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File metadata and controls

130 lines (103 loc) · 6.83 KB


This is a brief document detailing how metabox support works in Gutenberg. With the superior developer and user experience of blocks however, especially once, block templates are available, converting PHP metaboxes to blocks is highly encouraged!


Each metabox area is rendered by a React component containing an iframe. Each iframe will render a partial page containing only metaboxes for that area. Metabox data is collected and used for conditional rendering.

Metabox Data Collection

On each Gutenberg page load, the global state of post.php is mimicked, this is hooked in as far back as plugins_loaded.

See lib/register.php gutenberg_trick_plugins_into_registering_metaboxes()

This will register two new actions, one that fakes the global post state, and one that collects the metabox data to determine if an area is empty.

gutenberg_set_post_state() is hooked in early on admin_head to fake the post state. This is necessary for ACF to work, no other metabox frameworks seem to have this problem. ACF will grab the $post->post_type to determine whether a box should be registered. Later in admin_head ACF will register the metaboxes.

Hooked in later on admin_head is gutenberg_collect_metabox_data(), this will run through the functions and hooks that post.php runs to register metaboxes; namely add_meta_boxes, add_meta_boxes_{$post->post_type}, and do_meta_boxes.

A copy of the global $wp_meta_boxes is made then filtered through apply_filters( 'filter_gutenberg_metaboxes', $_metaboxes_copy );, which will strip out any core metaboxes along with standard custom taxonomy metaboxes.

Then each location for this particular type of metabox is checked for whether it is active. If it is not empty a value of true is stored, if it is empty a value of false is stored. This metabox location data is then dispatched by the editor Redux store in INITIALIZE_METABOX_STATE.

Ideally, this could be done at instantiation of the editor, and help simplify, this flow. However, it is not possible to know the metabox state before admin_enqueue_scripts where we are calling createEditorInstance(). This will have to do.

Redux and React Metabox Management.

The Redux store by default will hold all metaboxes as inactive. When INITIALIZE_METABOX_STATE comes in, the store will update any active metabox areas by setting the isActive flag to true. Once this happens React will check for the new props sent in by Redux on the Metabox component. If that Metabox is now active, instead of rendering null, a MetaboxIframe component will be rendered. The Metabox component is the container component that mediates between the MetaboxIframe and the Redux Store. If no metaboxes are active, nothing happens. This will be the default behavior, as all core metaboxes have been stripped.

MetaboxIframe Component

When the component renders it will store a ref to the iframe, the component will set up a listener for post messages for resizing. assets/js/metabox.js is loaded inside the iframe and will send up postMessages for resizing, which the MetaboxIframe Component will use to manage its state. A mutation observer will also be created when the iframe loads. The observer will detect whether, any DOM changes have happened in the iframe, input and change event listeners will also be attached to check for changes.

The change detection will store the current form's FormData, then whenever a change is detected the current form data will be checked vs, the original form data. This serves as a way to see if the metabox state is dirty. When the metabox state has been detected to have changed, a Redux action METABOX_STATE_CHANGED is dispatched, updating the store setting the isDirty flag to true. If the state ever returns back to the original form data, METABOX_STATE_CHANGED is dispatched again to set the isDirty flag to false. A selector isMetaboxStateDirty() is used to help check whether the post can be updated. It checks each metabox for whether it is dirty, and if there is at least one dirty metabox, it will return true. This dirty detection does not impact creating new posts, as the content will have to change before metaboxes can trigger the overall dirty state.

When the post is updated, only metaboxes that are active and dirty, will be submitted. This removes any unnecessary requests being made. No extra revisions, are created either by the metabox submissions. A redux action will trigger on REQUEST_POST_UPDATE for any dirty metabox. See editor/effects.js. The REQUEST_METABOX_UPDATE action will set that metabox's state to isUpdating, the isUpdating prop will be sent into the MetaboxIframe and cause a form submission. After loading, the original change detection process is fired again to handle the new state. Double buffering the iframes here will improve the user experience quite a bit, as there currently is a flicker.

Iframe serving a partial page.

Each iframe will point to an individual source. These are partial pages being served by post.php. Why this approach? By using post.php directly, we don't have to worry as much about getting the global state 100% correct for each and every use case of a metabox, especially when it comes to saving. Essentially, when post.php loads it will set up all of its state correctly, and when it hits the three do_action( 'do_meta_boxes' ) hooks it will trigger our partial page.

gutenberg_metabox_partial_page() is used to render the metaboxes for a context then exit the execution thread early. A metabox request parameter is used to trigger this early exit. The metabox request parameter should match one of 'advanced', 'normal', or 'side'. This value will determine which metabox area is served. So an example url would look like:$location

This url is automatically passed into React via a _wpMetaboxUrl global variable. The partial page is very similar to post.php and pretty much imitates it and after rendering the metaboxes via do_meta_boxes() it exits early and does some hook clean up. There are two extra files that are enqueued; both with a handle metabox-gutenberg. One is the js file from assets/js/metabox.js, which resizes the iframe. The stylesheet is generated by webpack from editor/metaboxes/metabox-iframe.scss and built into editor/build/metabox-iframe.css

These styles make use of some of the SASS variables, so that as the Gutenberg UI updates so will the Metaboxes.

The partial page mimics the post.php post form, so when it is submitted it will normally fire all of the necessary hooks and actions, and have the proper global state to correctly fire any PHP metabox mumbo jumbo without needing to modify any existing code. On successful submission the page will be reloaded back to the same partial page with updated data.

Wrap Up.

There are some other details I am probably forgetting but this is a pretty good overview.