diff --git a/catalog/dags/common/elasticsearch.py b/catalog/dags/common/elasticsearch.py
index 92acc57b6fc..16ef8332d8c 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/common/elasticsearch.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/common/elasticsearch.py
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 from typing import Literal, Union
 from airflow.decorators import task, task_group
+from airflow.exceptions import AirflowSkipException
 from airflow.models.connection import Connection
 from airflow.providers.elasticsearch.hooks.elasticsearch import ElasticsearchPythonHook
 from airflow.sensors.base import PokeReturnValue
-from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
+from elasticsearch.exceptions import NotFoundError
 from common.constants import REFRESH_POKE_INTERVAL
@@ -175,51 +176,90 @@ def refresh_index(es_host: str, index_name: str):
-def point_alias(index_name: str, alias: str, es_host: str):
+def point_alias(
+    es_host: str,
+    target_index: str,
+    target_alias: str,
+    should_delete_old_index: bool = False,
     Point the target alias to the given index. If the alias is already being
-    used by one or more indices, it will first be removed from all of them.
-    """
+    used by another index, it will be removed from this index first. Optionally,
+    that index may also be automatically deleted.
-    @task.branch
-    def check_if_alias_exists(alias: str, es_host: str):
-        """Check if the alias already exists."""
-        es_conn = ElasticsearchPythonHook(hosts=[es_host]).get_conn
-        return (
-            "point_alias.remove_existing_alias"
-            if es_conn.indices.exists_alias(name=alias)
-            else "point_alias.point_new_alias"
-        )
+    Required Arguments:
+    es_host:      Connection string for elasticsearch
+    target_index: Str identifier for the target index. May be either the index name
+                  or an existing alias.
+    target_alias: The new alias to be applied to the target index
+    Optional Arguments:
+    should_delete_old_index:    If True, the index previously pointed to by the target
+                                alias (if one exists) will be deleted.
+    """
-    def remove_existing_alias(alias: str, es_host: str):
-        """Remove the given alias from any indices to which it  points."""
+    def get_existing_index(es_host: str, target_alias: str):
+        """Get the index to which the target alias currently points, if it exists."""
+        if not target_alias:
+            raise AirflowSkipException("No target alias was provided.")
         es_conn = ElasticsearchPythonHook(hosts=[es_host]).get_conn
-        response = es_conn.indices.delete_alias(
-            name=alias,
-            # Remove the alias from _all_ indices to which it currently
-            # applies
-            index="_all",
-        )
-        return response.get("acknowledged")
+        try:
+            response = es_conn.indices.get_alias(name=target_alias)
+            if len(response) > 1:
+                raise ValueError(
+                    "Expected at most one existing index with target alias"
+                    f"{target_alias}, but {len(response)} were found."
+                )
+            return list(response.keys())[0]
+        except NotFoundError:
+            logger.info(f"Target alias {target_alias} does not exist.")
+            return None
     def point_new_alias(
         es_host: str,
-        index_name: str,
-        alias: str,
+        target_index: str,
+        existing_index: str,
+        target_alias: str,
+        """
+        Remove the target_alias from the existing index to which it applies, if
+        applicable, and point it to the target_index in one atomic operation.
+        """
+        if not target_alias:
+            raise AirflowSkipException("No target alias was provided.")
         es_conn = ElasticsearchPythonHook(hosts=[es_host]).get_conn
-        response = es_conn.indices.put_alias(index=index_name, name=alias)
+        actions = []
+        if existing_index:
+            actions.append({"remove": {"index": existing_index, "alias": target_alias}})
+        actions.append({"add": {"index": target_index, "alias": target_alias}})
+        logger.info(f"Applying actions: {actions}")
+        response = es_conn.indices.update_aliases(body={"actions": actions})
         return response.get("acknowledged")
-    exists_alias = check_if_alias_exists(alias, es_host)
-    remove_alias = remove_existing_alias(alias, es_host)
+    @task
+    def delete_old_index(es_host: str, index_name: str, should_delete_old_index: bool):
+        if not should_delete_old_index:
+            raise AirflowSkipException("`should_delete_old_index` is set to `False`.")
+        if not index_name:
+            raise AirflowSkipException("No applicable index to delete.")
+        es_conn = ElasticsearchPythonHook(hosts=[es_host]).get_conn
+        response = es_conn.indices.delete(index=index_name)
+        return response.get("acknowledged")
+    existing_index = get_existing_index(es_host, target_alias)
+    point_alias = point_new_alias(es_host, target_index, existing_index, target_alias)
-    point_alias = point_new_alias.override(
-        # The remove_alias task may be skipped.
