Try ordering colors in color variations with body and text colors first #62117
Global Styles
Anything related to the broader Global Styles efforts, including Styles Engine and theme.json
[Status] In Progress
Tracking issues with work in progress
[Type] Enhancement
A suggestion for improvement.
Currently color palette colors are ordered exactly as depicted in a theme variation's JSON file. The challenge here is that it's difficult to parse which palette would be considered a "dark" palette.
For example, in the visual below, the last color palette sets the background of the site to dark green, but it's unclear that it does so, as the variation has more than five colors (the current max colors visible in a palette) and the color used as the background color is not visible in the palette.
A proposal could be to use the color assigned as the body background color first, the color assigned as the body text color second, and then the remaining colors in order up to five.
The result would be what's depicted on the right:
Perhaps not 100% ideal, but there is more clarity. Thoughts?
Related #61215
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: