150 GB/s memory bandwidth

实际computation usage 150 GB/s / (4B/FLOP) = 37.5 GFLOP/s



上面的分析其实比较简单,更加通用的分析应该从computation intensity出发,从而知道对于每一个bytes access to global memory, 需要how many flops

  • memory coarlesed 分析

下面的例子中,每个thread沿着黑色的箭头访问4个元素。对于N的访问中每个thread访问一个column。对于M的访问中每个thread访问一个row。数据是row major order的。不同的颜色对应不同的step



在step1中4个thread访问的内存(N00,N01,N02,N03,黄色的部分) 在virtual memory中是连续的(在物理内存上会被分配到多个bank,多个channel中)


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每个thread读取的数据都会导致一次memory burst。

Step1的4个value(M00,M10,M20,M30)需要4个burst(每个burst对应一个颜色)。由于burst buffer只有一个,在step 1访问结束后只有最后访问的burst依旧留在burst buffer中。


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  • performence 分析

naive cuda code中,load两个元素,进行一次FMA计算,计算访存比低

Simple Blocked CUDA Code


  1. CUDA C++ best practice guide chapter
  • 假设

这个方法的假设与其余gemm的有一些不一样。主要目的是为了说明shared memory的作用

w : warp size

A of dimension Mxw, B of dimension wxN, and C of dimension MxN

use a block and tile size of wxw threads.

A grid of N/w by M/w blocks is launched

Each thread block of size wxw calculates the elements of a different tile in C from a single tile of A and a single tile of B.

Each thread in the wxw-thread block calculates one element in a tile of C

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  • Code
__global__ void simpleMultiply(float *a, float* b, float *c, int N)
    int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    float sum = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < TILE_DIM; i++) { // TILE_DIM=32
      sum += a[row*TILE_DIM+i] * b[i*N+col];
    c[row*N+col] = sum;
  • analysis

Each warp of threads calculates one row of a tile of C, which depends on a single row of A and an entire tile of B as illustrated in Figure 12.

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For each iteration i of the for loop, the threads in a warp read a row of the B tile

对于B的global memory read是coarlesed,因为每个iteration threads读取连续的B的内存

For each iteration i, all threads in a warp read the same value from global memory for matrix A

对于A的global memory read是waste bandwidth的(假设cc 5.x+),因为每一次memory transaction会传送32 bytes data,但是只使用了4 bytes (size of one float)。由于有很多的warp在运行,所以这个memory transaction不会成功的保存在cache line里,而是会被eciction。

Tiling shared memory for A


  1. CUDA C++ best practice guide chapter
  • 假设

继续上面的Simple Block CUDA Code的假设。

但是这里只对一个input使用tile并且只用syncwarp的想法可以扩展到其余的tile with shared memory

  • Code
__global__ void coalescedMultiply(float *a, float* b, float *c, int N)
  // TILE_DIM = 32
    __shared__ float aTile[TILE_DIM][TILE_DIM];

    int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    float sum = 0.0f;
    aTile[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = a[row*TILE_DIM+threadIdx.x];
    for (int i = 0; i < TILE_DIM; i++) {
        sum += aTile[threadIdx.y][i]* b[i*N+col];
    c[row*N+col] = sum;
  • analysis

因为使用了shared memory,warp内的每个thread访问连续的gloabl memory address放到shared memory上

这里使用syncwarp因为only threads within the warp that write the data into shared memory read this data. 每个warp内的thread只会用(read)到one row of tile of A, 而这部分数据只会被当前的warp写入

注意,尽管这里shared memory A是 [32][32] ,但是对于shared memory的访问是stride1的,所以不存在bank conflict

Tiling shared memory

  • 假设

假设 M N P 是 square matrix

single threads for each output element P_ij, parallize computation of elements of P

block size in 2D of TILE_WIDTH * TILE_WIDTH

grid size in 2D of ceil( width / TILE_WIDTH ) * ceil( width / TILE_WIDTH )

把数据放到shared memory中(速度更快)从而做到数据复用(访问shared memory而不是global mmeory)。每一个thread block负责计算seprate output tiles。

下面图片中,不同颜色的M N代表不同iteration(code中q)所使用的tile M and tile N

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__global__ void SquareMatrixKernel1( float* d_M, float* d_N, float* d_P, int width )
  // each thread block in charge of completely compute one output tile
  __shared__ float subTileM[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];
  __shared__ float subTilen[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];

  // grid index
  int bx = blockIdx.x;
  int by = blockIdx.y;
  // index within block
  int tx = threadIdx.x;
  int ty = threadIdx.y;

  // row col of output matrix / input M, N matrix
  int Row = by * TILE_WIDTH + ty;
  int Col = bx * TILE_WIDTH + tx;
  float Pvalue = 0;

  // iterate through all M & N tile for one output tile 
  // (e.g in above figure, first dark blue tile, then orange tile)
  for ( int q = 0; q < width / TILD_WIDTH; ++q )
    // load global memory to shared memory of one pair of M, N tile
    // coarlesed global memory read for M & N
    // conflict free shared memory write for M & N
    subTileM[ty][tx] = M[Row * width + q * TILE_WIDTH + tx];
    subTileN[ty][tx] = N[(q * TILE_WIDTH + ty) * width + Col];

    // ensure all thread load finish

    // each thread block in charge of one output tile
    // each thread in charge of one output element
    for ( int k = 0; k < TILE_WIDTH; ++k )
      // all threads in warp access same value of M
      // all threads in warp access contigious (conflict free) element of N
      // CI比较低,从SMEM load 2个元素,进行一次FMA的计算。
      Pvalue += subTileM[ty][k] * subTileN[k][tx];
    // ensure finish using shared memory of current M and N tile
    // shared memory will be re-write at next for loop iteration

  // write result to global memory
  // coarlesed write to global memory
  P[Row*Width+Col] = Pvalue;
memory reuse分析

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下面提到的memory reuse是对于减少了对global memory的读取,只从shared memory上读取

在对M和N使用shared memory进行tilning以后,each value of M is used TILE_WIDTH times

对于M来说,reuse来自负责one row of output tile 的 threads在每个iteration 的时候访问相同的shared memory location(下图重叠的不同颜色的点)(output tile one row对应着tile M one row)。对于output tile/tile N来说,有多少个column,在M上重叠的点就会有多少个,就会reuse多少次(下图中标注N col=3,在M上重叠的的点有三个)。对于M的reuse是U(上图中的dim)。

every element in output row use all element of corresbonding row in M + use M from left to right = every element of M is reused number of col of output tile times

