Go.Data version 45 is now available for download from its usual location. This version includes a number fixes and enhancements as outlined below:
- upgraded Angular to version 14.2.12
- upgraded MongoDB to version 5.0.14
- added warning on view / create / modify outbreak when at least 2 of the 3 masks (case, contact, contact of contacts) are identical and have number sequence
- fixed an issue where you could lose map server information under some isolated circumstances
- fixed an issue where restoring an outbreak wasn't restoring associated language translations
- added back warning that tells user when date of onset is after hospitalization start date when creating / modifying / viewing a case
- added warning on view / create / modify / bulk create contacts or view / create / modify relationship to warn user when last contact date is before date of onset. This warning is configurable per outbreak and by default warning is disabled.
- added warning on view / create / modify case to warn user when date of reporting is before date of onset
- added responsible / assigned user information when you export cases / contacts / events / contacts of contacts / follow-ups. By default this information isn't included, you need to check "Include exposure person data" from export configuration dialog.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] exporting contacts exported the oldest exposure previously, this was changed to export the most recent exposure. You still have the option to export the oldest exposure by checking "Retrieve oldest exposure" from export configuration dialog.
- changed dialog message when you delete a case / contact / event / contact of contacts to inform you that all related relationships, lab results and follow-ups will be deleted too
- allow change / fill of contact questionnaire on modify case if case was converted from a contact. Previously the questionnaire was read-only. By default this option is enabled, but it can be disabled from the outbreak create / modify page.
- allow change / fill of case questionnaire on modify contact if contact was converted from a case. Previously the questionnaire was read-only. By default this option is enabled, but it can be disabled from the outbreak create / modify page.
- added "Place of death" to create / view / modify case. Option is available if case is deceased.
- fixed an issue where you could lose vaccine information under some isolated circumstances
- fixed an issue where you could lose hospitalization information under some isolated circumstances
- fixed an issue where cascade delete / restore wasn't deleting / restoring relationships, lab results and follow-ups when case / contact / event / contact of contacts was deleted / restored. On upgrade a migration script will be executed to delete relationships, lab results and follow-ups that are associated with cases / contacts / events and contact of contacts that were deleted.
- fixed and issue on merge cases / contacts / events / contact of contacts that didn't allow you to select an address if that address didn't have at least address line or city
- implemented bulk modify of lab results
- breadcrumbs from create / view / modify follow-up page will change depending of the source page used to access this page
- included statuses in quick list from create / view / modify follow-ups and lab results pages
- included statuses "Daily follow-ups" page
- fixed some filters and sort options that weren't working properly on "Daily follow-ups" page
- made improvements to chains of transmission bar chart
- made improvements to case count map page
- legend options that aren't used by the visible chart on chains of transmission graph page will be hidden
- added "none" option to chains of transmission graph configuration
- fixed an issue where under specific circumstances exporting charts wasn't exporting the entire chart
- fixed an issue where no error was displayed when exporting charts failed
- added Leptospirosis template
- added Measles / Rubella template
- added Cholera template
- replaced old "Ebola" template with new one "Ebola and Marburg virus diseases"
- added back functionality that hides reference data options from dropdowns if they are made inactive and if they aren't used
- fixed an issue where refresh list button was visible on reference data categories page even if that button didn't do anything since reference data categories are static and can't be changed
- added import mappings to export sync packages. This way you can use the import mappings on other Go.Data instances
- fixed an issue where generating sync package with default settings was throwing an error
- fixed an issue where exporting sync package with only empty collections was throwing an error instead of displaying a proper warning message
- fixed an issue on api side where events created using mobile app weren't synced properly
- made a few ui / ux improvements here and there for all screen sizes (pc, laptop, tablet, phone)
- added option for each user to show / hide questionnaire questions numbers when filling questionnaire (create / view / modify tab configuration dialog - case / contact / follow-up / lab result). By default question numbers are shown. System will remember the prefered option next time when you visit the page
- moved "Change Language" from user profile page to always visible user account quick menu (should make change language easier)
- fixed an issue where menu options were appearing even if they shouldn't (no user rights or outbreak flag). If user tried to access these pages then he would've got an error
- fixed an issue on all list pages where null values were displaying "null" text instead of nothing ("")
- fixed an issue with backup start time not being displayed on Backups list page
- fixed some misspellings
- added https://godata.who.int link to login and reset password pages