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Using WireMock in UnitTests

Stef Heyenrath edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 11 revisions

WireMock with your favorite UnitTest framework

Obviously you can use your favorite test framework and use WireMock.Net within your tests. In order to avoid flaky tests you should:

  • let WireMock.Net choose ports dynamically. Avoid hard coded ports in your tests. This can cause issues when running these unit-tests on a build-server, there is not 100% guarantee that this port will be free on the OS.
  • clean up the request log or shutdown the server at the end of each test

Below a simple example using Nunit and NFluent test assertion library:

public void StartMockServer()
    _server = WireMockServer.Start();

public async Task Should_respond_to_request()
  // Arrange (start WireMock.Net server)
        .WithBody(@"{ ""msg"": ""Hello world!"" }")

  // Act (use a HttpClient which connects to the URL where WireMock.Net is running)
  var response = await new HttpClient().PostAsync($"{_server.Urls[0]}/__admin/mappings", stringContent);
  // Assert

public void ShutdownServer()

For some more examples: see

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