-        trigger_rule=TriggerRule.NONE_FAILED,
-    )(es_host, index_name, alias)
+    delete_index = delete_old_index(es_host, existing_index, should_delete_old_index)
-    exists_alias >> [remove_alias, point_alias]
-    remove_alias >> point_alias
+    existing_index >> point_alias >> delete_index
diff --git a/catalog/dags/common/sensors/constants.py b/catalog/dags/common/sensors/constants.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2d3bf1d6958
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog/dags/common/sensors/constants.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from common.constants import PRODUCTION, STAGING
+# DagTags used to establish a concurrency group for each environment
+PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG = "production_es_concurrency"
+STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG = "staging_es_concurrency"
diff --git a/catalog/dags/common/sensors/utils.py b/catalog/dags/common/sensors/utils.py
index 08c3bb9a6ac..0d0085295ee 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/common/sensors/utils.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/common/sensors/utils.py
@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@
 from airflow.decorators import task, task_group
 from airflow.exceptions import AirflowSensorTimeout
-from airflow.models import DagRun
+from airflow.models import DagModel, DagRun, DagTag
 from airflow.sensors.external_task import ExternalTaskSensor
+from airflow.utils.session import provide_session
 from airflow.utils.state import State
 from common.constants import REFRESH_POKE_INTERVAL
-def get_most_recent_dag_run(dag_id) -> list[datetime] | datetime:
+THREE_DAYS = 60 * 60 * 24 * 3
+def _get_most_recent_dag_run(dag_id) -> list[datetime] | datetime:
     Retrieve the most recent DAG run's execution date.
@@ -35,9 +39,40 @@ def get_most_recent_dag_run(dag_id) -> list[datetime] | datetime:
     return []
-def wait_for_external_dag(external_dag_id: str, task_id: str | None = None):
+def get_dags_with_concurrency_tag(
+    tag: str, excluded_dag_ids: list[str], session=None, **context
+    """
+    Get a list of DAG ids with the given tag. The id of the running DAG is excluded,
+    as well as any ids in the `excluded_dag_ids` list.
-    Return a Sensor task which will wait if the given external DAG is
+    dags = session.query(DagModel).filter(DagModel.tags.any(DagTag.name == tag)).all()
+    dag_ids = [dag.dag_id for dag in dags]
+    running_dag_id = context["dag"].dag_id
+    if running_dag_id not in dag_ids:
+        raise ValueError(
+            f"The `{running_dag_id}` DAG tried preventing concurrency with the `{tag}`,"
+            " tag, but does not have the tag itself. To ensure that other DAGs with this"
+            f" tag will also avoid running concurrently with `{running_dag_id}`, it must"
+            f"have the `{tag}` tag applied."
+        )
+    # Return just the ids of DAGs to prevent concurrency with. This excludes the running dag id,
+    # and any supplied `excluded_dag_ids`
+    return [id for id in dag_ids if id not in [*excluded_dag_ids, running_dag_id]]
+def wait_for_external_dag(
+    external_dag_id: str,
+    task_id: str | None = None,
+    timeout: int | None = THREE_DAYS,
+    **context,
+    """
+    Execute a Sensor task which will wait if the given external DAG is
     To fully ensure that the waiting DAG and the external DAG do not run
@@ -51,28 +86,39 @@ def wait_for_external_dag(external_dag_id: str, task_id: str | None = None):
     if not task_id:
         task_id = f"wait_for_{external_dag_id}"
-    return ExternalTaskSensor(
+    sensor = ExternalTaskSensor(
         # Wait for the whole DAG, not just a part of it
-        execution_date_fn=lambda _: get_most_recent_dag_run(external_dag_id),
+        execution_date_fn=lambda _: _get_most_recent_dag_run(external_dag_id),
         # Any "finished" state is sufficient for us to continue
         allowed_states=[State.SUCCESS, State.FAILED],
+        # execution_timeout for the task does not include time that the sensor
+        # was up for reschedule but not actually running. `timeout` does
+        timeout=timeout,
+    sensor.execute(context)
-def wait_for_external_dags(external_dag_ids: list[str]):
+def wait_for_external_dags_with_tag(
+    tag: str, excluded_dag_ids: list[str] = None, session=None
-    Wait for all DAGs with the given external DAG ids to no longer be
-    in a running state before continuing.
+    Wait until all DAGs with the given `tag`, excluding those identified by the
+    `excluded_dag_ids`, are no longer in the running state before continuing.
-    for dag_id in external_dag_ids:
-        wait_for_external_dag(dag_id)
+    external_dag_ids = get_dags_with_concurrency_tag.override(
+        task_id=f"get_dags_in_{tag}_group"
+    )(tag=tag, excluded_dag_ids=excluded_dag_ids or [], session=session)
+    wait_for_external_dag.expand(external_dag_id=external_dag_ids)
@@ -81,18 +127,35 @@ def prevent_concurrency_with_dag(external_dag_id: str, **context):
     Prevent concurrency with the given external DAG, by failing
     immediately if that DAG is running.
-    wait_for_dag = wait_for_external_dag(
-        external_dag_id=external_dag_id,
-        task_id=f"check_for_running_{external_dag_id}",
-    )
-    wait_for_dag.timeout = 0
-        wait_for_dag.execute(context)
+        wait_for_external_dag.function(
+            external_dag_id=external_dag_id,
+            task_id=f"check_for_running_{external_dag_id}",
+            timeout=0,
+            **context,
+        )
     except AirflowSensorTimeout:
         raise ValueError(f"Concurrency check with {external_dag_id} failed.")
+def prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
+    tag: str, excluded_dag_ids: list[str] = None, session=None
+    """
+    Prevent concurrency with any DAGs that have the given `tag`, excluding
+    those identified by the `excluded_dag_ids`. Concurrency is prevented by
+    failing the task immediately if any of the tagged DAGs are in the running
+    state.
