diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-interactivity.js b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-interactivity.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b0d39ef3ca4d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-interactivity.js
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ * WordPress dependencies
+ */
+import { store as wpStore } from '@wordpress/interactivity';
+const focusableSelectors = [
+ 'a[href]',
+ 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])',
+ 'select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
+ 'textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
+ 'button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
+ '[contenteditable]',
+ '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"])',
+const openMenu = ( store, menuOpenedOn ) => {
+ const { context, ref, selectors } = store;
+ selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store )[ menuOpenedOn ] = true;
+ context.core.navigation.previousFocus = ref;
+ if ( context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' ) {
+ // Add a `has-modal-open` class to the root.
+ document.documentElement.classList.add( 'has-modal-open' );
+ }
+const closeMenu = ( store, menuClosedOn ) => {
+ const { context, selectors } = store;
+ selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store )[ menuClosedOn ] = false;
+ // Check if the menu is still open or not.
+ if ( ! selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
+ if (
+ context.core.navigation.modal?.contains(
+ window.document.activeElement
+ )
+ ) {
+ context.core.navigation.previousFocus.focus();
+ }
+ context.core.navigation.modal = null;
+ context.core.navigation.previousFocus = null;
+ if ( context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' ) {
+ document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'has-modal-open' );
+ }
+ }
+wpStore( {
+ effects: {
+ core: {
+ navigation: {
+ initMenu: ( store ) => {
+ const { context, selectors, ref } = store;
+ if ( selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
+ const focusableElements =
+ ref.querySelectorAll( focusableSelectors );
+ context.core.navigation.modal = ref;
+ context.core.navigation.firstFocusableElement =
+ focusableElements[ 0 ];
+ context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement =
+ focusableElements[ focusableElements.length - 1 ];
+ }
+ },
+ focusFirstElement: ( store ) => {
+ const { selectors, ref } = store;
+ if ( selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
+ ref.querySelector(
+ '.wp-block-navigation-item > *:first-child'
+ ).focus();
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ selectors: {
+ core: {
+ navigation: {
+ roleAttribute: ( store ) => {
+ const { context, selectors } = store;
+ return context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' &&
+ selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store )
+ ? 'dialog'
+ : '';
+ },
+ isMenuOpen: ( { context } ) =>
+ // The menu is opened if either `click`, `hover` or `focus` is true.
+ Object.values(
+ context.core.navigation[
+ context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay'
+ ? 'overlayOpenedBy'
+ : 'submenuOpenedBy'
+ ]
+ ).filter( Boolean ).length > 0,
+ menuOpenedBy: ( { context } ) =>
+ context.core.navigation[
+ context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay'
+ ? 'overlayOpenedBy'
+ : 'submenuOpenedBy'
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ actions: {
+ core: {
+ navigation: {
+ openMenuOnHover( store ) {
+ const { navigation } = store.context.core;
+ if (
+ navigation.type === 'submenu' &&
+ // Only open on hover if the overlay is closed.
+ Object.values(
+ navigation.overlayOpenedBy || {}
+ ).filter( Boolean ).length === 0
+ )
+ openMenu( store, 'hover' );
+ },
+ closeMenuOnHover( store ) {
+ closeMenu( store, 'hover' );
+ },
+ openMenuOnClick( store ) {
+ openMenu( store, 'click' );
+ },
+ closeMenuOnClick( store ) {
+ closeMenu( store, 'click' );
+ closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
+ },
+ openMenuOnFocus( store ) {
+ openMenu( store, 'focus' );
+ },
+ toggleMenuOnClick: ( store ) => {
+ const { selectors } = store;
+ const menuOpenedBy =
+ selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store );
+ if ( menuOpenedBy.click || menuOpenedBy.focus ) {
+ closeMenu( store, 'click' );
+ closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
+ } else {
+ openMenu( store, 'click' );
+ }
+ },
+ handleMenuKeydown: ( store ) => {
+ const { context, selectors, event } = store;
+ if (
+ selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store ).click
+ ) {
+ // If Escape close the menu.
