The kgo
package supports both metrics and logging through options. By
default, both are disabled.
The WithLogger
option can be used to enable internal logging. The
default Logger
interface is small but easy to implement, and there is a
simple BasicLogger
provided that you can use while developing or even in
production. In production, it is recommended that you use a more "real" logger
such as zap, and to aid this, the franz-go repo provides a drop-in
. There also exists a drop-in zerolog
package. If you have another relatively standard logger that would be good to
provide a drop-in package for, please open an issue and we can add it. It is
recommended to use an info logging level: if you find that too noisy, please
open an issue and we can figure out if some logs need to be changed.
takes an unopinionated stance on metris, instead supporting "hooks"
that you can provide functions for to implement your own metrics. You can
provide an interface that hooks into any behavior you wish to monitor and
provide yourself extremely coarse monitoring or extremely detailed monitoring.
If there are angles you would like to monitor do not have a hook, please open
an issue and we can figure out what hook to add where.
Similar to logging, franz-go provides drop-in packages that provide some
opinion of which metrics may be useful to monitoring: kprom
prometheus, and kgmetrics
for gmetrics.
The hooks mentioned just above can be used to glean insight into client <=> broker latency, request latency, and per-record consume & produce latency. Latencies are not provided by default in the plugin packages within franz-go because latencies can easily result in cardinality explosion, and it is difficult to know ahead of time which latency bucketing a user is interested in.
The OnBroker
hooks (write, read, e2e) can be used for broker latency. The
hook also has a function parameter indicating the request key that was written
or read; this key can be used to track per-request request kind latency. For
example, if you are interested in produce request latency, you can hook into
request key 0 and monitor it. Similar thought for fetch, with request key 1.
Per-record latency is more difficult to track. When a record is produced, its
field is set. You can use time.Since(r.Timestamp)
when the
record's promise is called to track the e2e latency for an individual record.
Internally, records are produced in batches, so a chunk of records will be
promised in a row all at once. The per-record latency for all of these is
likely to be roughly the same; each time.Since
to track latency is a
discrete observation: per-record latencies should not be added together in an
attempt to learn something. For more thoughts on record & batch latency when
producing, skim #130. Per-record fetch latency can be measured similarly
to producing: it is more beneficial to measure fetch request latency, but
per-record timestamp delta's can be used to glean producer <=> consumer e2e