+    """
+    external_dag_ids = get_dags_with_concurrency_tag.override(
+        task_id=f"get_dags_in_{tag}_group"
+    )(tag=tag, excluded_dag_ids=excluded_dag_ids or [], session=session)
+    prevent_concurrency_with_dag.expand(external_dag_id=external_dag_ids)
 def is_concurrent_with_any(external_dag_ids: list[str], **context):
@@ -109,12 +172,3 @@ def is_concurrent_with_any(external_dag_ids: list[str], **context):
     # Explicit return None to clarify expectations
     return None
-def prevent_concurrency_with_dags(external_dag_ids: list[str]):
-    """Fail immediately if any of the given external dags are in progress."""
-    for dag_id in external_dag_ids:
-        prevent_concurrency_with_dag.override(
-            task_id=f"prevent_concurrency_with_{dag_id}"
-        )(dag_id)
diff --git a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/create_filtered_index_dag.py b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/create_filtered_index_dag.py
index 20f365f982a..0cfea3fe7db 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/create_filtered_index_dag.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/create_filtered_index_dag.py
@@ -42,8 +42,9 @@
 There are two mechanisms that prevent this from happening:
-1. The filtered index creation DAGs are not allowed to run if a data refresh
-for the media type is already running.
+1. The filtered index creation DAGs fail immediately if any of the DAGs that are
+tagged as prt of the `production-es-concurrency` group (including the data
+refreshes) are currently running.
 2. The data refresh DAGs will wait for any pre-existing filtered index creation
 DAG runs for the media type to finish before continuing.
@@ -56,15 +57,13 @@
 from airflow import DAG
 from airflow.models.param import Param
-from common.constants import DAG_DEFAULT_ARGS, PRODUCTION
-from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags
+from common.constants import DAG_DEFAULT_ARGS
+from common.sensors.constants import PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
+from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag
 from data_refresh.create_filtered_index import (
 from data_refresh.data_refresh_types import DATA_REFRESH_CONFIGS, DataRefresh
-from elasticsearch_cluster.create_new_es_index.create_new_es_index_types import (
 # Note: We can't use the TaskFlow `@dag` DAG factory decorator
@@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ def create_filtered_index_creation_dag(data_refresh: DataRefresh):
         start_date=datetime(2023, 4, 1),
-        tags=["data_refresh"],
+        tags=["data_refresh", PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG],
@@ -117,14 +116,11 @@ def create_filtered_index_creation_dag(data_refresh: DataRefresh):
     ) as dag:
-        # Immediately fail if the associated data refresh is running, or the
-        # create_new_production_es_index DAG is running. This prevents multiple
-        # DAGs from reindexing from a single production index simultaneously.
-        prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags(
-            external_dag_ids=[
-                data_refresh.dag_id,
-            ]
+        # Immediately fail if any DAG that operates on the production elasticsearch
+        # cluster is running. This prevents multiple DAGs from reindexing from a
+        # single production index simultaneously.
+        prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
         # Once the concurrency check has passed, actually create the filtered
diff --git a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/dag_factory.py b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/dag_factory.py
index 358a0b3e212..c9d7026377d 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/dag_factory.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/dag_factory.py
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+from common.sensors.constants import PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
 from common.sql import PGExecuteQueryOperator, single_value
 from data_refresh.data_refresh_task_factory import create_data_refresh_task_group
 from data_refresh.data_refresh_types import DATA_REFRESH_CONFIGS, DataRefresh
@@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ def create_data_refresh_dag(data_refresh: DataRefresh, external_dag_ids: Sequenc
-        tags=["data_refresh"],
+        tags=["data_refresh", PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG],
     with dag:
diff --git a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/data_refresh_task_factory.py b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/data_refresh_task_factory.py
index 3ad20a806d3..c1e09066be8 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/data_refresh/data_refresh_task_factory.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/data_refresh/data_refresh_task_factory.py
@@ -55,16 +55,14 @@
 from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
 from common import cloudwatch, ingestion_server
-from common.constants import PRODUCTION, XCOM_PULL_TEMPLATE
+from common.constants import XCOM_PULL_TEMPLATE
+from common.sensors.constants import PRODUCTION_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
 from common.sensors.single_run_external_dags_sensor import SingleRunExternalDAGsSensor
-from common.sensors.utils import wait_for_external_dags
+from common.sensors.utils import wait_for_external_dags_with_tag
 from data_refresh.create_filtered_index import (
 from data_refresh.data_refresh_types import DataRefresh
-from elasticsearch_cluster.create_new_es_index.create_new_es_index_types import (
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -123,11 +121,13 @@ def create_data_refresh_task_group(
         # Realistically the data refresh is too slow to beat the index creation process,
         # even if it was triggered immediately after one of these DAGs; however, it is
         # always safer to avoid the possibility of the race condition altogether.
-        wait_for_es_dags = wait_for_external_dags.override(group_id="wait_for_es_dags")(
-            external_dag_ids=[
-                data_refresh.filtered_index_dag_id,
-            ]
+        wait_for_es_dags = wait_for_external_dags_with_tag.override(
+            group_id="wait_for_es_dags"
+        )(
+            # Exclude the other data refresh DAG ids, as waiting on these was handled in
+            # the previous task.
