N = int(input())
def gcd(big, small):
if big < small:
small, big = big, small
remainder = big % small
if remainder == 0:
return small
return gcd(small,remainder)
res = 0
from math import sqrt
for c in range(1, N+1):
for a in range(1, c):
for b in range(max(c-a+1,a), c):
if a * a + b * b == c * c:
if gcd(a, b) == 1 and gcd(b, c) == 1 and gcd(a, c) == 1:
res += 1
# print(a,b,c)
tmp = input().split()
positive, negative = int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1])
# print(positive, negative)
idx = 0
for i in range(6, -1, -1):
if i*positive+(7-i)*negative < 0:
idx = i
# print(idx)
res = (negative*(7-idx)+positive*idx) * 2
# print(res)
if idx >= 3:
res += 3 * positive
res += idx * positive + (3 - idx) * negative