diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/content.scss b/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/content.scss
index 596c177eab2f32..d1a5fea4e1a599 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/content.scss
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/content.scss
@@ -3,55 +3,69 @@
.block-editor-iframe__html {
+ $frame-size: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size);
+ $scale: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale, 1);
+ scale: $scale;
transform-origin: top center;
+ // Add the top/bottom frame size. We use scaling to account for the left/right, as
+ // the padding left/right causes the contents to reflow, which breaks the 1:1 scaling
+ // of the content.
+ padding-top: calc(#{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
+ padding-bottom: calc(#{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
// We don't want to animate the transform of the translateX because it is used
// to "center" the canvas. Leaving it on causes the canvas to slide around in
// odd ways.
- @include editor-canvas-resize-animation(transform 0s, scale 0s, padding 0s);
+ @include editor-canvas-resize-animation( transform 0s, scale 0s, padding 0s, translate 0s);
&.zoom-out-animation {
- // we only want to animate the scaling when entering zoom out. When sidebars
+ $scroll-top: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top, 0);
+ $scroll-top-next: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top-next, 0);
+ position: fixed;
+ left: 0;
+ right: 0;
+ top: calc(-1 * #{$scroll-top});
+ bottom: 0;
+ translate: 0 calc(#{$scroll-top} - #{$scroll-top-next});
+ // Force preserving a scrollbar gutter as scrollbar-gutter isn't supported in all browsers yet,
+ // and removing the scrollbar causes the content to shift.
+ overflow-y: scroll;
+ // We only want to animate the scaling when entering zoom out. When sidebars
// are toggled, the resizing of the iframe handles scaling the canvas as well,
// and the doubled animations cause very odd animations.
- @include editor-canvas-resize-animation(transform 0s);
+ @include editor-canvas-resize-animation( transform 0s, top 0s, bottom 0s, right 0s, left 0s );
-.block-editor-iframe__html.is-zoomed-out {
- $scale: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale);
- $frame-size: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size);
- $inner-height: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height);
- $content-height: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height);
- $scale-container-width: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width);
- $container-width: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width, 100vw);
- // Apply an X translation to center the scaled content within the available space.
- transform: translateX(calc((#{$scale-container-width} - #{$container-width}) / 2 / #{$scale}));
- scale: #{$scale};
- background-color: $gray-300;
- // Chrome seems to respect that transform scale shouldn't affect the layout size of the element,
- // so we need to adjust the height of the content to match the scale by using negative margins.
- $extra-content-height: calc(#{$content-height} * (1 - #{$scale}));
- $total-frame-height: calc(2 * #{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
- $total-height: calc(#{$extra-content-height} + #{$total-frame-height} + 2px);
- margin-bottom: calc(-1 * #{$total-height});
- // Add the top/bottom frame size. We use scaling to account for the left/right, as
- // the padding left/right causes the contents to reflow, which breaks the 1:1 scaling
- // of the content.
- padding-top: calc(#{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
- padding-bottom: calc(#{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
+ &.is-zoomed-out {
+ $inner-height: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height);
+ $content-height: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height);
+ $scale-container-width: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width);
+ $container-width: var(--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width, 100vw);
+ // Apply an X translation to center the scaled content within the available space.
+ transform: translateX(calc((#{$scale-container-width} - #{$container-width}) / 2 / #{$scale}));
+ background-color: $gray-300;
- body {
- min-height: calc((#{$inner-height} - #{$total-frame-height}) / #{$scale});
+ // Chrome seems to respect that transform scale shouldn't affect the layout size of the element,
+ // so we need to adjust the height of the content to match the scale by using negative margins.