+            excluded_dag_ids=external_dag_ids,
         tasks.append([wait_for_data_refresh, wait_for_es_dags])
diff --git a/catalog/dags/database/staging_database_restore/staging_database_restore_dag.py b/catalog/dags/database/staging_database_restore/staging_database_restore_dag.py
index 85bed3561b8..e03c16d2d85 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/database/staging_database_restore/staging_database_restore_dag.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/database/staging_database_restore/staging_database_restore_dag.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# Update the staging database
+# Staging Database Restore DAG
 This DAG is responsible for updating the staging database using the most recent
 snapshot of the production database.
@@ -19,6 +19,11 @@
   (e.g. `aws_rds`)
 - `AIRFLOW_CONN_<ID>`: The connection string to use for RDS operations (per the above
   example, it might be `AIRFLOW_CONN_AWS_RDS`)
+## Race conditions
+Because this DAG completely replaces the staging database, it first waits on any
+running DAGs that are tagged as part of the `staging_es_concurrency` group.
 import logging
@@ -35,7 +40,8 @@
-from common.sensors.utils import wait_for_external_dag
+from common.sensors.constants import STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
+from common.sensors.utils import wait_for_external_dags_with_tag
 from common.sql import PGExecuteQueryOperator
 from database.staging_database_restore import constants
 from database.staging_database_restore.staging_database_restore import (
@@ -48,9 +54,6 @@
-from elasticsearch_cluster.recreate_staging_index.recreate_full_staging_index import (
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@
     start_date=datetime(2023, 5, 1),
-    tags=["database"],
+    tags=["database", STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG],
@@ -74,11 +77,9 @@
 def restore_staging_database():
-    # If the `recreate_full_staging_index` DAG was manually triggered prior
-    # to the database restoration starting, we should wait for it to
-    # finish.
-    wait_for_recreate_full_staging_index = wait_for_external_dag(
-        external_dag_id=RECREATE_STAGING_INDEX_DAG_ID,
+    # Wait for any DAGs that operate on the staging elasticsearch cluster
+    wait_for_recreate_full_staging_index = wait_for_external_dags_with_tag(
     should_skip = skip_restore()
     latest_snapshot = get_latest_prod_snapshot()
diff --git a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_dag.py b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_dag.py
index 407af9a5fb9..ab73f0c5201 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_dag.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_dag.py
@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
 * `override_config`: boolean override; when True, the `index_config` will be used
                      for the new index configuration _without_ merging any values
                      from the source index config.
+* `target_alias`   : optional alias to be applied to the new index after reindexing.
+                     If the alias already applies to an existing index, it will be
+                     removed first.
+* `should_delete_old_index`: whether to remove the index previously pointed to by
+                     the target_alias, if it exists. Defaults to False.
 ## Merging policy
@@ -95,6 +100,13 @@
+## Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`create_new_staging_es_index` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
 import logging
@@ -104,8 +116,9 @@
 from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
 from common import elasticsearch as es
+from common import slack
 from common.constants import AUDIO, DAG_DEFAULT_ARGS, MEDIA_TYPES
-from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags
+from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag
 from elasticsearch_cluster.create_new_es_index.create_new_es_index import (
@@ -131,7 +144,7 @@ def create_new_es_index_dag(config: CreateNewIndex):
-        tags=["elasticsearch"],
+        tags=["elasticsearch", config.concurrency_tag],
             "media_type": Param(
@@ -191,11 +204,32 @@ def create_new_es_index_dag(config: CreateNewIndex):
                     " configuration."
+            "target_alias": Param(
+                default=None,
+                type=["string", "null"],
+                description=(
+                    "Optional alias which will be applied to the newly created index. If"
+                    " the alias already exists, it will first be removed from the"
+                    " index to which it previously pointed."
+                ),
+            ),
+            "should_delete_old_index": Param(
+                default=False,
+                type="boolean",
+                description=(
+                    "Whether to delete the index previously pointed to by the"
+                    " `target_alias`."
+                ),
+            ),
     with dag:
-        prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags(config.blocking_dags)
+        # Fail early if any other DAG that operates on the relevant elasticsearch cluster
+        # is running
+        prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
+            tag=config.concurrency_tag,
+        )
         es_host = es.get_es_host(environment=config.environment)
@@ -242,11 +276,31 @@ def create_new_es_index_dag(config: CreateNewIndex):
+        point_alias = es.point_alias(
+            es_host=es_host,
+            target_index=index_name,
+            target_alias="{{ params.target_alias }}",
+            should_delete_old_index="{{ params.should_delete_old_index }}",
+        )
+        notify_completion = slack.notify_slack.override(
+            trigger_rule=TriggerRule.NONE_FAILED
+        )(
+            text=(
+                f"New index { index_name } was successfully created with alias"
+                "{{ params.target_alias }}."