需要注意的是,thread对M elem的映射是row major ordered的,也就是one row of M会对应相同的warp。如果U <= 32, 那么对于M的reuse是warp内的thread访问相同的M 数据,会使用broadcast,对shared memory只访问一次。如果U > 32,那么对于M的reuse是两个warp访问相同的M数据,会对shared memory进行两次访问,每个warp内部进行broadcast。

对于N来说,reuse来自于负责不同row of output tile在每个iteration的时候使用same row of N。下图中两个output tile row在同一个iteration的时候,使用相同的row of N. 有多少个row of M / row of output tile,也就会对one row of N的数据复用几次。对M的reuse是T(上图中的dim)

因为负责计算different output tile row的threads会是在不同的warp中,所以对于N的访问都需要访问shared memory,有一定程度会被cache,但是cache复用的次数有限。

对于每个thread来说,每个访问的shared memory element只会使用一次。也就是memory reuse 100%来自于数据被不同的thread使用,而不是被thread内部使用多次。

Naive的方法上,总共需要从global memory读取 ( M_height * N_width ) * ( M_width + N_height) 个元素。一共有( M_height * N_width ) 个thread,每个thread读取(M_width + N_height) 个元素

当使用了shared memory以后,总共需要从global memory读取 (M_width/S) * ( S * T + S * U ) * (M_height / T) * (N_width / U). 总共有(M_height / T) * (N_width / U)个thread block,每个thread block会读取(M_width/S) * ( S * T + S * U )的global memory. 每个thread block有T * U个thread

当使用shared memory的时候,每个thread读取2 * S个数据从shared memory中,一个thread block对shared memory读取T * U * 2 * S个元素(注意,这里没有考虑broadcast,cache,warp level memory access的影响)。

Global memory coarlese & memory bank 分析

global memory load是coarlesed的

尽管这里shared memory B是 [32][32] ,但是对于shared memory的访问是stride1的,每个warp读取one row of N (而不是每个thread in one warp负责one row),所以不存在bank conflict


double buffer

通过使用两个shared memory buffer的方式,对于一个buffer来load数据,同时在另一个buffer上进行计算。

可以减少syncthread带来的等待,上面syncthread需要等待从global memory load完数据后,synchthread,才可以使用这部分数据。现在因为数据是上一步load好的,所以减少了syncthread使用和等待时间。


Tiling block dim


  1. UIUC ECE 508 Lecture 4
  • square output thread block & none-square input thread block


对于M的reuse,因为threads inside warp在每一个iteration的时候,访问同一个element

对于N的reuse,因为different warp在每一个iteration的时候,使用的memory element是相同的

达到同样的memory reuse比例,并不一定需要square memoty tile for M & N (黄色部分), 只需要load one col of M & one row of N(圈出来的黄色部分)

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tile M : S * T

tile N : T * S


S 是一个tunning factor

每次load完tile M & tile N以后,需要进行syncthread。如果S太小,每次load T+U的数据,会导致syncthread经常发生,perf下降

如果S太小,会导致load tile M effective bandwidth下降。

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  • none-square output thread block

output block不一定非得是square的

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handle boundary


  • 两种boundary的问题
  1. thread 计算有效的p value,但是load global memory的时候会访问out of data. 这个时候应该假设load上来的数据都为0

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  1. thread 没有计算有效的p value,而且load global memory的时候会访问out of data.这个时候应该假设load上来的数据都为0,并且不写入无效的output p中

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  • 解决方法
  1. test during tile load

如果target within input matrix, load

如果target outside input matrix, put 0


  1. test during tile store

如果value p outiside valid range, 则不写入。

  • 有关branch divergence

只针对于block on boundary, 因为在非boundary中,尽管代码中有if else,但是依旧全部的thread走一个path

__global__ void SquareMatrixKernel1( float* d_M, float* d_N, float* d_P, int width )
  __shared__ float subTileM[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];
  __shared__ float subTilen[TILE_WIDTH][TILE_WIDTH];

  int bx = blockIdx.x;
  int by = blockIdx.y;
  int tx = threadIdx.x;
  int ty = threadIdx.y;

    // row 是P M N 对应的index。
  // 所以可以被用于判断写入index,以及load index
  int Row = by * TILE_WIDTH + ty;
  int Col = bx * TILE_WIDTH + tx;
  float Pvalue = 0;

    // 一个thread block负责多个tile block
  for ( int q = 0; q < (width-1) / TILD_WIDTH+1; ++q )
    // load data to shared memory
    if ( Row < )

    subTileM[ty][tx] = M[Row * width + q * TILE_WIDTH + tx];
    subTileN[ty][tx] = N[(q * TILE_WIDTH+ty)*Width+Col];

    // barrier, wait for all threads load finish

    for ( int k = 0; k < TILE_WIDTH; ++k )
      Pvalue += subTileM[ty][k] * subTileN[k][tx];

    // barrier, wait for all threads load finish

  // write result
  P[Row*Width+Col] = Pvalue;

Joint register and shared memory tiling


  1. Volkov and Demmel SC 08
  2. UIUC ECE 508 lecture 4

下面选择把M的数据放在register中,把output P也放在register中,把input N放在shared memory中。

thread load M into registers

在不使用joint tilning的时候,总共有T * U thread,每个thread读取one row of M & one row of N。一个warp内全部的thread在同iteration会读取相同的shared M element,多个warp在同iteration访问相同的warp level memory access

需要注意的是,M的数据现在是private to each thread的,所以需要把row of M (of length S,下图中的圆框)放到一个thread的register中。下图中one row of M是放在一个thread中。

需要注意的是,现在一个thread读取M的一个row,对于warp level来说对global memory的访问是不coarlesed的。需要对M matrix进行transpose,才能warp level coarlesed的

所以处理T * U element,需要T thread,每个thread负责计算output tile中的one row (U element)

当U>1的时候,进行thread coarsening,每个thread负责U element of value in P的计算,也需要U registers to accumulate partial sum. 注意的是当accumulate partial sum的时候,使用的是register,不是shared memory。

总共需要的registers per thread是 U (for partial sum) + S (for reuse of M) (当不考虑读取shared memory的tmp register时)

下面的例子里,选择put M into registers

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thread load N into registers

如果选择把N中的数据放到registers中,那么one col of N (of length S)会被one thread load into registers。

与把M放到register相比,把N放到register的时候,warp level对于global memory的访问是coarlesed的。在同一个时间,多个thread读取one row of N,只要让U是8/16/32/64的话(cc不是128 bytes coarlesed的,而是32 bytes coarlesed的),就是coarlesed的

现在处理T * U的数据,需要U threads,每个thread负责计算output tile中的one col。

choose dim

一般GPU有10s registers per thread, 当选择tile M for register的时候,需要S+U个register。选择U=16。U不能选择的过大,否则会导致register pressure。如果M使用shared memory的时候,选择U一般是32