+ if ( event?.key === 'Escape' ) {
+ closeMenu( store, 'click' );
+ closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
+ return;
+ }
+ // Trap focus if it is an overlay (main menu).
+ if (
+ context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' &&
+ event.key === 'Tab'
+ ) {
+ // If shift + tab it change the direction.
+ if (
+ event.shiftKey &&
+ window.document.activeElement ===
+ context.core.navigation
+ .firstFocusableElement
+ ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement.focus();
+ } else if (
+ ! event.shiftKey &&
+ window.document.activeElement ===
+ context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement
+ ) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ context.core.navigation.firstFocusableElement.focus();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ handleMenuFocusout: ( store ) => {
+ const { context, event } = store;
+ // If focus is outside modal, and in the document, close menu
+ // event.target === The element losing focus
+ // event.relatedTarget === The element receiving focus (if any)
+ // When focusout is outsite the document,
+ // `window.document.activeElement` doesn't change.
+ if (
+ ! context.core.navigation.modal?.contains(
+ event.relatedTarget
+ ) &&
+ event.target !== window.document.activeElement
+ ) {
+ closeMenu( store, 'click' );
+ closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+} );
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-modal.js b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-modal.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..9477d262816d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view-modal.js
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ * External dependencies
+ */
+import MicroModal from 'micromodal';
+// Responsive navigation toggle.
+function navigationToggleModal( modal ) {
+ const dialogContainer = modal.querySelector(
+ `.wp-block-navigation__responsive-dialog`
+ );
+ const isHidden = 'true' === modal.getAttribute( 'aria-hidden' );
+ modal.classList.toggle( 'has-modal-open', ! isHidden );
+ dialogContainer.toggleAttribute( 'aria-modal', ! isHidden );
+ if ( isHidden ) {
+ dialogContainer.removeAttribute( 'role' );
+ dialogContainer.removeAttribute( 'aria-modal' );
+ } else {
+ dialogContainer.setAttribute( 'role', 'dialog' );
+ dialogContainer.setAttribute( 'aria-modal', 'true' );
+ }
+ // Add a class to indicate the modal is open.
+ const htmlElement = document.documentElement;
+ htmlElement.classList.toggle( 'has-modal-open' );
+function isLinkToAnchorOnCurrentPage( node ) {
+ return (
+ node.hash &&
+ node.protocol === window.location.protocol &&
+ node.host === window.location.host &&
+ node.pathname === window.location.pathname &&
+ node.search === window.location.search
+ );
+window.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
+ MicroModal.init( {
+ onShow: navigationToggleModal,
+ onClose: navigationToggleModal,
+ openClass: 'is-menu-open',
+ } );
+ // Close modal automatically on clicking anchor links inside modal.
+ const navigationLinks = document.querySelectorAll(
+ '.wp-block-navigation-item__content'
+ );
+ navigationLinks.forEach( function ( link ) {
+ // Ignore non-anchor links and anchor links which open on a new tab.
+ if (
+ ! isLinkToAnchorOnCurrentPage( link ) ||
+ link.attributes?.target === '_blank'
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Find the specific parent modal for this link
+ // since .close() won't work without an ID if there are
+ // multiple navigation menus in a post/page.
+ const modal = link.closest(
+ '.wp-block-navigation__responsive-container'
+ );
+ const modalId = modal?.getAttribute( 'id' );
+ link.addEventListener( 'click', () => {
+ // check if modal exists and is open before trying to close it
+ // otherwise Micromodal will toggle the `has-modal-open` class
+ // on the html tag which prevents scrolling
+ if ( modalId && modal.classList.contains( 'has-modal-open' ) ) {
+ MicroModal.close( modalId );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+} );
diff --git a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view.js b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view.js
index b0d39ef3ca4d5..19805a44ae4ae 100644
--- a/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view.js
+++ b/packages/block-library/src/navigation/view.js
@@ -1,196 +1,74 @@
- * WordPress dependencies
- */
-import { store as wpStore } from '@wordpress/interactivity';
+// Open on click functionality.