+            ),
+            dag_id=dag.dag_id,
+            username="Create New ES Index",
+            icon_emoji=":elasticsearch:",
+        )
         # Set up dependencies
         prevent_concurrency >> [es_host, index_name]
         index_name >> check_override >> [current_index_config, final_index_config]
         current_index_config >> merged_index_config >> final_index_config
-        final_index_config >> create_new_index >> reindex
+        final_index_config >> create_new_index >> reindex >> point_alias
+        point_alias >> notify_completion
     return dag
diff --git a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_types.py b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_types.py
index cf631e4cb0f..62c3ddbb267 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_types.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_new_es_index/create_new_es_index_types.py
@@ -4,13 +4,7 @@
 from airflow.models import Variable
 from common.constants import PRODUCTION, STAGING
-from data_refresh.data_refresh_types import DATA_REFRESH_CONFIGS
-from database.staging_database_restore.constants import (
-from elasticsearch_cluster.recreate_staging_index.recreate_full_staging_index import (
+from common.sensors.constants import ES_CONCURRENCY_TAGS
@@ -22,8 +16,8 @@ class CreateNewIndex:
     environment:         str representation of the environment in which to
                          create the new index
-    blocking_dags:       list of dags with which to prevent concurrency; the
-                         generated create_new_es_index dag will fail
+    concurrency_tag:     tag used to identify dags with which to prevent
+                         concurrency
                          immediately if any of these dags are running.
     reindex_timeout:     timedelta expressing maximum amount of time the
                          reindexing step may take
@@ -33,13 +27,14 @@ class CreateNewIndex:
     dag_id: str = field(init=False)
     es_host: str = field(init=False)
+    concurrency_tag: str = field(init=False)
     environment: str
-    blocking_dags: list
     requests_per_second: int | None = None
     reindex_timeout: timedelta = timedelta(hours=12)
     def __post_init__(self):
         self.dag_id = f"create_new_{self.environment}_es_index"
+        self.concurrency_tag = ES_CONCURRENCY_TAGS[self.environment]
         if not self.requests_per_second:
             self.requests_per_second = Variable.get(
@@ -50,17 +45,8 @@ def __post_init__(self):
     STAGING: CreateNewIndex(
     PRODUCTION: CreateNewIndex(
-        blocking_dags=(
-            # Block on all the data refreshes
-            [data_refresh.dag_id for data_refresh in DATA_REFRESH_CONFIGS.values()]
-            + [  # Block on the filtered index creation DAGs
-                data_refresh.filtered_index_dag_id
-                for data_refresh in DATA_REFRESH_CONFIGS.values()
-            ]
-        ),
diff --git a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index_dag.py b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index_dag.py
index 1903d5f0ce8..aeecd9381ab 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index_dag.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index/create_proportional_by_source_staging_index_dag.py
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
 * source_index: An existing staging Elasticsearch index to use as the basis for
                 the new index. If not provided, the index aliased to
                 `<media_type>-filtered` will be used.
+* should_delete_old_index:    If True, the index previously pointed to by the target
+                                alias (if one exists) will be deleted.
 ## When this DAG runs
@@ -26,21 +28,17 @@
 ## Race conditions
-Because this DAG runs on the staging ingestion server and staging elasticsearch
-cluster, it does _not_ interfere with the `data_refresh` or
-`create_filtered_index` DAGs.
-However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database it will exit
-immediately if any of the following DAGs are running:
-* `staging_database_restore`
-* `recreate_full_staging_index`
-* `create_new_staging_es_index`
+Because this DAG runs on the staging elasticsearch cluster, it does _not_ interfere
+ with the production `data_refresh` or `create_filtered_index` DAGs. However, it will
+ fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the `staging-es-concurrency`
+ group are running.
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
 from airflow.decorators import dag
 from airflow.models.param import Param
+from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
 from common import elasticsearch as es
 from common import slack
@@ -50,19 +48,11 @@
-from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags
-from database.staging_database_restore.constants import (
-from elasticsearch_cluster.create_new_es_index.create_new_es_index_types import (
+from common.sensors.constants import STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
+from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag
 from elasticsearch_cluster.create_proportional_by_source_staging_index import (
     create_proportional_by_source_staging_index as create_index,
-from elasticsearch_cluster.recreate_staging_index.recreate_full_staging_index import (
 DAG_ID = "create_proportional_by_source_staging_index"
@@ -73,7 +63,7 @@
     start_date=datetime(2024, 1, 31),
-    tags=["database", "elasticsearch"],
+    tags=["elasticsearch", STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG],
@@ -102,17 +92,21 @@
                 " the index aliased to `<media_type>-filtered` will be used."
+        "should_delete_old_index": Param(
+            default=False,
+            type="boolean",
+            description=(
+                "Whether to delete the index previously pointed to by the"
+                " `{media_type}-subset-by-source` alias."
+            ),
+        ),
 def create_proportional_by_source_staging_index():
     # Fail early if any conflicting DAGs are running
-    prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags(
-        external_dag_ids=[
-        ]
+    prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
     es_host = es.get_es_host(environment=STAGING)
@@ -171,10 +165,15 @@ def create_proportional_by_source_staging_index():
     point_alias = es.point_alias(
-        index_name=destination_index_name, alias=destination_alias, es_host=es_host
+        es_host=es_host,
+        target_index=destination_index_name,
+        target_alias=destination_alias,
+        should_delete_old_index="{{ params.should_delete_old_index }}",
-    notify_completion = slack.notify_slack(
+    notify_completion = slack.notify_slack.override(
+        trigger_rule=TriggerRule.NONE_FAILED
+    )(
         text=f"Reindexing complete for {destination_index_name}.",
         username="Proportional by Source Staging Index Creation",
diff --git a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/point_es_alias/point_es_alias_dag.py b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/point_es_alias/point_es_alias_dag.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d14bc0af5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/point_es_alias/point_es_alias_dag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# Point ES Alias DAG
+This file generates our Point ES Alias DAGs using a factory function. A
+separate DAG is generated for the staging and production environments.