为了让joint tilning output tile size的总面积与shared memory output tile size差不多,选择T=64来平衡U比较小。

每次进行的计算是U * T * S

每个thread负责计算U*S inner product,需要U*S不要太小,因为每次计算前后都需要syncthread

thread load N into shared memory

一共有T=64个thread,每次load U=16*S num of N into shared memory

当S=1的时候,1/4 thread load value N into shared memory (some idle thread), requires S=1+U=16 registers per thread

当S=4的时候,all thread load value N into shared memory (no idle thread), requires S=4+U=16 registers per thread

thread use N from shared memory

一共有T个thread,每个thread负责计算one output row of tile P, 每个thread有S element from one row of tile M, 每个thread需要在每个iteration中从shared memory N中读取one row of U个元素(threads in block在同一个iteration的时候,读取相同的U个元素。按照从左到右读取的时候, threads within warp会进行broadcast),一共进行S个iteration,每个iteration中进行多个FFMA操作



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  1. 对tile of N (S * U),使用shared memory tiling。thread cooperatively load S*U tile into shared memory

    1. 对于每一个thread,使用S elem of M in reg 以及 S*U shared mem,计算U elem of P
    2. 每一个elem of N被复用T time,因为已经选择了U=16(相对小的val),所以希望T可以大。选择T=64,与之前的32*32的T*T一致
    3. load of N tile可以被coalsed。可以使用corner-turning ,因为U是16 half warp
  2. 对于tile of M (S*T), 使用register tiling。每个thread load S element of M into register

    1. 在shared memory tiling的情况下,S*T elements是储存在shared memory,可以被多个thread访问的。现在S*T element是private to each thread (S element for each thread, total T threads)。原来每个thread负责load一个M的elem,现在每个thread负责load 一行M的elem到register

    2. 同时每个thread也需要保存U个element of P来做privitization

      1. GPU普遍有10s reg per thread, 选择U=16
    3. 对于M的访问是不coalsed的,无法进行corner-truning。多个thread同一个时间点访问的内存是不连续的。需要对M进行transpose、。

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  3. sync 来确保tile of N都在shared memory上

  4. 每个thread计算出U个P结果,T个thread计算出T*U个P结果。

    1. 不希望U*S (每个thread的工作量)小,否则每两个sync之间的工作就比较少,划不来
    2. 不希望S过于大,否则造成register pressure。而且S的load是到register的,是serialize的,也不希望大。
    3. 因为tile N需要load S * U(16)个数据,一共有T(64)个thread,希望每个thread都有load elem的工作,所以选择S=T/U=4。
  5. sync来确保计算都完成,shared memory可以复用

  6. 进行下一个tile of M,tile of N, 对同一个T * U的tile of P的计算


  1. 减少shared memory pressure,从而允许更多block per SM,从而允许更好的hide latency
  2. 充分利用register资源,让register不会idle
  3. register的latency & bandwidth比shared memory要小(但是需要等待N读取shared memory,不知道是否依旧有效)

Thread granularity

reuse tile from matrix M for multipel tile N

原来每个thread block用一个tile M和一个tile N进行计算。

现在每个thread block用一个tile M和多个tile N进行计算,复用shared memory里面的tile M,让一个thread block进行多次计算。 没有考虑这个部分。

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Thread coarsening on shared memory tiling


  1. zhihu 有了琦琦的棍子 深入浅出GPU优化系列
  • 是什么

上面提到的使用shared memory tiling,对于shared memory的CI依旧很低,每次分别从MSMEM 和NSMEM 各load 1个元素,进行一次FMA计算,这样的CI是1/2。下图左边一个thread负责一个蓝色的点,每次读取一个黄色的和一个橙色的,计算一次FMA。

thread coarsening的时候,一个thread负责rm * rn个output element of P,每次load rm个MSMEM和rn个NSMEM,进行rm * rn次FMA计算,这样的CI是rm*rn/(rm + rn),提升了CI。理解为现在每次load SMEM数据后,更加充分的使用了这个数据。

但是需要注意,并不是rm rn越大越好。number of register / thread, number of register / sm 是有限的,过度增加rm rn的大小会导致register per thread数量增加,导致register pressure

  • resource pressure

没有减少对shared memory的使用,增加了register per thread的压力,可能产生shared memory bank conflict, 但是减少了total number of thread

  • 是什么


整体算法基于shared memory tilning,当处理某一个shared memory tile pair的时候,把对应的M N shared matrix tile再切分为多个rm * rn的小块,每个块由一个thread负责计算,thread首先把所需要的shared memory load into register.

maximize occupancy config


  1. 旷视 CUDA 矩阵乘法终极优化指南 - 知乎

==TODO 增加,还需要学习cuda occupancy calculator使用==

在v100上,为了最大化occupancy,选择thread block size和data block size

  • 128 * 128 data block size, 128 thread block size

  • 128 * 128 data block size, 256 thread block size



  1. CUDA C++ Best practice guide

Simple Blocked CUDA Code

  • assumption

GEMM C=AB Simple Blocked CUDA Code

  • code
__global__ void simpleMultiply(float *a, float *c, int M)
    int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    float sum = 0.0f;
    for (int i = 0; i < TILE_DIM; i++) {
        sum += a[row*TILE_DIM+i] * a[col*TILE_DIM+i];
    c[row*M+col] = sum;
  • analysis

每个iteration,threads in warp对于A^T的访问是strided access with stride of w (A is size Mxw),导致了waste bandwidth

Tiling shared memory

  • code
__global__ void coalescedMultiply(float *a, float *c, int M)
    __shared__ float aTile[TILE_DIM][TILE_DIM],
    int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
    int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    float sum = 0.0f;
    aTile[threadIdx.y][threadIdx.x] = a[row*TILE_DIM+threadIdx.x];
    transposedTile[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y] = a[(blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.y)*TILE_DIM +threadIdx.x];  
    for (int i = 0; i < TILE_DIM; i++) {
        sum += aTile[threadIdx.y][i]* transposedTile[i][threadIdx.x];
    c[row*M+col] = sum;
  • analysis

The reads of elements in transposedTile within the for loop are free of conflicts, because threads of each half warp read across rows of the tile, resulting in unit stride across the banks. 读取的时候不存在bank conflict,因为threads within warp读取row of tile.

bank conflicts occur when copying the tile from global memory into shared memory. 从global memory到shared memory的时候存在bank conflict,注意transposed shared memory是 transposedTile[threadIdx.x][threadIdx.y] 的方式访问的,这也就意味着threads in same warp会负责different row of tile + same col of tile.

因为shared memory是 32 * 32 的,这也就意味着一个warp内全部的thread都是以stride 32来访问的,导致32-way bank conflict.