+ $extra-content-height: calc(#{$content-height} * (1 - #{$scale}));
+ $total-frame-height: calc(2 * #{$frame-size} / #{$scale});
+ $total-height: calc(#{$extra-content-height} + #{$total-frame-height} + 2px);
+ margin-bottom: calc(-1 * #{$total-height});
- > .is-root-container:not(.wp-block-post-content) {
- flex: 1;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- height: 100%;
+ body {
+ min-height: calc((#{$inner-height} - #{$total-frame-height}) / #{$scale});
- > main {
+ > .is-root-container:not(.wp-block-post-content) {
flex: 1;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ height: 100%;
+ > main {
+ flex: 1;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/index.js b/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/index.js
index 76d2e09dfb7a30..aedd1003865e5d 100644
--- a/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/index.js
+++ b/packages/block-editor/src/components/iframe/index.js
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import { useSelect } from '@wordpress/data';
import { useBlockSelectionClearer } from '../block-selection-clearer';
import { useWritingFlow } from '../writing-flow';
import { getCompatibilityStyles } from './get-compatibility-styles';
+import { useScaleCanvas } from './use-scale-canvas';
import { store as blockEditorStore } from '../../store';
function bubbleEvent( event, Constructor, frame ) {
@@ -225,36 +226,6 @@ function Iframe( {
}, [] );
- const [ iframeWindowInnerHeight, setIframeWindowInnerHeight ] = useState();
- const iframeResizeRef = useRefEffect( ( node ) => {
- const nodeWindow = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- setIframeWindowInnerHeight( nodeWindow.innerHeight );
- const onResize = () => {
- setIframeWindowInnerHeight( nodeWindow.innerHeight );
- };
- nodeWindow.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize );
- return () => {
- nodeWindow.removeEventListener( 'resize', onResize );
- };
- }, [] );
- const [ windowInnerWidth, setWindowInnerWidth ] = useState();
- const windowResizeRef = useRefEffect( ( node ) => {
- const nodeWindow = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
- setWindowInnerWidth( nodeWindow.innerWidth );
- const onResize = () => {
- setWindowInnerWidth( nodeWindow.innerWidth );
- };
- nodeWindow.addEventListener( 'resize', onResize );
- return () => {
- nodeWindow.removeEventListener( 'resize', onResize );
- };
- }, [] );
const isZoomedOut = scale !== 1;
useEffect( () => {
@@ -268,6 +239,23 @@ function Iframe( {
+ const maxWidth = 750;
+ useScaleCanvas( {
+ scale:
+ scale === 'auto-scaled'
+ ? ( Math.min( containerWidth, maxWidth ) -
+ parseInt( frameSize ) * 2 ) /
+ scaleContainerWidth
+ : scale,
+ frameSize: parseInt( frameSize ),
+ iframeDocument,
+ contentHeight,
+ containerWidth,
+ isZoomedOut,
+ scaleContainerWidth,
+ } );
const disabledRef = useDisabled( { isDisabled: ! readonly } );
const bodyRef = useMergeRefs( [
useBubbleEvents( iframeDocument ),
@@ -275,10 +263,6 @@ function Iframe( {
- // Avoid resize listeners when not needed, these will trigger
- // unnecessary re-renders when animating the iframe width, or when
- // expanding preview iframes.
- isZoomedOut ? iframeResizeRef : null,
] );
// Correct doctype is required to enable rendering in standards
@@ -320,118 +304,6 @@ function Iframe( {
useEffect( () => cleanup, [ cleanup ] );
- const zoomOutAnimationClassnameRef = useRef( null );
- // Toggle zoom out CSS Classes only when zoom out mode changes. We could add these into the useEffect
- // that controls settings the CSS variables, but then we would need to do more work to ensure we're
- // only toggling these when the zoom out mode changes, as that useEffect is also triggered by a large
- // number of dependencies.
- useEffect( () => {
- if ( ! iframeDocument || ! isZoomedOut ) {
- return;
- }
- const handleZoomOutAnimationClassname = () => {
- clearTimeout( zoomOutAnimationClassnameRef.current );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.add(
- 'zoom-out-animation'
- );
- zoomOutAnimationClassnameRef.current = setTimeout( () => {
- iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove(
- 'zoom-out-animation'
- );
- }, 400 ); // 400ms should match the animation speed used in components/iframe/content.scss
- };
- handleZoomOutAnimationClassname();
- iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.add( 'is-zoomed-out' );
- return () => {
- handleZoomOutAnimationClassname();
- iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove( 'is-zoomed-out' );
- };
- }, [ iframeDocument, isZoomedOut ] );
- // Calculate the scaling and CSS variables for the zoom out canvas
- useEffect( () => {
- if ( ! iframeDocument || ! isZoomedOut ) {
- return;
- }
- const maxWidth = 750;
- // Note: When we initialize the zoom out when the canvas is smaller (sidebars open),
- // initialContainerWidthRef will be smaller than the full page, and reflow will happen
- // when the canvas area becomes larger due to sidebars closing. This is a known but
- // minor divergence for now.