+function closeSubmenus( element ) {
+ element
+ .querySelectorAll( '[aria-expanded="true"]' )
+ .forEach( function ( toggle ) {
+ toggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'false' );
+ } );
-const focusableSelectors = [
- 'a[href]',
- 'input:not([disabled]):not([type="hidden"]):not([aria-hidden])',
- 'select:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
- 'textarea:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
- 'button:not([disabled]):not([aria-hidden])',
- '[contenteditable]',
- '[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"])',
+function toggleSubmenuOnClick( event ) {
+ const buttonToggle = event.target.closest( '[aria-expanded]' );
+ const isSubmenuOpen = buttonToggle.getAttribute( 'aria-expanded' );
-const openMenu = ( store, menuOpenedOn ) => {
- const { context, ref, selectors } = store;
- selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store )[ menuOpenedOn ] = true;
- context.core.navigation.previousFocus = ref;
- if ( context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' ) {
- // Add a `has-modal-open` class to the root.
- document.documentElement.classList.add( 'has-modal-open' );
+ if ( isSubmenuOpen === 'true' ) {
+ closeSubmenus( buttonToggle.closest( '.wp-block-navigation-item' ) );
+ } else {
+ // Close all sibling submenus.
+ const parentElement = buttonToggle.closest(
+ '.wp-block-navigation-item'
+ );
+ const navigationParent = buttonToggle.closest(
+ '.wp-block-navigation__submenu-container, .wp-block-navigation__container, .wp-block-page-list'
+ );
+ navigationParent
+ .querySelectorAll( '.wp-block-navigation-item' )
+ .forEach( function ( child ) {
+ if ( child !== parentElement ) {
+ closeSubmenus( child );
+ }
+ } );
+ // Open submenu.
+ buttonToggle.setAttribute( 'aria-expanded', 'true' );
-const closeMenu = ( store, menuClosedOn ) => {
- const { context, selectors } = store;
- selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store )[ menuClosedOn ] = false;
- // Check if the menu is still open or not.
- if ( ! selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
- if (
- context.core.navigation.modal?.contains(
- window.document.activeElement
- )
- ) {
- context.core.navigation.previousFocus.focus();
- }
- context.core.navigation.modal = null;
- context.core.navigation.previousFocus = null;
- if ( context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' ) {
- document.documentElement.classList.remove( 'has-modal-open' );
- }
- }
+// Necessary for some themes such as TT1 Blocks, where
+// scripts could be loaded before the body.
+window.addEventListener( 'load', () => {
+ const submenuButtons = document.querySelectorAll(
+ '.wp-block-navigation-submenu__toggle'
+ );
-wpStore( {
- effects: {
- core: {
- navigation: {
- initMenu: ( store ) => {
- const { context, selectors, ref } = store;
- if ( selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
- const focusableElements =
- ref.querySelectorAll( focusableSelectors );
- context.core.navigation.modal = ref;
- context.core.navigation.firstFocusableElement =
- focusableElements[ 0 ];
- context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement =
- focusableElements[ focusableElements.length - 1 ];
- }
- },
- focusFirstElement: ( store ) => {
- const { selectors, ref } = store;
- if ( selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store ) ) {
- ref.querySelector(
- '.wp-block-navigation-item > *:first-child'
- ).focus();
- }
- },
- },
- },
- },
- selectors: {
- core: {
- navigation: {
- roleAttribute: ( store ) => {
- const { context, selectors } = store;
- return context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' &&
- selectors.core.navigation.isMenuOpen( store )
- ? 'dialog'
- : '';
- },
- isMenuOpen: ( { context } ) =>
- // The menu is opened if either `click`, `hover` or `focus` is true.