Avoid shared memory bank conflict

  • improvement

通过更改static allocated shared memory dim, 从而让shared memory stride 33 of 32 bits access, 避免了bank conflict

__shared__ float transposedTile[TILE_DIM][TILE_DIM+1];
  • 为什么不可以改变读取global memory来避免bank conflict

因为这样的话对于global memory的读取就不是coarlesed的,所以只能改变如何储存shared memory



  1. UIUC ECE 408 Lecture 19, 20
  2. Programmming Massive Parallel Processor chapter 10

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  • 特点
  1. irregular input data
  2. little or no data reuse
  3. compiler 很难优化
  • 常用于计算

很多时候SpMV用于iterative approach里,matrix不改变,vector改变。所以下面的很多data format transform只需要进行一次,就可以被iterative approach使用多次,amortize cost。


  • data format
  1. row pointer (index):每个row储存的col idx/data的start position
  2. nonzero data:每个row所对应的nonzero data
  3. col idx:每个nonzero data对应的col

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  • 计算


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  • 特点
  1. 一般sparse matrix有上百多个row,每个thread负责一个row可以充分的利用gpu hw
  2. warp divergence, 一个warp内的thread由于负责不同的row,有不同的nonzero element,需要for loop运行的次数不一样
  3. 没有coarlesed memory read,每个thread access random and non-adjacent memory location
  4. performence由于(2) (3) 的原因,是data-dependent的,依赖于数据的分布

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block performence由longest row决定。导致不同block所花费的时间也是不一样的

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  • data format
  1. nonzero padded transposed data
  2. column idx padded transposed 一一对应(1)中的数据
  • 特点
  1. pad row with 0 从而让每个thread的amount of work相同, no branch divergence
  2. transpose input data从而coarlesed memory access
  3. 相比起CSR的kernel,不再需要row_ptr的ptr了,现在使用num_elem这个变量

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  • 过多的padding
  1. 占用global memory
  2. 占用shared memory
  3. 占用instruction pipeline
  • 实现

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  • 数据
  1. nonzero data
  2. 每一个nonzero data对应的col & row idx

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  • 特点
  1. 可以reorder nonzero data,因为explicitly store row & col
  2. 不常完全使用COO format,因为parallel的时候需要使用atomic来更新数据。
  • 实现

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  1. 按照num elem / num thread 切分就可以
  2. 需要使用atomic来更新

Hybrid ELL + COO

  • data


使用COO处理额外的数据,从而避免ELL的dummy value 太多

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  • 实现


使用host来计算COO, convert CSR to ELL + COO

也可以使用GPU实现COO的计算。每个thread负责portion of the data elements + 使用atomic operation来accumulate results into y


  • 是什么

sort row into descending order基于num nonzero + keep track of original row number

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  • JDS + CSR

在sorted 版本上运行CSR,可以让临近的thread有相似的num nonzero element,从而减少warp divergence on number of for loop iteration

adjacent thread依旧访问non-adjacent memory location,无法coarlesed memory access

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  • JDS + CSR + Transpose


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Hybrid JDS + ELL

  • 是什么


  • 特点
  1. 每个section中的row数量得足够多,才值得使用一个kernel
  2. 对于每个ELL section,使用一个kernel
  3. 最新的gpu arch上,memory coarlesed越发不是问题,但是memory bandwidth越发是问题,所以要通过JDS+多个seciton的办法来避免使用过多的dummy elements



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  • 其余的sparse matrix format
  1. DIA : 用于strictly diagonal matrics
  2. PKT : 通过reordering row col得到diagnoal matrix
  3. DOK
  4. CSC
  5. Blocked CSR :大部分sparse,有多个小部分是dense的



  1. Programming Massively Parallel Processors 3rd edition Chapter 7
  2. UIUC 408 Lecture 7,8,9
  • Defination

Convolution Masks / Filters (这里不用kernel来避免混淆)

Simple 1D Conv

  • Math

N 是 input array

M 是mask

P 是output array

如果遇见boundary / ghost element,可以使用zero / padding的方法

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  • CUDA Code
void convolution_1D_basic_kernel(float *N, float *M, float *P, int Mask_Width, int Width)
	// every thread in charge of one output element
	int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
	float Pvalue = 0;
	int N_start_point = i - (Mask_Width/2);
  // iterate through filter
	for (int j = 0; j < Mask_Width; j++) 
  	if (((N_start_point + j) >= 0) && ((N_start_point + j) < Width)) 
  		Pvalue += N[N_start_point + j]*M[j];

Simple 2D Conv

  • Math

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Constant Memory for Filter

// global variable, outside any kernel/function
__constant__ float Mc[MASK_WIDTH][MASK_WIDTH];

// Initialize Mask
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < MASK_WIDTH * MASK_WIDTH; i++) {
  Mask[i] = (rand() / (float)RAND_MAX);
  if(rand() % 2) Mask[i] = - Mask[i];

// Copy from host to device constant memory
cudaMemcpyToSymbol(Mc, Mask, MASK_WIDTH*MASK_WIDTH*sizeof(float));

// launch kernel
// constant memory is visible to all kernel functions throughout application lifetime
ConvolutionKernel<<<dimGrid, dimBlock>>>(Nd, Pd);

3 Strategy for Tile

input数据存在复用,所以可以使用shared memory来减少对global memory的总访问次数

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Strategy 1 for 1D

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  • 特点
  1. 总thread个数=总output elem个数
  2. 多个stage/step来load data
  3. halo value放在shared memory中
  4. parallel computation of each output element
  5. 包含strategy1,下面的三个strategy都没有充分的利用shared memory的大小。在UIUC 408的homework里面涉及到了充分利用shared memory的部分
  • adv
  1. coalesce global memory access
  2. no branch divergence during computation
  • disadv
  1. 使用更多的shared memory
  2. branch divergence during reading data。只有在array两边的warp才会发生divergence的问题
  • 算法 & 代码
  1. all thread load data from start of input

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  1. 2 * halo threads load remianing data

只有最后的一个warp才会有divergence,前面array的warp都不会走if,也就没有warp divergence

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  1. no divergence during computation

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  • benifit analysis

下面分析了internal tile的影响,对于含有boundary的tile影响是不一样的

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reduction ratio for different tile size and tile width

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Strategy 2 for 2D

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  • 特点
  1. 总thread个数=总input elem个数
  2. halo value放在shared memory中
  3. some threads (not all) compute output
  4. parallel load memory from global memory to shared memory
  • adv
  1. coalesce global memory access
  2. no divergence during read
  • disadv
  1. branch divergence during computation
  2. 使用更多的shared memory
  • 算法 & 代码 (2D)

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复杂的点在于input coordinate map to output coordinate