- // This scaling calculation has to happen within the JS because CSS calc() can
- // only divide and multiply by a unitless value. I.e. calc( 100px / 2 ) is valid
- // but calc( 100px / 2px ) is not.
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale',
- scale === 'auto-scaled'
- ? ( Math.min( containerWidth, maxWidth ) -
- parseInt( frameSize ) * 2 ) /
- scaleContainerWidth
- : scale
- );
- // frameSize has to be a px value for the scaling and frame size to be computed correctly.
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size',
- typeof frameSize === 'number' ? `${ frameSize }px` : frameSize
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height',
- `${ contentHeight }px`
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height',
- `${ iframeWindowInnerHeight }px`
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width',
- `${ containerWidth }px`
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width',
- `${ scaleContainerWidth }px`
- );
- return () => {
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale'
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size'
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height'
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height'
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width'
- );
- iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
- '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width'
- );
- };
- }, [
- scale,
- frameSize,
- iframeDocument,
- iframeWindowInnerHeight,
- contentHeight,
- containerWidth,
- windowInnerWidth,
- isZoomedOut,
- scaleContainerWidth,
- ] );
// Make sure to not render the before and after focusable div elements in view
// mode. They're only needed to capture focus in edit mode.
const shouldRenderFocusCaptureElements = tabIndex >= 0 && ! isPreviewMode;
@@ -511,7 +383,7 @@ function Iframe( {
return (
{ containerResizeListener }
+ if (
+ ! iframeDocument ||
+ // HACK: Checking if isZoomedOut differs from prevIsZoomedOut here
+ // instead of the dependency array to appease the linter.
+ ( scale === 1 ) === ( prevScaleRef.current === 1 )
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Unscaled height of the current iframe container.
+ const clientHeight = iframeDocument.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ // Scaled height of the current iframe content.
+ const scrollHeight = iframeDocument.documentElement.scrollHeight;
+ // Previous scale value.
+ const prevScale = prevScaleRef.current;
+ // Unscaled size of the previous padding around the iframe content.
+ const prevFrameSize = prevFrameSizeRef.current;
+ // Unscaled height of the previous iframe container.
+ const prevClientHeight = prevClientHeightRef.current ?? clientHeight;
+ // We can't trust the set value from contentHeight, as it was measured
+ // before the zoom out mode was changed. After zoom out mode is changed,
+ // appenders may appear or disappear, so we need to get the height from
+ // the iframe at this point when we're about to animate the zoom out.
+ // The iframe scrollTop, scrollHeight, and clientHeight will all be
+ // accurate. The client height also does change when the zoom out mode
+ // is toggled, as the bottom bar about selecting the template is
+ // added/removed when toggling zoom out mode.
+ const scrollTop = iframeDocument.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ // Step 0: Start with the current scrollTop.
+ let scrollTopNext = scrollTop;
+ // Step 1: Undo the effects of the previous scale and frame around the
+ // midpoint of the visible area.
+ scrollTopNext =
+ ( scrollTopNext + prevClientHeight / 2 - prevFrameSize ) /
+ prevScale -
+ prevClientHeight / 2;
+ // Step 2: Apply the new scale and frame around the midpoint of the
+ // visible area.
+ scrollTopNext =
+ ( scrollTopNext + clientHeight / 2 ) * scale +
+ frameSize -
+ clientHeight / 2;
+ // Step 3: Handle an edge case so that you scroll to the top of the
+ // iframe if the top of the iframe content is visible in the container.
+ // The same edge case for the bottom is skipped because changing content
+ // makes calculating it impossible.