- Object.values(
- context.core.navigation[
- context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay'
- ? 'overlayOpenedBy'
- : 'submenuOpenedBy'
- ]
- ).filter( Boolean ).length > 0,
- menuOpenedBy: ( { context } ) =>
- context.core.navigation[
- context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay'
- ? 'overlayOpenedBy'
- : 'submenuOpenedBy'
- ],
- },
- },
- },
- actions: {
- core: {
- navigation: {
- openMenuOnHover( store ) {
- const { navigation } = store.context.core;
- if (
- navigation.type === 'submenu' &&
- // Only open on hover if the overlay is closed.
- Object.values(
- navigation.overlayOpenedBy || {}
- ).filter( Boolean ).length === 0
- )
- openMenu( store, 'hover' );
- },
- closeMenuOnHover( store ) {
- closeMenu( store, 'hover' );
- },
- openMenuOnClick( store ) {
- openMenu( store, 'click' );
- },
- closeMenuOnClick( store ) {
- closeMenu( store, 'click' );
- closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
- },
- openMenuOnFocus( store ) {
- openMenu( store, 'focus' );
- },
- toggleMenuOnClick: ( store ) => {
- const { selectors } = store;
- const menuOpenedBy =
- selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store );
- if ( menuOpenedBy.click || menuOpenedBy.focus ) {
- closeMenu( store, 'click' );
- closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
- } else {
- openMenu( store, 'click' );
- }
- },
- handleMenuKeydown: ( store ) => {
- const { context, selectors, event } = store;
- if (
- selectors.core.navigation.menuOpenedBy( store ).click
- ) {
- // If Escape close the menu.
- if ( event?.key === 'Escape' ) {
- closeMenu( store, 'click' );
- closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
- return;
- }
+ submenuButtons.forEach( function ( button ) {
+ button.addEventListener( 'click', toggleSubmenuOnClick );
+ } );
- // Trap focus if it is an overlay (main menu).
- if (
- context.core.navigation.type === 'overlay' &&
- event.key === 'Tab'
- ) {
- // If shift + tab it change the direction.
- if (
- event.shiftKey &&
- window.document.activeElement ===
- context.core.navigation
- .firstFocusableElement
- ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement.focus();
- } else if (
- ! event.shiftKey &&
- window.document.activeElement ===
- context.core.navigation.lastFocusableElement
- ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- context.core.navigation.firstFocusableElement.focus();
- }
- }
- }
- },
- handleMenuFocusout: ( store ) => {
- const { context, event } = store;
- // If focus is outside modal, and in the document, close menu
- // event.target === The element losing focus
- // event.relatedTarget === The element receiving focus (if any)
- // When focusout is outsite the document,
- // `window.document.activeElement` doesn't change.
- if (
- ! context.core.navigation.modal?.contains(
- event.relatedTarget
- ) &&
- event.target !== window.document.activeElement
- ) {
- closeMenu( store, 'click' );
- closeMenu( store, 'focus' );
- }
- },
- },
- },
- },
+ // Close on click outside.
+ document.addEventListener( 'click', function ( event ) {
+ const navigationBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(
+ '.wp-block-navigation'
+ );
+ navigationBlocks.forEach( function ( block ) {
+ if ( ! block.contains( event.target ) ) {
+ closeSubmenus( block );
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
+ // Close on focus outside or escape key.
+ document.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) {
+ const submenuBlocks = document.querySelectorAll(
+ '.wp-block-navigation-item.has-child'
+ );
+ submenuBlocks.forEach( function ( block ) {
+ if ( ! block.contains( event.target ) ) {
+ closeSubmenus( block );
+ } else if ( event.key === 'Escape' ) {
+ const toggle = block.querySelector( '[aria-expanded="true"]' );
+ closeSubmenus( block );
+ // Focus the submenu trigger so focus does not get trapped in the closed submenu.
+ toggle?.focus();
+ }
+ } );
+ } );
} );