  • benifit analysis for 2D

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Strategy 3 for 1D

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  • 特点
  1. 总thread个数=总output elem
  2. parallel computation of each output element
  3. 只把internal element的部分放在shared memory上。halo value直接从gloabl memory访问 / 从 L2访问
  4. 对于recent gpu arch来说,这个方法是prefered的,因为有L2 cache,halo value会被nbr block访问的时候放到L2 cache上
  • Caching

总Fermi开始,就提供L1 L2 cache。L1是per sm的,L2是across SM的。

一个tile的ghost cell data对于nbr tile就是internal element。所以如果tile 0 访问ghost cell data from global memory,有很大的程度数据已经在L2 cache上了,因为tile 1做了blocking,数据被放到L2上。

  • adv
  1. 节省shared memory空间
  2. no branch divergence during load memory
  • disadv
  1. branch divergence during computation。发生在array左右两边的warp上
  • 算法/代码

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Bandwidth Computation


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需要很大的mask size才能更好的达到peak performence

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  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processors chapter 16
  • 定义

input feature map X [C, H, W]

filter bank W[C, M, K, K] = set of M [C, K, K]

output feature map Y[M, H-K+1, W-K+1]

each output feature map m of M is the sum of convolutional of all input feature maps

C Code

// Mini-batch of size n
parallel for ( n = 0; n < N; ++n )
  // For each output feature map
  parallel for ( m = 0; m < M; ++m )
    // One pixel of the current (idx m) feature map
    parallel for ( h = 0; h < H_out; ++h )
      parallel for ( w = 0; w < W_out; ++w )
        Y[m, h, w] = 0;
        // 3D Convolution between 3D input feature map of channel C and 3D filter bank.
        for ( c = 0; c < C; ++c )
          for ( p = 0; p < K; ++p )
            for ( q = 0; q < K; ++q )
              Y[m, h, w] += X[c, h+p, w+q] * W[m, c, q, p];

Forward path CUDA

3D thread blocks, each thread compute one element of one output feature map

X : corr to one sample in mini-batch

Y: corr to one output feature map

Z: one location on output feature map defined by (h, w)

each thread : 3 nested for loop of C K K来计算conv

  • reduce global memory
  1. put filter in shared memory
  2. put part of input feature map into shared memory X[n, c]

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Forward path as GEMM

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unrolled input matrix的每个col包含all input values necessary to compute one element of output feature

unrolled input matrix一共有number of pixels in one output feature map个 (H_out * W_out)

unrolled input matrix的每个row = C*K*K

input data会被replicate多次

unrolled filter bank的每个row对应着one output feature map所需要的全部weight

unrolled filter bank一共有number of output feature map个row

没有duplication of weight

  • expansion ratio

当input output feature map比filter bank要显著的大的时候,expansion ratio of input matrix接近于K*K

  • reduce memory footprint

只分配一个shared memory of size C * K * K * H_out * W_out, 复用这块内存来储存不同channel的input unrolled matrix

  • 特点

因为dim of matrix是product of feature map dim, 在network 前后总的matrix大小是相似的

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  1. GEMM
    1. 使用on-the-fly lazy generation
  2. Winograd
  3. FFT



  1. UIUC 408 Lecture 18
  2. Programming Massively Parallel Processors 3rd edition Chapter 9

histogram中有highly contentious output conflict,每个thread都有很多的写

通过让8 thread shared private histogram on shared memory (而不是all thread within block) 来保证atomic bandwidth。

如果使用all thread wihtin block share private copy的话,使用atoimic就会是一个问题

主要高速我们privitization的coarsening是取决于程序的,并不一定总是private to thread / private to block

privitization需要平衡level of contentions以及最后的merging cost. 所以一般privitization选择subset of thread而非单独thread来进行。

Simple Memory Coalesed

thread 之间访问连续的内存从而实现memory coalesed

使用global memory atomic来避免race condition

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void histo_kernel(unsigned char *buffer, long size, unsigned int *histo)
		int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
  	// stride is total number of threads
    int stride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
    // All threads in the grid collectively handle
   	// blockDim.x * gridDim.x consecutive elements
   	while (i < size) {
       atomicAdd( &(histo[buffer[i]]), 1);
			 i += stride; 



通过使用shared memory来privitization,这样减少了atomic latency, 增加了throughput

__global__ void histogram_privatized_kernel(unsigned char* input, unsigned int* bins, unsigned int num_elements, unsigned int num_bins) 
    unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // Privatized bins
    extern __shared__ unsigned int histo_s[];

    for(unsigned int binIdx = threadIdx.x; binIdx < num_bins; binIdx +=blockDim.x) 
        histo_s[binIdx] = 0u; 

        // Histogram
        for (unsigned int i = tid; i < num_elements; i += blockDim.x*gridDim.x) 
        int alphabet_position = buffer[i] – “a”;
        if (alphabet_position >= 0 && alpha_position < 26) 
            atomicAdd(&(histo_s[alphabet_position/4]), 1);

        // Commit to global memory
        for(unsigned int binIdx = threadIdx.x; binIdx < num_bins; binIdx += blockDim.x) 
            atomicAdd(&(histo[binIdx]), histo_s[binIdx]);



  • 缺点
  1. 需要执行更多的instruction,因为现在需要判断当前的value是否与之前的value相同
  2. 需要使用更多的register

当contentious 比较low的时候,使用aggregate的效果实际上是不好的



  1. UIUC 408 Lecture 17
  2. Optimizing parallel reduction in cuda by Mark Harris link
  3. Faster Parallel Reductions on Kepler NVIDIA Blog link
  4. Professional CUDA C Programming Guide chapter 3, 5
  5. Stackoverflow CUDA algorithm cascading link
  • 什么是reduction

Reduce a set of input to a single value with binary operator

sequential algorithm take O(n) step

parallel algorithm take O(log n) step with tree

但是使用parallel algorithm经常存在的问题是diminishing parallelisim。对于CUDA来说是不好的,因为CUDA的资源是以block为单位进行分配的。

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  • work efficency

parallel algorithm 是work efficent的

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  • 使用的方法是pairwise implementation,有两种方法
  1. Neighbored pair: Elements are paired with their immediate neighbor.

    1. Figure 3.20
  2. Interleaved pair: Paired elements are separated by a given stride.

    1. Figure 3.19

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Divergence in Parallel Reduction

  • 特点

每个thread load 1 value from global memory to shared memory (will go through register)

使用tree based方法合并


stride变大with iteration

  • 缺点

存在branch divergence,没有工作的warp因为divergence的原因依旧activate

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Reduced Divergence

  • 特点

让activate thread是连续的,上面simple reduce里面activate thread是不连续的(e.g. step2中thread 0 4 8 12),这样就避免了branch divergence。

在除最后5个iteration(warp内的32thread)以外,没有branch divergence。

需要注意的是, if ( index < blockDim.x ) 为false的warp依旧会被schedule运行,只不过运行完if判断为false以后就让其余的warp运行,所以这里依旧有schedule overhead。

  • 缺点

对内存的访问会产生bank conflict,访问是gap of power of 2, 会导致访问的内存都在一个bank上面,无法充分利用aggregated memory bandwidth.

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Reduce bank conflict

  • 特点

使用连续的shared memory内存,从而避免bank conflict

上面的方法中,对shared memory的访问的stride是power of 2,会产生bank conflict

stride 变小 with iteration

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On-the fly computation / Cyclic Partitioning / Algorithm Cascading

  • 是什么

结合sequential与parallel reduction。(sequential)每个thread首先从global memory读取多个值,sum up in register, 然后放到shared memory。(parallel) threads within block 从shared memory读取数据,parallel reduction。

  • 为什么

保证了每个thread都有一些work来做(sequential 的部分每个threa都进行相加,相比起完全parallel的情况下只有部分thread相加),减少shared memory的使用

目的是为了enableing multiple I/O operation to be in-fligt at once. 如果没有使用algorithm cascading的话,在一开始访问global memory会因为没有足够的I/O operation in the flight导致一些stall,所以还不如利用好这个机会来issue enough I/O operation in the flight从而更好的hide latency

with more global load operations in flight at once, the GPU has more flexibility in scheduling them concurrently, potentially leading to better global memory utilization.

The load throughput has increased 2.57 times and store throughput has decreased 1.56 times. The load throughput increase is attributed to a greater number of simultaneous load requests.

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  • 特点

上面的kernel中有一半的thread会在load完数据以后就没有工作了,这是很浪费thread的,同时占用了很多shared memory。

每个thread可以load多个element from global memory to register, compute a result, and then put to shared memory.

相比起储存全部的数据到shared memory里,这个kernel可以使用更少的threads block来处理相同的数据/同样大小的thread block处理更多的数据。当threads block大小减小的时候,就减少了diminishing parallelisim的问题。

more independent memory load/store operations in a single thread yield better performance as memory latency can be better hidden. 每个thread load负责的工作越多,latency更容易被hide

下面的slides来自ECE 408, 每个thread负责首先加两个block数据,然后再进行reduction。上面的code是用while loop控制每个thread加多少个数据,

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  • performence

unroll 2代表着每个thread负责加两个block的数据,就像是Figure 3.25(上)

unroll的数量越多,每个thread可以进行的工作越多,more independent load/store越多,更容易hide latency

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Complete Unroll

  • 特点

If you know the number of iterations in a loop at compile-time, you can completely unroll it.

程序是memory bound的,之所以没有达到memory bandwidth是因为有其余的instruction overhead(也有其余的原因,像是kernel launch overhead等),希望减少其余的instruction 大小,减小instruction pipeline pressure。

因为CUDA有对于threads per block的限制,所以可以completely unroll避免for loop. 在使用template以后因为减少for loop使用,生成的代码只有实际reduce的instruction,没有for loop的instruction

使用template实现。因为template会给出blocksize的大小,红色的if branch会在compile time决定。

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Warp Unroll


  1. Volatile - when to use ? link

对于最后5个iteration(within warp0)不需要sync,因为warp内的thread是concurrent executed的,所以内部一定是sync的。(对于prev arch,modern arch并不保证lock step)

warp unrolling avoids executing loop control and thread synchronization logic. 通过unroll来减少loop control instruction的使用。减少threadsync的影响

  • 使用shared memory

这里对shared memory的使用没有用memory fence或者sync,所以需要使用volatile来避免compiler cache shared memory data on register

volitile tells the compiler it is not to optimize variables (especially shared memory) by placing them in registers because another thread may update the variable. (The update would be ignored if the register was used instead).

volatile should be used when the data can be changed outside the current thread without memory fences (for writes) or synchronization (for reads and writes). Otherwise the compiler is free to optimize the reads/writes to the variable by caching the data in a local register.

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  • 使用warp shuffle
  // Use XOR mode to perform butterfly reduction
    for (int i=16; i>=1; i/=2)
        value += __shfl_xor_sync(0xffffffff, value, i, 32);


下面的结论来自Professional CUDA C Programming chapter 3, 上面的代码与下面的结论使用的代码有一些小的不同,但是整体来说是一样的。

下面的performence table主要是为了大概了解不同的优化方法,可以带来多大的效果改善

our name name in table
divergence in parallel reduction neighbourhood (divergence)
reduce divergence neighbored (no divergence)
reduce bank conflict interleaved
Algorithm Cascading Unroll 8 blocks
warp unroll last warp
complete unroll loop + template last kernel

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Compute centric

使用thread block以后,keep thread block active。



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  1. UIUC 408 Lecture 16, 17
  2. Programming Massively Parallel Processors 3rd edition Chapter 8

Note: 之所以把scan放在algorithm cascading里面,是因为最重要的能够实现work efficent的three phase算法用到了Algorithm cascading的想法

  • Inclusive scan defination

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  • Sequential C
y[0] = x[0];
for (i = 1; i < Max_i; i++)
    y[i] = y[i-1] + x[i];


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__global__ void Kogge-Stone_scan_kernel(float *X, float *Y, int InputSize) 
    // num thread = SECTION_SIZE
    __shared__ float XY[SECTION_SIZE];

    int i = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // each thread load one element from global memory to shared memory
    if (i < InputSize)
        XY[threadIdx.x] = X[i];

    // the code below performs iterative scan on XY
  	// log(n) step in total from stride 1 to stride SECTION_SIZE in step 2
    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride < blockDim.x; stride *= 2) 
      	// ensure previous step all thread have finish write to shared memory 
        // and the shared memory contain new information

      	int tmp;
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            tmp = XY[threadIdx.x] + XY[threadIdx.x-stride];
        // ensure all thread have load required information from shared memory, 
      	// no data from previous step is needed (from shared memory), safe to overwrite.
        if (threadIdx.x >= stride)
            XY[threadIdx.x] = tmp;

    // write shared memory back to global memory
    Y[i] = XY[threadIdx.x];
  • 特点
  1. number of thread = number of elements
  2. 处理within block scan
  3. 随着iteration,第一个warp内会产生branch divergence,但是对于较大的block不是问题
  4. 通过stride的方式来shared computation result
  5. 需要两个syncthread在使用shared memory的时候
  6. 可以使用warp内部的shuffle instruction来实现。
  • speed and work efficency analysis

step : O(log n)

work : (n-1) + (n-2) + (n-4) + ... + (n-n/2) = N*log2N – (N–1) = O(n log n) work

speed up : (N*log2N)/P where p is number of execution unit

当谈论speed up的时候,不是看step有多少,而是看speed up ratio。因为平行算法也只有有限的hardware resource (execution unit), 所以处理n个数据对于有限的execution unit需要花费多个step。