+ scrollTopNext = scrollTop <= prevFrameSize ? 0 : scrollTopNext;
+ // This is the scrollTop value if you are scrolled to the bottom of the
+ // iframe. We can't just let the browser handle it because we need to
+ // animate the scaling.
+ const maxScrollTop =
+ scrollHeight * ( scale / prevScale ) + frameSize * 2 - clientHeight;
+ // Step 4: Clamp the scrollTopNext between the minimum and maximum
+ // possible scrollTop positions. Round the value to avoid subpixel
+ // truncation by the browser which sometimes causes a 1px error.
+ scrollTopNext = Math.round(
+ Math.min(
+ Math.max( 0, scrollTopNext ),
+ Math.max( 0, maxScrollTop )
+ )
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top',
+ `${ scrollTop }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top-next',
+ `${ scrollTopNext }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.add( 'zoom-out-animation' );
+ function onZoomOutTransitionEnd() {
+ // Remove the position fixed for the animation.
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove(
+ 'zoom-out-animation'
+ );
+ // Update previous values.
+ prevClientHeightRef.current = clientHeight;
+ prevFrameSizeRef.current = frameSize;
+ prevScaleRef.current = scale;
+ // Set the final scroll position that was just animated to.
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.scrollTop = scrollTopNext;
+ }
+ let raf;
+ if ( prefersReducedMotion ) {
+ // Hack: Wait for the window values to recalculate.
+ raf = iframeDocument.defaultView.requestAnimationFrame(
+ onZoomOutTransitionEnd
+ );
+ } else {
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.addEventListener(
+ 'transitionend',
+ onZoomOutTransitionEnd,
+ { once: true }
+ );
+ }
+ return () => {
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top'
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scroll-top-next'
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove(
+ 'zoom-out-animation'
+ );
+ if ( prefersReducedMotion ) {
+ iframeDocument.defaultView.cancelAnimationFrame( raf );
+ } else {
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.removeEventListener(
+ 'transitionend',
+ onZoomOutTransitionEnd
+ );
+ }
+ };
+ }, [ iframeDocument, scale, frameSize, prefersReducedMotion ] );
+ // Toggle zoom out CSS Classes only when zoom out mode changes. We could add these into the useEffect
+ // that controls settings the CSS variables, but then we would need to do more work to ensure we're
+ // only toggling these when the zoom out mode changes, as that useEffect is also triggered by a large
+ // number of dependencies.
+ useEffect( () => {
+ if ( ! iframeDocument ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( isZoomedOut ) {
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.add( 'is-zoomed-out' );
+ } else {
+ // HACK: Since we can't remove this in the cleanup, we need to do it here.
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove( 'is-zoomed-out' );
+ }
+ return () => {
+ // HACK: Skipping cleanup because it causes issues with the zoom out
+ // animation. More refactoring is needed to fix this properly.
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.classList.remove( 'is-zoomed-out' );
+ };
+ }, [ iframeDocument, isZoomedOut ] );
+ // Calculate the scaling and CSS variables for the zoom out canvas
+ useEffect( () => {
+ if ( ! iframeDocument ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note: When we initialize the zoom out when the canvas is smaller (sidebars open),
+ // initialContainerWidth will be smaller than the full page, and reflow will happen
+ // when the canvas area becomes larger due to sidebars closing. This is a known but
+ // minor divergence for now.
+ // This scaling calculation has to happen within the JS because CSS calc() can
+ // only divide and multiply by a unitless value. I.e. calc( 100px / 2 ) is valid
+ // but calc( 100px / 2px ) is not.
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale',
+ scale
+ );
+ // frameSize has to be a px value for the scaling and frame size to be computed correctly.
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size',
+ `${ frameSize }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height',
+ `${ contentHeight }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height',
+ `${ iframeDocument.documentElement.clientHeight }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width',
+ `${ containerWidth }px`
+ );
+ iframeDocument.documentElement.style.setProperty(
+ '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width',
+ `${ scaleContainerWidth }px`
+ );
+ return () => {
+ // HACK: Skipping cleanup because it causes issues with the zoom out
+ // animation. More refactoring is needed to fix this properly.
