- Foreword
- Preface
- Chapter 1: What Is JavaScript?
- Name
- Many Faces
- Specification
- Backwards & Forwards
- What's In an Interpretation?
- Strictly Speaking
- Defined
- Chapter 2: Getting To Know JS
- Files As Programs
- Values
- Variables
- Functions
- Comparisons
- Code Organization
- Before You Go On
- Chapter 3: Exploring Deeper
- Closure
Keyword- Prototypes
- Iteration
- Asking Why
- Chapter 4: The Rest
- Pillar 1: Scope and Closure
- Pillar 2: Prototypes
- Pillar 3: Types and Coercion
- In Order
- With The Grain
- Appendix A: Practice, Practice, Practice!
- Practicing Comparisons
- Practicing Closure
- Practicing Prototypes
- Suggested Solutions