在有充分的hardware resource的时候,speedup是有效果的。

当硬件资源不充分的时候,就无法充分利用这个算法,同时更加energy consumption

Double buffer Kogge-Stone

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  • 特点
  1. 避免了第二个sync thread的使用。因为现在可以直接overwrite,不需要判断是否可以overwrite


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__global__ void Brent_Kung_scan_kernel(float *X, float *Y, int InputSize) 
    __shared__ float XY[SECTION_SIZE];
    int i = 2*blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    // each thread load two elem from global memory to shared memory
    if (i < InputSize) XY[threadIdx.x] = X[i];
    if (i+blockDim.x < InputSize) XY[threadIdx.x+blockDim.x] = X[i+blockDim.x];
    // parallel scan step method 1
    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride <= blockDim.x; stride *= 2) 
        // ensure all thread from previous step have finish
        // so that shared memory contain valid data to be used
        if ((threadIdx.x + 1)%(2*stride) == 0) 
           XY[threadIdx.x] += XY[threadIdx.x - stride];

    // parallel scan step method 2
    for (unsigned int stride = 1; stride <= blockDim.x; stride *= 2) 
        // ensure all thread from previous step have finish
        // so that shared memory contain valid data to be used
        int index = (threadIdx.x+1) * 2* stride -1;
        if (index < SECTION_SIZE) 
            XY[index] += XY[index - stride];

    // post scan step
    for (int stride = SECTION_SIZE/4; stride > 0; stride /= 2) 
        int index = (threadIdx.x+1)*stride*2 - 1;
        if(index + stride < SECTION_SIZE) 
            XY[index + stride] += XY[index];

    // thread write result from shared memory back to global memory
    if (i < InputSize) Y[i] = XY[threadIdx.x];
    if (i+blockDim.x < InputSize) Y[i+blockDim.x] = XY[threadIdx.x+blockDim.x];
  • 特点
  1. number of thread = number of element / 2
  2. 处理within block scan
  3. 使用reduction tree来实现work efficent (因为用了reduction tree,每个iteration的work减少了,从而work efficent了)
  4. 每个iteration,只用进行一次sync,因为每个thread的dst并不被其余的thread作为src,所以不需要考虑是否可以overwrite的问题
  • parallel scan step 两种方法

method 2通过计算thread到index的映射关系(不直接使用thread id作为index),从而使用了decreasing number of contigious thread 来避免branch divergence

branch divergence 除了within warp 存在,其余都不存在

第一个iteration,thread 0-7负责idx 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15

第二个iteration,thread 0-3 负责idx 3,7,11,15

  • step and work analyaia

step : 2 log n

work : 2N-2-log2(N)

算法本身是work efficent的

但是由于cuda对资源的分配是以block为单位的,所以inactive thread虽然没有进行计算,但是依旧占用资源。导致占用的资源实际上接近 (N/2)(2log2(N)−1).

由于cuda资源分配的特点,最终的work efficency与kogge-stone算法相近。

Algorithm cascaing : three-phase

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  • algorithm
  1. input section partition into number of threads subsection.
    1. num thread = 4, num input = 40, each subsection contain 10 element. (in the figure 8.7 above, subsection length is 4)
  2. Corner turning to memory coalesed load input section to shared memory
  3. (step 1) each thread perform scan within subsection serially
    1. thread perform scan on 10 subsection elment
  4. (step 2) Kogge–Stone/Brent–Kung to scan with last element in each subsection array.
  5. (Step 3) each thread add previous subsection sum to current array.
  • 特点
  1. work efficent in CUDA
  2. 处理within block scan
  3. 能够处理的elem不受到max thread per block 的限制,只收到shared memory的限制。
    1. kogge-stone最多处理max thread per block个element
    2. brent-kung最多处理2 * max thread per block个element
  • work and step analysis

Assume that we use the Kogge–Stone algorithm for phase 2. For an input list of N elements, if we use T threads, the amount of work done is N−1 for phase 1, T*log2T for phase 2, and N−T for phase 3. If we use P execution units, the execution can be expected to take (N−1+T*log2T+N−T)/P time units.

Hierarchical scan

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  • 特点
  1. 处理inter-block scan
  2. 允许任何大小的scan,不再局限于max thread per block / max shared memory per block
  • 算法
  1. kernel 1 : 计算scan block的scan,可以使用kogge-stone/brent-kung/three-phase的方法。

    1. 需要多一个parameter S of dim SIZE/SECTION_SIZE,最后一个thread负责把partial sum写入到global memory array S里

    2. 需要把shared memory的partial result写入到shared memory中

      if (threadIdx.x == blockDim.x-1) {
        S[blockIdx.x] = XY[SECTION_SIZE – 1];
  2. kernel 2 : 可以使用kogge-stone/brent-kung/three-phase的方法,把S作为input,把S作为output。

    1. 通过kernel1运行完成,termiante kernel,从而实现全部kernel 1的synch
  3. kernel 3:take S与Y(global memory array)作为input,把S对应value加到每一个Y的元素中。

    1. 需要读取global memory Y,写入global memory Y
    int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
    Y[i] += S[blockIdx.x-1];

kernel 1,kernel 2可以使用三种algo的原因是因为一般scan block大小不会太大,由scan block最后sum组成的S也不会太大

Stream based scan hierchical scan


  1. CUDA Toolkits document link
  2. stackoverflow cuda threadfence link
// scan_value : volatile global memory
// use volatile to ensure when other block read this memory, current block have write result to memory location instead of cache / register
__shared__ float previous_sum;
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
  // Wait for previous flag
  while (atomicAdd(&flags[bid], 0) == 0){;}
  // Read previous partial sum from global memory
  previous_sum = scan_value[bid];
  // Propagate partial sum
  scan_value[bid + 1] = previous_sum + local_sum;
  // Memory fence
  // ensures that the partial sum is completely stored to memory (scan_value有最终结果) before the flag is set with atomicAdd()
  // Set flag
  atomicAdd(&flags[bid + 1], 1);
// all other threads inside block wait for thread 1
  • 特点
  1. 避免了hierchical的两次global memory读写
  2. 使用adjacent block synchronization在block之间传递信息。
    1. 对于每一个block,等待左边的block传递信息给他,然后再把信息传递给右边的block
    2. 通过使用atomic的方式来实现
    3. 在block之间传递消息的时候是serialize的
  3. scan_value 需要是 volatile的,从而避免compiler把数据放在register/reorder代码,从而实际上没有写入scan_value
  4. 对于scan_value与flag的访问尽管是在global memory上,但是在modern gpu时是在L2 cache上的访问。
  • 通过dynamic block indexing 避免deadlock