+The DAGs are used to point a `target_alias` to a `target_index` in the
+given environment's elasticsearch cluster. When the alias is applied, it
+is first removed from any existing index to which it already applies;
+optionally, it can also delete that index afterward.
+## When this DAG runs
+This DAG is on a `None` schedule and is run manually.
+## Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`point_staging_alias` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
+from datetime import datetime
+from airflow import DAG
+from airflow.models.param import Param
+from airflow.utils.trigger_rule import TriggerRule
+from common import elasticsearch as es
+from common import slack
+from common.constants import (
+from common.sensors.constants import ES_CONCURRENCY_TAGS
+from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag
+def point_es_alias_dag(environment: str):
+    dag = DAG(
+        dag_id=f"point_{environment}_alias",
+        default_args=DAG_DEFAULT_ARGS,
+        schedule=None,
+        start_date=datetime(2024, 1, 31),
+        tags=["elasticsearch", ES_CONCURRENCY_TAGS[environment]],
+        max_active_runs=1,
+        catchup=False,
+        doc_md=__doc__,
+        params={
+            "target_index": Param(
+                type="string",
+                description=(
+                    "The existing Elasticsearch index to which the target alias"
+                    " should be applied."
+                ),
+            ),
+            "target_alias": Param(
+                type="string",
+                description=(
+                    "The alias which will be applied to the index. If"
+                    " the alias already exists, it will first be removed from the"
+                    " index to which it previously pointed."
+                ),
+            ),
+            "should_delete_old_index": Param(
+                default=False,
+                type="boolean",
+                description=(
+                    "Whether to delete the index previously pointed to by the"
+                    " `target_alias`."
+                ),
+            ),
+        },
+        render_template_as_native_obj=True,
+    )
+    with dag:
+        # Fail early if any other DAG that operates on the elasticsearch cluster for
+        # this environment is running
+        prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
+            tag=ES_CONCURRENCY_TAGS[environment],
+        )
+        es_host = es.get_es_host(environment=environment)
+        point_alias = es.point_alias(
+            es_host=es_host,
+            target_index="{{ params.target_index }}",
+            target_alias="{{ params.target_alias }}",
+            should_delete_old_index="{{ params.should_delete_old_index }}",
+        )
+        notify_completion = slack.notify_slack.override(
+            trigger_rule=TriggerRule.NONE_FAILED
+        )(
+            text="Alias {{ params.target_alias }} applied to index {{ params.target_index }}.",
+            dag_id=dag.dag_id,
+            username="Point Alias",
+            icon_emoji=":elasticsearch:",
+        )
+        prevent_concurrency >> es_host >> point_alias >> notify_completion
+for environment in ENVIRONMENTS:
+    point_es_alias_dag(environment)
diff --git a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/recreate_staging_index/recreate_full_staging_index_dag.py b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/recreate_staging_index/recreate_full_staging_index_dag.py
index 0be1bc848dc..ddcd94b5b10 100644
--- a/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/recreate_staging_index/recreate_full_staging_index_dag.py
+++ b/catalog/dags/elasticsearch_cluster/recreate_staging_index/recreate_full_staging_index_dag.py
@@ -34,11 +34,9 @@
 cluster, it does _not_ interfere with the `data_refresh` or
 `create_filtered_index` DAGs.
-However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database it will exit
-immediately if any of the following DAGs are running:
-* `staging_database_restore`
-* `create_proportional_by_provider_staging_index`
-* `create_new_staging_es_index`
+However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database and ES cluster it will exit
+immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the `staging_es_concurrency` group
+are already running.