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale'
+ // );
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-frame-size'
+ // );
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-content-height'
+ // );
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-inner-height'
+ // );
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-container-width'
+ // );
+ // iframeDocument.documentElement.style.removeProperty(
+ // '--wp-block-editor-iframe-zoom-out-scale-container-width'
+ // );
+ };
+ }, [
+ scale,
+ frameSize,
+ iframeDocument,
+ contentHeight,
+ containerWidth,
+ scaleContainerWidth,
+ ] );
diff --git a/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/zoom-out.spec.js b/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/zoom-out.spec.js
index 464bd4a4a4efad..e698a94b7cf0dc 100644
--- a/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/zoom-out.spec.js
+++ b/test/e2e/specs/site-editor/zoom-out.spec.js
@@ -3,6 +3,63 @@
const { test, expect } = require( '@wordpress/e2e-test-utils-playwright' );
First Section Start
First Section Center
First Section End
Second Section Start
Second Section Center
Second Section End
Third Section Start
Third Section Center
Third Section End
Fourth Section Start
Fourth Section Center
Fourth Section End
test.describe( 'Zoom Out', () => {
test.beforeAll( async ( { requestUtils } ) => {
await requestUtils.activateTheme( 'twentytwentyfour' );
@@ -47,4 +104,115 @@ test.describe( 'Zoom Out', () => {
expect( htmlRect.y + paddingTop ).toBeGreaterThan( iframeRect.y );
expect( htmlRect.x ).toBeGreaterThan( iframeRect.x );
} );
+ test( 'Toggling zoom state should keep content centered', async ( {
+ page,
+ editor,
+ } ) => {
+ // Add some patterns into the page.
+ await editor.setContent( EDITOR_ZOOM_OUT_CONTENT );
+ // Find the scroll container element
+ await page.evaluate( () => {
+ const { activeElement } =
+ document.activeElement?.contentDocument ?? document;
+ window.scrollContainer =
+ window.wp.dom.getScrollContainer( activeElement );
+ return window.scrollContainer;
+ } );
+ // Test: Test from top of page (scrollTop 0)
+ // Enter Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ const scrollTopZoomed = await page.evaluate( () => {
+ return window.scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+ } );
+ expect( scrollTopZoomed ).toBe( 0 );
+ // Exit Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ const scrollTopNoZoom = await page.evaluate( () => {
+ return window.scrollContainer.scrollTop;
+ } );
+ expect( scrollTopNoZoom ).toBe( 0 );
+ // Test: Should center the scroll position when zooming out/in
+ const firstSectionEnd = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=First Section End'
+ );
+ const secondSectionStart = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Second Section Start'
+ );
+ const secondSectionCenter = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Second Section Center'
+ );
+ const secondSectionEnd = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Second Section End'
+ );
+ const thirdSectionStart = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Third Section Start'
+ );
+ const thirdSectionCenter = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Third Section Center'
+ );
+ const thirdSectionEnd = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Third Section End'
+ );
+ const fourthSectionStart = editor.canvas.locator(
+ 'text=Fourth Section Start'
+ );
+ // Test for second section
+ // Playwright scrolls it to the center of the viewport, so this is what we scroll to.
+ await secondSectionCenter.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
+ // Because the text is spread with a group height of 100vh, they should both be visible.
+ await expect( firstSectionEnd ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ // After zooming, if we zoomed out with the correct central point, they should both still be visible when toggling zoom out state
+ // Enter Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ await expect( firstSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ // Exit Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ await expect( firstSectionEnd ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ // Test for third section
+ // Playwright scrolls it to the center of the viewport, so this is what we scroll to.
+ await thirdSectionCenter.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
+ // Because the text is spread with a group height of 100vh, they should both be visible.
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( fourthSectionStart ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ // After zooming, if we zoomed out with the correct central point, they should both still be visible when toggling zoom out state
+ // Enter Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( fourthSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ // Exit Zoom Out
+ await page.getByRole( 'button', { name: 'Zoom Out' } ).click();
+ await expect( secondSectionEnd ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionStart ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( thirdSectionEnd ).toBeInViewport();
+ await expect( fourthSectionStart ).not.toBeInViewport();
+ } );
} );