为什么有deadlock:block scheduling不按顺序,如果block i在block i+1后面运行+block i+1占用了全部的resource,导致block i+1在运行结尾等待block i,但是block i由于没有resource无法被schedule,从而造成deadlock

什么是dynamic block index:decouple usage of thread bloxk index from blockIdx.x

__shared__ int sbid;
if (threadIdx.x == 0)
  sbid = atomicAdd(DCounter, 1);
const int bid = sbid;



  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processor chapter 14
  • 两种scan的方法
  1. uniform grid scan
    1. 计算简单
  2. non-catersion scan
    1. 计算复杂,但是SNR更高
    2. GPU使得non-catersion计算成为可能

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Core Computation in C

把MRI计算中最核心的计算用C代码表达出来,这个section只关注于如何加速这个core computation

// each sample point in k space
for ( int m = 0; m < M; m++ )
    // real and imaginary component of Mu of each sample point in k-space
    rMu[m] = rPhi[m] * rD[m] + iPhi[m] * iD[m];
    iMu[m] = rPhi[m] * iD[m] - iPho[m] * rD[m];

    // each voxel in reconstructed image
    for ( int n = 0; n < N; n++ )
        expFhd = 2 * PI * ( kx[m] * x[n] + \
                            ky[m] * y[n] + \
                            kz[m] * z[n] );
        cArg = cos(expFhd);
        sArg = sin(expFhd);
      	// real and imaginary component of FhD of each voxel in reconstructed image
        // No voxel element depend on other voxel element, all element of FhD can be computed independently
        rFhD[n] += rMu[m] * cArg - iMu[m] * sArg;
        iFhD[n] += iMu[m] * cArg + rMu[m] * sArg;


Map to GPU threads

  • 想法1

每个thread对应一个outer loop of m


  1. 简单实现


  1. 更新rFhD的时候需要使用atomic。Million of thread更新atomic会导致很大的bottleneck。rFhD很大无法privatization
  2. scatter的计算方式
  • 想法2

每个thread对应一个inner loop of n


  1. 没有atomic的问题
  2. gather的计算方式


  1. 需要loop interchange,但是loop of m与loop of n之间有其余的计算,无法直接loop interchange
  • 想法2的解决方法:loop fission/splitting

通过split / fuse loop的方法来允许loop interchange

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  • 对于第一个loop


  • 对于第二个loop+loop

首先进行loop interchange,然后每个thread负责一个或者多个iteration(每个thread负责多个iteration,减少对M的访问次数)

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Reduce global memory bandwidth

Use register
  • 对于n相关变量

使用register储存n dependent variable, 例如 x[n], y[n], z[n], rFhD[n], iFhD[n]

CUDA Compiler不会默认把这些对array的固定位置的访问放到register上(CPU compiler可能会进行对应操作)

  • 对于m相关有复用的变量

rMu iMu 这种简单的变量重复使用,compiler会意识到是只访问了两个位置,会使用temp register

Constant cache

与m相关的element没有被write,只有read。可以使用constant cache读取的方法,从而让一个warp内的全部thread通过constant cache + broadcast 的方法使用这些变量。

all threads in a warp will be accessing the same element of kx, ky, and kz in rouphly lock step (starting from kepler, no more lock step, but the memory will still be broadcast)


对于新版本的Arch,通过const __restrict__ keyword/intrinsic 来使用const cache


对于kx, ky, kz来说,使用AoS而不是SoA会更好的利用cache

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对于一个warp来说,访问kx[i], ky[i], kz[i]是被全部的thread shared的,只用访问一次global memory,数据会被broadcast到warp内的全部thread中

对于不同的warp来说,由于iter m可能在不同的位置,所以会访问不同的kx[i]的位置。

如果使用SoA的话,每个warp的每个iteration都会占用3个cache line,多个warp同时运行导致cache line eviction,导致cache line没有使用的地方被evict掉,让memory bandwidth浪费很多。

如果使用AoS的话,每个warp的每个iteration只占用1个cache line,多个warp同时运行不太容易导致cache line eviction,每个cache line被load了以后更充分的被使用了(访问三个元素而不是一个元素),充分利用memory bandwidth。

这里之所以使用AoS,是因为(1)在iteration内 (2)threads within warp访问array上同样的数据。

当使用SoA的时候,threads within warp访问array上contiguous data,所以使用SoA好

硬件上的原因:constant cache on some old device have insufficent entries to accomadate all warps within sm

Thread Coarsening
  • 两种方法
  1. for loop unroll
    1. 减少用于branch control的instruction
    2. 但是访问了更多的内存,有更大的latency,需要更多的warp来hide latency
  2. 处理多个element n
    1. 减少对m的总访问次数(原来是每个n都需要访问全部的m)。现在对于每个load的m,可以应用于多个n的计算。
    2. register overhead



对于sin cos的计算,在检验过正确性后,使用SFU (__sin)来进行计算,从而减少所需要执行的num instruction

Bezier Curves


  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processors Chapter 13.7
  • 特点

data dependent parallelisim

the larger the curvature, the more points it takes to draw smooth curve

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Simple CUDA Version

每个thread block负责一个3 point bezier curve

all thread一起计算rendered point

每个thread block由于不同bezier curve的curvature不同,所需要计算的rendered point个数也不同,导致每个thread block的工作也不同

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Dynamic Parallelism

原来for loop内部的工作作为child block,forloop外面的工作作为parent block

one thread in each parent kernel 计算 curvature & num of rendered point & allocate dynamic memory & call child kernel

memory for storing the rendered point is dynamically allocated

避免的block imbalance

这里launch child kernel的时候使用null stream,为了更好的parallel效果可以使用per thread named stream

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Computational Fluid Dynamic & Quad Tree


  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processors chapter 13.8
  2. UIUC ECE 508 Lecture 9

computation fluid dynamic 需要在每个iteration重新进行quad tree的计算。

在没有dynamic parallel之前,是在CPU上build quad tree,传输quad tree到GPU上,然后在GPU上使用quad tree

在有了dynamic parallel之后,可以在GPU上build & use quad tree,避免了moving data over PCIe,带来很大的速度提升

具体实现细节参考slides + textbook

Parallel Merge Sort


  1. UIUC ECE 508 Lecture 11
  2. Programming Massive Parallel Processors chapter 11

Parallel Graph Search BFS


  1. Programming Massive Parallel Processors chapter 12
  2. UIUC ECE 508 Lecture 7