 from datetime import datetime
@@ -52,16 +50,10 @@
-from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags
-from database.staging_database_restore.constants import (
-from elasticsearch_cluster.create_new_es_index.create_new_es_index_types import (
+from common.sensors.constants import STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG
+from common.sensors.utils import prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag
 from elasticsearch_cluster.recreate_staging_index.recreate_full_staging_index import (
@@ -76,7 +68,7 @@
     start_date=datetime(2023, 4, 1),
-    tags=["database", "elasticsearch"],
+    tags=["database", "elasticsearch", STAGING_ES_CONCURRENCY_TAG],
@@ -108,13 +100,10 @@
 def recreate_full_staging_index():
-    # Fail early if the staging_db_restore DAG or the create_new_staging_es_index DAG
+    # Fail early if any other DAG that operates on the staging elasticsearch cluster
     # is running
-    prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags(
-        external_dag_ids=[
-        ]
+    prevent_concurrency = prevent_concurrency_with_dags_with_tag(
     target_alias = get_target_alias(
diff --git a/catalog/tests/dags/common/sensors/test_utils.py b/catalog/tests/dags/common/sensors/test_utils.py
index 67e599ddf27..be28e65d92d 100644
--- a/catalog/tests/dags/common/sensors/test_utils.py
+++ b/catalog/tests/dags/common/sensors/test_utils.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 from airflow.utils.timezone import datetime
 from airflow.utils.types import DagRunType
-from common.sensors.utils import get_most_recent_dag_run
+from common.sensors.utils import _get_most_recent_dag_run
 TEST_DAG_ID = "data_refresh_dag_factory_test_dag"
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@ def test_get_most_recent_dag_run_returns_most_recent_execution_date(
     most_recent = datetime(2023, 5, 10)
     for i in range(3):
         _create_dagrun(most_recent - timedelta(days=i), sample_dag_id_fixture)
-    assert get_most_recent_dag_run(sample_dag_id_fixture) == most_recent
+    assert _get_most_recent_dag_run(sample_dag_id_fixture) == most_recent
 def test_get_most_recent_dag_run_returns_empty_list_when_no_runs(
     sample_dag_id_fixture, clean_db
     # Relies on ``clean_db`` cleaning up DagRuns from other tests
-    assert get_most_recent_dag_run(sample_dag_id_fixture) == []
+    assert _get_most_recent_dag_run(sample_dag_id_fixture) == []
diff --git a/documentation/catalog/reference/DAGs.md b/documentation/catalog/reference/DAGs.md
index 15a6875e0a8..8c63f072f89 100644
--- a/documentation/catalog/reference/DAGs.md
+++ b/documentation/catalog/reference/DAGs.md
@@ -42,16 +42,15 @@ The following are DAGs grouped by their primary tag:
 ### Database
-| DAG ID                                                                                        | Schedule Interval |
-| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
-| [`batched_update`](#batched_update)                                                           | `None`            |
-| [`create_proportional_by_source_staging_index`](#create_proportional_by_source_staging_index) | `None`            |
-| [`delete_records`](#delete_records)                                                           | `None`            |
-| [`recreate_audio_popularity_calculation`](#recreate_audio_popularity_calculation)             | `None`            |
-| [`recreate_full_staging_index`](#recreate_full_staging_index)                                 | `None`            |
-| [`recreate_image_popularity_calculation`](#recreate_image_popularity_calculation)             | `None`            |
-| [`report_pending_reported_media`](#report_pending_reported_media)                             | `@weekly`         |
-| [`staging_database_restore`](#staging_database_restore)                                       | `@monthly`        |
+| DAG ID                                                                            | Schedule Interval |
+| --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
+| [`batched_update`](#batched_update)                                               | `None`            |
+| [`delete_records`](#delete_records)                                               | `None`            |
+| [`recreate_audio_popularity_calculation`](#recreate_audio_popularity_calculation) | `None`            |
+| [`recreate_full_staging_index`](#recreate_full_staging_index)                     | `None`            |
+| [`recreate_image_popularity_calculation`](#recreate_image_popularity_calculation) | `None`            |
+| [`report_pending_reported_media`](#report_pending_reported_media)                 | `@weekly`         |
+| [`staging_database_restore`](#staging_database_restore)                           | `@monthly`        |
 ### Elasticsearch
@@ -59,6 +58,9 @@ The following are DAGs grouped by their primary tag:
 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------- |
 | [`create_new_production_es_index`](#create_new_production_es_index)                             | `None`            |
 | [`create_new_staging_es_index`](#create_new_staging_es_index)                                   | `None`            |
+| [`create_proportional_by_source_staging_index`](#create_proportional_by_source_staging_index)   | `None`            |
+| [`point_production_es_alias`](#point_production_es_alias)                                       | `None`            |
+| [`point_staging_es_alias`](#point_staging_es_alias)                                             | `None`            |
 | [`production_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck`](#production_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck) | `*/15 * * * *`    |
 | [`staging_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck`](#staging_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck)       | `*/15 * * * *`    |
@@ -166,6 +168,8 @@ The following is documentation associated with each DAG (where available):
 1.  [`oauth2_token_refresh`](#oauth2_token_refresh)
 1.  [`phylopic_reingestion_workflow`](#phylopic_reingestion_workflow)
 1.  [`phylopic_workflow`](#phylopic_workflow)
+1.  [`point_production_es_alias`](#point_production_es_alias)
+1.  [`point_staging_es_alias`](#point_staging_es_alias)
 1.  [`pr_review_reminders`](#pr_review_reminders)
 1.  [`production_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck`](#production_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck)
 1.  [`rawpixel_workflow`](#rawpixel_workflow)
@@ -437,8 +441,9 @@ source from which to pull documents.
 There are two mechanisms that prevent this from happening:
-1. The filtered index creation DAGs are not allowed to run if a data refresh for
-   the media type is already running.
+1. The filtered index creation DAGs fail immediately if any of the DAGs that are
+   tagged as prt of the `production-es-concurrency` group (including the data
+   refreshes) are currently running.
 2. The data refresh DAGs will wait for any pre-existing filtered index creation
    DAG runs for the media type to finish before continuing.
@@ -492,8 +497,9 @@ source from which to pull documents.
 There are two mechanisms that prevent this from happening:
-1. The filtered index creation DAGs are not allowed to run if a data refresh for
-   the media type is already running.
+1. The filtered index creation DAGs fail immediately if any of the DAGs that are
+   tagged as prt of the `production-es-concurrency` group (including the data
+   refreshes) are currently running.
 2. The data refresh DAGs will wait for any pre-existing filtered index creation
    DAG runs for the media type to finish before continuing.
@@ -525,6 +531,11 @@ available:
 - `override_config`: boolean override; when True, the `index_config` will be
   used for the new index configuration _without_ merging any values from the
   source index config.
+- `target_alias` : optional alias to be applied to the new index after
+  reindexing. If the alias already applies to an existing index, it will be
+  removed first.
+- `should_delete_old_index`: whether to remove the index previously pointed to
+  by the target_alias, if it exists. Defaults to False.
 ##### Merging policy
@@ -599,6 +610,13 @@ The resulting, merged configuration will be:
+##### Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`create_new_staging_es_index` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
 ### `create_new_staging_es_index`
 #### Create New ES Index DAG
@@ -624,6 +642,11 @@ available:
 - `override_config`: boolean override; when True, the `index_config` will be
   used for the new index configuration _without_ merging any values from the
   source index config.
+- `target_alias` : optional alias to be applied to the new index after
+  reindexing. If the alias already applies to an existing index, it will be
+  removed first.
+- `should_delete_old_index`: whether to remove the index previously pointed to
+  by the target_alias, if it exists. Defaults to False.
 ##### Merging policy
@@ -698,6 +721,13 @@ The resulting, merged configuration will be:
+##### Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`create_new_staging_es_index` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
 ### `create_proportional_by_source_staging_index`
 #### Create Proportional By Source Staging Index DAG
@@ -717,6 +747,8 @@ Optional params:
 - source_index: An existing staging Elasticsearch index to use as the basis for
   the new index. If not provided, the index aliased to `<media_type>-filtered`
   will be used.
+- should_delete_old_index: If True, the index previously pointed to by the
+  target alias (if one exists) will be deleted.
 ##### When this DAG runs
@@ -724,16 +756,10 @@ This DAG is on a `None` schedule and is run manually.
 ##### Race conditions
-Because this DAG runs on the staging ingestion server and staging elasticsearch
-cluster, it does _not_ interfere with the `data_refresh` or
-`create_filtered_index` DAGs.
-However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database it will exit
-immediately if any of the following DAGs are running:
-- `staging_database_restore`
-- `recreate_full_staging_index`
-- `create_new_staging_es_index`
+Because this DAG runs on the staging elasticsearch cluster, it does _not_
+interfere with the production `data_refresh` or `create_filtered_index` DAGs.
+However, it will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+`staging-es-concurrency` group are running.
 ### `delete_records`
@@ -1052,6 +1078,52 @@ Output: TSV file containing the image, their respective meta-data.
 Notes: http://api-docs.phylopic.org/v2/ No rate limit specified.
+### `point_production_es_alias`
+#### Point ES Alias DAG
+This file generates our Point ES Alias DAGs using a factory function. A separate
+DAG is generated for the staging and production environments.
+The DAGs are used to point a `target_alias` to a `target_index` in the given
+environment's elasticsearch cluster. When the alias is applied, it is first
+removed from any existing index to which it already applies; optionally, it can
+also delete that index afterward.
+##### When this DAG runs
+This DAG is on a `None` schedule and is run manually.
+##### Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`point_staging_alias` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
+### `point_staging_es_alias`
+#### Point ES Alias DAG
+This file generates our Point ES Alias DAGs using a factory function. A separate
+DAG is generated for the staging and production environments.
+The DAGs are used to point a `target_alias` to a `target_index` in the given
+environment's elasticsearch cluster. When the alias is applied, it is first
+removed from any existing index to which it already applies; optionally, it can
+also delete that index afterward.
+##### When this DAG runs
+This DAG is on a `None` schedule and is run manually.
+##### Race conditions
+Each DAG will fail immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+es-concurrency group for the DAG's environment is running. (E.g., the
+`point_staging_alias` DAG fails immediately if any DAGs tagged with
+`staging-es-concurrency` are running.)
 ### `pr_review_reminders`
 #### PR Review Reminders
@@ -1157,12 +1229,9 @@ Because this DAG runs on the staging ingestion server and staging elasticsearch
 cluster, it does _not_ interfere with the `data_refresh` or
 `create_filtered_index` DAGs.
-However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database it will exit
-immediately if any of the following DAGs are running:
-- `staging_database_restore`
-- `create_proportional_by_provider_staging_index`
-- `create_new_staging_es_index`
+However, as the DAG operates on the staging API database and ES cluster it will
+exit immediately if any of the DAGs tagged as part of the
+`staging_es_concurrency` group are already running.
 ### `recreate_image_popularity_calculation`
@@ -1242,7 +1311,7 @@ Notes: https://www.smk.dk/en/article/smk-api/
 ### `staging_database_restore`
-#### Update the staging database
+#### Staging Database Restore DAG
 This DAG is responsible for updating the staging database using the most recent
 snapshot of the production database.
@@ -1264,6 +1333,11 @@ the RDS operations run using a different hook:
 - `AIRFLOW_CONN_<ID>`: The connection string to use for RDS operations (per the
   above example, it might be `AIRFLOW_CONN_AWS_RDS`)
+##### Race conditions
+Because this DAG completely replaces the staging database, it first waits on any
+running DAGs that are tagged as part of the `staging_es_concurrency` group.
 ### `staging_elasticsearch_cluster_healthcheck`
 Monitor staging and production Elasticsearch cluster health endpoint.